why are Poles here much more butthurt than Czechs?
Why are Poles here much more butthurt than Czechs?
I'm not
Why are the Japanese so short compared to Koreans?
Is it the weaker genes?
38 mln poles vs 10 mln czechs we have just more autists
She is polish for example. But everyone says that russian. This is why.
Czechs are irrelevant since forever.
We since 1939.
>why are Poles butthurt
>Poles immediately butthurt
really makes you think
Pamiętujcie o polakach jakie żyją nie w Posce. Pamiętujcie pro Białoruś i Lotwę, jakie są częścią Wielkej Polski...
Pamiętujcie o polakach z Syberii, Peterburgu i Moskwie.
Because Czechs are people unlike Poles.
Do czech'em care about anything else except beer and hockey?
They are all atheists after all so they must be low energy betas.
They're passive faggots.
I don't know. It just doesn't check out.
she's not
poles are primitive animals with 70IQ uga buga all day everything triggers them
Get off of Czechbros your filthy mongrel before I lay my Polish butthurt upon thee. Czechs are a cute! A cute!
fucking true about this kurwa polakens. glazurnik's polaczkes all have a granice.
t. marcel
I am more polish that 99.99999999% of all poles my grandparents are from wilno and lwów my first words were "bóg honor ojczyzna"
Poles are trash. Czechs are superior.
aren't you a guy posting pic rel and other bullshit though?
no but I often make fun of him
he's not me
I'm here
I liek Czech republik
I'm not
Ah okay. Everything clear now.
Guns, cars, and countries more relevant than Funland.
>Do czech'em care about anything else except beer and hockey?
We like nature(every family here have summer house in countryside), picking mushrooms in the forest, swimming naked in ponds, we like oir history(family trips every weekend to castles) and dogs(most digs per capita in europe)
>tfw not borned Czech
Because Czechs sadly are germans-wannabes and germans take it in the ass with pleasure while eating out old, wrinkled merkel cunt.
Its just Sup Forums meme, no one here wants to be "germanic" shit
I know, silly. I tried to be memester ;_;
Also czeched your repeating digits.
Polak po krwi nawet na Księżycu będzie polakiem.
desu we are butthurt af too
For example most people believe that we are better than other slavs etc.
But we are
You are created the slav culture. Also our language is going to be like yours, we will pronunciate ij, yj, as í ý, aja as á, just like you
We have to use latin alphabet to.
Russkí tóže dólžin być na latinice.
Actually we write dolžen, but our non- stress e is going to be short i
The Poles where once the center of European Culture, some today even boast about a hairy genetic deformity growing on top of the skin around the wrist area as "genetic proof of relation to prior Polish Royalty".
They would raid the Slavic lands in Armor, with white wings.
Then they found out who they really where when WW2 came and then Finally, got cut down with Polish jokes starting from the 80's.
Its easy to call oneself smart but its not easy for the niggers to accept fact.
on one side NATO and on the Other side Modern day Russia, Friends with one but never the other because they are in fact to stupid to dig themselves out of the economic mess they dug themselves into.
To stupid to realize, How convenient it was for America/NATO when they lost a president in an aircraft incident and blamed the Russians.
Who knows, maybe it is the Polish Scientific community in charge of researching Dark matter hehe.
:^) Yes. :^)
They lack the calming effect of a blue triangle on their flag and German genetics.
Pole on imageboards is like nigger walking into ku-klux klan meeting, muh heritage naziphiles hate you, westerners hate you for dumping bydlo migrants on them etc
desu if you stick around for a while you get used to it, it's actually chiller here than it used to be a few years ago.
Because we learned to use lube.
Czechs are the only civilized Slavs desu.
>American criticizes civilization.
I've seen it all.
Oi! We's well posh, we is!
we have better PR