Sick of seeing so many threads dedicated to this garbage country and its insufferable inhabitants
This thread is a safe space where we can share what we hate about the French, and express our joy at the nice events.
Sick of seeing so many threads dedicated to this garbage country and its insufferable inhabitants
This thread is a safe space where we can share what we hate about the French, and express our joy at the nice events.
Francophobia is a mental illness
I like france.
>Sick of seeing so many threads dedicated to this garbage country and its insufferable inhabitants
>This thread is a safe space where we can share what we hate about the French,
>and express our joy at the nice events.
... you had me until here, Jan-Jaap
No, it's a natural response to frog's behaviour. Remember when basque terrorists used France as a safe place to hide while murdering spanish people and you didn't give a fuck till they murderer some of you? Now karma is calling at your door.
Pls don't bully France.
They are our greatest ally.
I like gouda and clogs.
t b h no i don't remember who the fuck even gives a fuck about these little things that happened decades ago ?
almost as bad as that hungarian in the other thread STILL blaming us for WW1, more than 100 years later
learn to move on already user, i think you're the ones who have problems here
Hissss fuck off
OP est une tarlouze
what about french victims of ETA? Monbar hotel & cafe des pyrénnées in Bayonne for exemple?? Go back stretch your anus with chorizo jose.
spanish police is shit
>Remember when basque terrorists used France as a safe place to hide while murdering spanish people
Good times.
t. Mahmoud ben juncker al weedani
Bouhlel pls go
fuck france
I don't have amy problem, I just enjoy the current situation of France. It's like witnessing Spain during the 8tch century. It's just amusing how you call us moors while the real moors are genociding frogs by having babies our murdering you while we speak.
Hello my dutch friend
I hate French too but trucking children triggered me tbqh.
Indeed, we are living good times. Every frog dead makes me happy desu. I always wonder when muslims are going to hit France so I can come here and drink your surrender tears.
enjoy your full unemployment, your neets and your moors genes, you weak irrelevant country
at least i have a job
We like to talk but we hate to listen, our biggest issue
cant handle the bantz
I'm employed, Mamadou, and by your work schedule you aren't. Just get truck'd and already die.
12% muslim you have no rights to talk
>he doesn't know what RTT are, KEEEEEK
>Import trash
>Cry when it causes problems
Why are Parisians such cunts? Seriously,why?
your flag is the french flag on the side.
why your usages are to rape women on bus and shit in public? It's not even an immigration problem like we have, you literally enjoy and are proud of this
I don't care
>someone asks me what I think about the attacks in France
>say fuck em, they deserved it and more for the atrocities against the ummah they committed
>unit 731
of course you don't care, it's not enough subhuman in your point of view
Trump is gonna win and deport you back wherever you come from
We, Muslims in Bulgaria don't go screaming ALLAHU AKBAR and kill every person in our sight
You have less Muslims than here and yet your country is a bigger shithole
KEEEEEK, who would enjoy to live in Bulgaria instead of France, top kekekekek
France is dogshit.
May another terrorist attack strike your shitty, mudslime infested capital.
Why the fuck would I want to live in fucking France? You have terrorist attacks every month now
Besides your people are ugly as hell. Muslim men look like they have glued their pubic hair on their faces while Muslim women are like ninja lol
And here you wouldn't even see a difference between a Turk, Pomak and Bulgarian
Plus Muslim women do not wear hijab, they only cover their heads when they get old
Enjoy your hellhole
>why your usages are to rape women on bus and shit in public?
Is this even English?
What's wrong with you people?
French are our bros
I don't know what sickens me more, Muslims like this faggot posting under the Dutch flag or the fact that our goverment tells us they'll integrate some day.
Rester tard au travail ?
4th reich when
hahahaha burka is forbidden in France you uneducated count.
>And here you wouldn't even see a difference between a Turk, Pomak and Bulgarian
of course i don't you all tanned gypsy subhumans
>Why the fuck would I want to live in fucking France? You have terrorist attacks every month now
that's wrong af and on the 11 terrorists who commited attacks during those 2 years only 3 were french or born in France, all the other were syrian migrants, belgium or else.
Wow bro, you sure are edgy.
non, c'est avoir son vendredi aprem de libre.
I wish the deads were french posters on Sup Forums.
They are so arrogant and rude
we all have seen how good is your police Mr. frog.
>this butthurt
Cagalán spotted.
French "men" should be killed and the women partitioned between fellow Southern Europeans (the good looking ones) and muzzies (the ugly ones).
Wow I didn't know Sup Forums had such a Muslim infestation.
I just want to preface my comment by saying that I find last night's event horrible. Nobody deserves that shit.
I still have a strong dislike for the French, though. They come here and instead of being polite and forthcoming by speaking English, they decide that French should be good enough. They still think that their country plays an important role in world politics, and that their shitty local products are known across the world.
They are so fucking full of themselves. I had a French girl in my class once, who would always give France credit for other countries' products. LG? French. Land Rover? French. Spaghetti? French.
Fucking ridiculous.
Fuck the French.
I'm glad you lost the European championship.
not him but whyd you get so mad and jump to a shitty conclusion. are you an asian immigrant who is obsessed with japan all day long or what? if not the case, i think, you are just an idiot.
Muslim here, with a message for you islamophobic people.
The West created this mess.
It was you who divided up the land.
It was you who put in the puppet governments.
It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.
It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.
It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.
It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.
It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.
It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.
It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.
It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.
It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.
It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.
It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.
It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.
It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.
You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.
annoys me too. somehow, all french think pretty much everything is french. its almost like a mini-america here
They are still butthurt about french losing lingua franca status.
>we din do nuffin
Do you think somebody is going to take the bait?
Frogs desrve it.
Remember that algerian men, women and children massacred by de Gaulle's army.
3 mln of them killed.
>be French
>get run over by a truck
>3 mln of them killed
nah it's more 2 billion i'm sure i've seen it in Sup Forums
for their weak response after charlie hebdo and the paris attacks i feel no sympathy for france
1,5 mln confirmed, and many missing.
Also, you used german nazi mercenaries in Africa.
confrimed by who? algerian butthurts?
pls dont
Ah, c'est beau la propagande, on se dit toujours que ça n'arrive qu'aux autres.
Ah, propaganda is beautiful, we alway tell ourselves that it only happen to other people.
Nice IS AS ABOUT AS FRENCH AS ALGERIA, IT WAS ONLY UNDER FRENCH CONTROL FOR ABOUT 150 years while Algeria was under french control for 130 years.
And here is 500k, but this is still too much for civilians.
Hell, even nazies killed less frogs in 40s.
%%Actually I'm just trolling. Personally I hate black "people" and muslims.%%
yeah people died 60 years ago and today civilians should be murdered ? with this logic half the world is going to have to get murdered
like 60 years ago your country almost blew up the whole world
well we don't hold any grudges
>well we don't hold any grudges
You still in NATO and USA with your parliament are preparing to war with us.
France is pretty anti-nato to be honest
they dont even have nato troops in their country, unlike germany
well i wish it didn't
russian troop buildup is about 10x that of nato
We did all of that? kek