friendly reminder that unconditional '''''human rights''''' is the cancer that will kill secularism and western civilization
Friendly reminder that unconditional '''''human rights''''' is the cancer that will kill secularism and western...
Friendly reminder that """human rights""" are what separates Western culture from third world shitholes
cucks who let their countries get invaded by shitskins and their women get raped by them vs people with traditional values and aren't pussified faggots?
thanks for telling me the difference tel-avivi
Friendly reminder that Jews are not human.
This, imean im all for free speech and muh guns but at some point you have to draw the line.
ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
قتل الكفار خصوصا هذا اليمنية اليهودية مص الملصق الأصلي وطي
Don't listen to this fat retard pretty sure he has never been to Israel in his life and he talks about being some savior to Israel and raping arabs his a filthy mizrahi jew.
friendly reminder that ''''rights''''' should not be unconditional, and should be thrown out for those who do not allow the rights of others to be fulfilled
then no human rights for jews
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> Welcome to Sup Forums Anonymous ## Mod 08/05/13(Mon)12:41:53 No.13531746 [Reply]▶
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>File: x.png (12 KB, 655x330)
> Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)21:42:33 No.62120153 [Reply]▶
>friendly reminder that unconditional '''''human rights''''' is the cancer that will kill secularism and western civilization
>5 replies omitted. Click here to view.
> Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)21:45:33 No.62120239▶
> Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)21:46:47 No.62120265▶
>File: image.jpg (68 KB, 800x552)
>This, imean im all for free speech and muh guns but at some point you have to draw the line.
> Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)21:46:51 No.62120270▶
>File: rp.muslim.protesters[1].jpg (79 KB, 410x241)
>ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>قتل الكفار خصوصا هذا اليمنية اليهودية مص الملصق الأصلي وطي
> Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)21:47:14 No.62120286▶
>Don't listen to this fat retard pretty sure he has never been to Israel in his life and he talks about being some savior to Israel and raping arabs his a filthy mizrahi jew.
> Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)21:47:57 No.62120311▶
>friendly reminder that ''''rights''''' should not be unconditional, and should be thrown out for those who do not allow the rights of others to be fulfilled
>File: Polish_'Zapiekanka'.jpg (86 KB, 800x600)
> /polska/ Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)14:14:59 No.62109659 [Reply]▶
>edycja po co dalej żyć
why can't you keep yourself busy another way?
why don't you suck your boyfriend ahmed's dick some more?
I agree. It's Germany's fault, though. No, they couldn't just start a normal war but they had to go full autistic and start a fucking genocide.
>getting smashed in pieces like a potter's vessel
>girding yourself but getting broken in pieces
>being a waster which was created to destroy
really makes you think
Someone born outside of Israel is never going to be a savior let alone a fat mizrahi jew.
You can have human rights while avoiding the retarded social policies that led to millions of angry, unassimilated Muslims in France.
sad but true. The only good thing about it is a lot of goyim will die in process
meir kahane was born in america leftist faggot
>muslims are good boys they dindu nuffin it was the oppressive white man government
fuck off justin
A bad read.
The Multicultural model of building parallel communities failed hard. Nowhere worse than with the barbarism of unreformed Islam. It was optional to take Maghrebis to begin with, of course.