American culture

>American culture

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>polish culture

what the fuck am I watching.

victims of rape

What is going on?

Whats going on here

yeah, la, we can get pretty intense on a drop of a hat. 0-100 in a blink of an eye, succka

Why Americans nowadays act like children who just found out that rape, racism and drugs exist in their society?

You can only survive something that would have otherwise killed you.
You can't survive rape unless the rapist wanted to turn that rape into murder. In which case you are an attempted murder survivor.
>dumbshit leftists in charge of understanding their own language

They slept with men and then later decided to regret it


That make sense

this τbh.
you're a rape victim

I got shot accidentally while hunting when I was younger and I'd rather be raped than shot

I guess some of the other issues have been resolved. So you move to the next one.

Is it marxism or decades of turning the population into simpletons who are driven towards any cause the media points out to them? I also believe that transformation in society happened through capitalism rather than marxism in the US. Correct me if I am wrong.

wtf there are so many ""MEN"",Your truck coming when?

It's cultural marxism.

>I guess some of the other issues have been resolved
Like what? What issues have been resolved in the US in the past few decades? I am intrigued

somebody please tell me that this appears at auswitz

I don't know. Just a guess.

BLANDA UPPing is legal. Women are considered human now.

How so? If the main culprit to this mentality is consumerism? People just turned into brain dead brats.

there's a reason this shit is coming from academia
18% of social science professors consider themselves flat out 'marxists', 24% of social science and 19% of humanities professors consider themselves 'radicals'

But that happened prior to when most of current youth generations were alive, so basically none of the issues that were in the past few decades were resolved during the last few generations lives.

These issues were made relevant by the political left ie:. marxists.

>18% of social science professors consider themselves flat out 'marxists', 24% of social science and 19% of humanities professors consider themselves 'radicals'

this was taken in 2006, btw. It's probably far, far higher now.


>The more educated they are, the more far left they are

Really makes you think.......

Obviously this BGM

I remember Noam Chomsky(heh) once doing a study or a review where he found the more educated someone is the more likely they are to be indoctrinated. I'd have to go dig for it

Looks spooky. Like some sect saluting.

But tyrone over 70% of Americans don't have a college degree. Not to mention when you compare the rest with the percentage of your "social science" evil masterminds with the entire education system it puts them in a very tiny percentage to cause a huge effect on the population.

Education =/= intelligence

>>But tyrone over 70% of Americans don't have a college degree
1 in 2 millennials either have a college degree or are in college

>puts them in a very tiny percentage to cause a huge effect on the population.
They have a lot of influence in schools and education. It's where we get this multiculti PC bullshit trickledown throughout society

Indoctrination, you said?

But they are in power. Ever heard of George Soros? He's a billionaire who puts a lot of money into spreading this ideology.

But millennials aren't the entire population which is why colonel sanders failed

Could be, but are you sure that this marxism is the only reason American society is focusing on issues from a shallow point of view?

BTW, it also explains why women are overwhelmingly the face of this shit.
Roughly 2/3rds of college enrollment are now females, the majority of which go into humanities & social sciences.

Could be the jews too.

But Soros isn't the only billionaire with an agenda in the US

That's true. There are others as well.

whoops, wrong image

>tfw optimus prime is a Decepticon

Not only, but this was decades in the making. It's pretty much confirmed that there'd been Marxist infiltration of academia.

Seriously though, what is american culture?
Le jazz "music"?
Le ghetto culture?
Le firearms everywhere?
Le pie "pizza"?
Like kek, wtf

What a pathetic excuse for a country

I watched this before. I am familiar with Sup Forums subversion meme, and while it holds some grounds with it being a political tool to advance a certain agenda, it sure is naive to think that it is the only tool being used out there to influence societies for different outcomes as well. There's no denial that there's a class in all societies where power is concentrated and with power and authority comes the fear of losing that power and due to that those in powers seek to spread their own ideologies to control the crowds, and in the US you'd be stupid to think that marxists or communists are the only people in power with an agenda to push down the throats of the population in order to control them. Take for example the political right fear campaign through which they have managed to strip Americans of most of their privacy rights, and many other things on the road.

Who do you think it's behind it all?

>Not liking Jazz, Guns, and Pizza Pies

>Take for example the political right fear campaign through which they have managed to strip Americans of most of their privacy rights
>politically right

it was established by a Trotskyite with his marxist cohorts and is rooted in marxism you dip

is that selena gomez

The same tactics are being used by the right because the Right learned them in the 60's from the left wing academia that dominated the political scene. It just kind of snowballed from there.

Marxism takes many forms, any implementation of critical theory from either side is really a byproduct of Marxism being accepted. That's why you have Right wingers who think Christians are being persecuted in the same manner as Blacks or Gays in the left. It feeds off of creating division

Humans ;^)

Joking aside, it is illogical to think there's a certain group with a hold on power. It is more of decentralized group with plenty of parties involved whether bankers, politicians, businessmen, dictators...etc And anyone can join this club, you just need the money to buy your place in. So in short, money is behind it all. Anyone with money and power is part of these policies being drawn to people.

Jazz is music for people that play instruments. Can't expect a spic to know shit about art though.


Jeeeeeeeej good one my fat (non) friend :'))

And what's surprising about intellectual elites having a role in shaping societies? From the days of Plato and until Voltaire people looked up to these intellectual for guidance whether directly or by listening to their bullshit since they don't know better. That being said, I am still not convinced that marxism is the main political ideology out there being pushed on people.

While I agree with what you said about division as a political tactic, I like to ask you if you think "marxists" are the only ones benefiting from such division?

shut up, spic

>american """""insults"""""

>I like to ask you if you think "marxists" are the only ones benefiting from such division?
Of course not, but what we're seeing is a byproduct of Cultural Marxism's influence, pushed by minor KGB psyops, that got the ball rolling. They didn't really need to do much to cause both the left and right to accept critical theory as an acceptable tactic.

I am going to go along with this for a second, and I am going to conclude that there's a point where power is being concentrated after it being gathered from shaping up the society according to their "marxist" values since it is the natural result even in Soviet Union. And now I ask myself who's the people in power and gaining more power in the US? Who are the ones getting richer and have more influence? It turns out the greatest majority of them aren't even marxist or remotely close to that. So I am afraid you are following the bait rather than the fisherman.

Make me, bro

Preferably by choking my throat with your thick cock (i am a little bit gay)


>Who are the ones getting richer and have more influence? It turns out the greatest majority of them aren't even marxist or remotely close to that.
Look up the term 'useful idiot' for me

Well yes, that's my point. The things you are focusing on are being pushed by useful idiots to benefit the powerful elite who are not marxist but use this tool and many many others to achieve their goals. And that's why I am wondering why Sup Forums is focusing on this issue rather than the bigger image.

when a doctor can't figure out what's causing a medical problem their first reaction is to treat the symptoms

Chi cazzo sei tu, merdoso cane bastardo? Ti spacco il culo, recchione

>they speak wetback in europe

But both the problem and the cause of it are known, It is the unlimited power of money. If a poorfag and a richfag can have the same influence in the society, then you'll solve the problem. And I don't mean communism, I am all for free market, but also bigger on rights of individuals over corporations.

Kas ir šis "wetback" par ko tu runā?

Why schoolshooters don't kill them?

He's probably pretending to confuse Italian for Spanish.

This is what wetback means:


Ti amo bae