Based history

>based history
>ultimate dindu country
>98% white (inba >slavs >white)
>quite poor but still very high HDI
>fast growing economy
>one of the safest countries in the world(that's not a meme)
>heavily connected with the West politically and economically
>interesting art, music, literature and architecture
>comfy medieval/reneissance oldtowns

I dont know why Sup Forums hates Poland so much it seems like a really decent country, definitely not some africa tier AIDS ridden shithole like Russia.

Other urls found in this thread:

Poland has been literally cucked for the last 200 years by its neighbours

123 years of not existing as a country, not a problem, still Polish.
Germany - 50 years of GERMAN left rule, nation destroyed and cucked.
Go home Hans.

We hate you because you always try to prove how great your country is and get easily mad who cares what anyone else things.

We get mad because we are showing you: "SEE? WE WHERE RIGHT AND YOU GOT KEKED!!!"
To what you reply with some bs and keep on dragging rest of countries down.


What do any of those things you mentioned have to do with Poland, OP?

I am Warmian.

My first love was a french polish girl, she's still quite nice.
She made me interested in Poland when i was maybe 10, and for that, i like your country

Next time I see a pole I will poo on his chest

That's all very well but it doesn't change the immensely butthurt and edgy nature of many Polish posters on Sup Forums.

Are you 98% white because of the Turkic people that lives therelong ao or at least 1% is from recent immigration. How iw that a good thing?

poles will be the savior of the white race, mark my words. stay uncucked polebros.

If you weren't the IS of Slavic countries, you'd be cool. Too much evil and butthurt. Deal with it and we're friends.

>been a part of Russia or almost fully controlled longer than independent

aййййй лмao

part of russia AND Germany


Why are you so buttblasted at the Russians and Germans then?

because you're all unbelievably butthurt and generally bad posters.


How they are exactly going to do it with their low birth rate. If they manage to be white after Germany becomes an islamic country they will be cucked by neo germanistan immigration. Your only hope s inbred Amish whitey. And they might begin to accept blacks like other backwards religious communities have done.

But ur poor af lol

This thread needs to be written in Cyrillic to cause some more heavy butthurt.

>some africa tier AIDS ridden shithole like Russia.
I wish EU gib us moniz too, 2bh.

>interesting art, music, literature, and architecture
Kek. 1. What art? 2. I can think of three bands to come out of Poland, Vader, Decapitated, and Behemoth. That's about it. 3. Sapkowski isn't literature. 4. >polish architecture

American : the Post

are you a cheeseburger

You got cucked HARD by Commies

>>been a part of Russia or almost fully controlled longer than independent
we were independent for 700 years
and controlled/partitioned for less than 300

We were part of Russia too and not independent before that.

How are you a shithole when we're not??



>definitely not some africa tier AIDS ridden shithole like Russia
This is why. Your butthurt is cringy

that's how we're a shithole and will be forever

1918-1939 was the last fucking chance for us

That's fucking sad, man. It's crazy how being part of the USSR was fucking hell but being a trading partner of them was heaven, at least GDP-wise.


how that would be even related to your wealth?

>Thanks to these guys
Not exclusively though, which is what she's implying.



poland would be cool if it was slightly less christian-conservative
also if you go outside of warsawa its rly rural like fairy tale rural
polish guys are bro-tier tho, all my best friends were polska :3

ps: thanks for the witcher and potatoe vodka.

>Polish aesthetics

>Poland singlehandedly save Britain meme

>be poland
>have 40 million inhabitants
>still be irrelevant

Poland was relevant few times in its history.

I mean from 1945 and now.

Maybe 1683, yeah then they were relevant.

>How they are exactly going to do it with their low birth rate.
Ukie immigrants are literally swarming this country. We have some serious historical beef with them, but well, at least they are white and they definitely raise our birthrates.

I've always considered visiting Poland. How are Brits perceived in Poland? Furthermore will a few key Polish phrases get me by or would i need to learn more?

Poland was also somewhat relevant in the 70-80's with the 2nd largest army in the Warsaw Pact and Europe, but it was a satellite state.

>Furthermore will a few key Polish phrases get me by or would i need to learn more?

Not singlehandedly, but helped enough to be relevant.
It's your countryman's words, Canuck, not ours.
also it wasn't just us, the best ace of that division was Czech.
>I never heard of it therefore it doesn't exist
Stupidity I can tolerate, but willful stupidity of burgerstanians is just unnerving. It's almost as if you're proud of not knowing things.
Commencing an art dump just for you


Its your diaspora posters on this board. They are freaking retarded.


Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.

Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.

So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country.

Do non-cancerous diasporafags even exist?

>I never heard of it therefore it doesn't exist
He means they are so unrelevant and unsignificant most ppl don't even know it's there.
I don't know much about poland but id like to

Careful now, you don't want another auschwitz, do you neighbour?

Since when """"relevance"""" is something to rate art by?



It does kind of play a role though maybe not always. I was just saying why most people don't know anything about poland
How old is that?


>based history
Getting cucked by everyone is based?

t. Swedo-Russian mongol rape baby

i am a Pole

Angry posts like these give me an impression poles always have pole up their ass. Take a chill pill

>poolish architecture
USA builds scyscrapers an shieet and fuckin p*les put a fucking guy on a column hahaha

t. German-Russian rape baby :)

If you played the Widger 3 :DDDD you might recognise this one. I didn't play it but apparently they put this building in Novigrad.
It's the oldest port crane in Europe. But then again, who cares?
What makes you think t. bants are a dign of anger? I'm pretty chill atm tbqh lad
t. Viking-Mongol rape baby
also we're older than you

Question: I'm half-german half-polish, does this make me Wendish?
Regards, burger

and here's a painting by Beksiński
he made some spoopy stuff

Poland gets mentionings in the Italian anthem :-DDDD

How can I invest in Poland?

Russians aren't even a real ethnicity.

So if i'm a vikingmongol and raped you it makes you quarter mongol and quarter viking and 50% of a cuck. Good mix bro.

Anyway no hard feelings to the Poles, they're brothers for me even tho they deny it sometimes, but all of my scandinavian friends think poland is a meme.

It is. We have Russians and Russian citizens, don't mix that next time.

>So if i'm a vikingmongol and raped you
Stop being so autistic.

I don't hate Poland but i dislike several of the posters from there.

>Thread about how great Poland is

Poor, warmongering, genocidal, obnoxiously agressive, uncivilized, soulless nation suffering eternal identity crisis(first they stole the Kievan Rus' history, then they defeated and subjugated another important Rus' cultural centre - Novgorod, claimed to be the "Third Rome", then tried to establish themselves as a proper European state copying the Western art and developements, then realizing how multicultural and diverse is their state they came up with """"USSR"""" abandoning their former flag and culture, after it's pathetic fall they are again lost and clueless so they sperg out). Collectivist minded and servile society with no regard to human life. They don't care about their personal wealth, freedom etc as long as Mother Russia and the Tsar is fine. They lack empathy, incapable of establishing a friendly relations on equal terms. Apart from Moscow and St Petersburg and some oil regions Russia is extremely poor and undeveloped - as the Russians are incapable of producing anything sophisticated almost the entire wealth of the country comes from it's natural resources. Except for the art and architecture directly derived either from the Greeks(all the Orthodox architecture they have horribly bastardized, icons) or Westerners(these fancy palaces in St. Petersburg) they barely have contributed to the culture at all. Considering a very large population their scientific contribution is utterly underwhelming, vastly inferior compared to the Western Slavs. Entire society is subjected to brainwashing propaganda blaming the Americans for everything, making them praise their Tsar Putin and support all the vicious acts of violence and terror. They can't even into geopolitics - Russia still pretends it's 19th century and the best way for the state to succeed is to be egoistic, xenophobic, expansive, imperialistic, overly-nationalistic and authoritarian. Russia is the true cancer of humanity and I sincerely hope it breaks apart as soon as possible.

See. Look at yourself. That's why people dislike Poland. Instead of a "normal" conversation you sent the paste. I'm sure not all of the Poles are like you.
and once again
>thread about how great poland is


Have you noticed how Canada does the same thing? Look at all the Canadian posts in this thread.

Good to see some Muslim-Pole solidarity. Together we will make the UK a better place for everyone.

And Italy gets mentionings in the Polish anthem :-DDDDD
That depends, how good is your saber fencing and horse riding?
we wuz sarmatians i chuj, okay?

Poor, warmongering, genocidal, obnoxiously agressive, uncivilized, soulless nation suffering eternal identity crisis(first they stole the Sarmatians' history, then they clamed they were Sarmatians all along, then tried to establish themselves as a proper European state copying the Western art and developements, then realizing how multicultural and diverse is their state they came up with """"Rzeczpospolita"""" abandoning their former flag and culture, after it's pathetic fall they are again lost and clueless so they sperg out). Collectivist minded and servile society with no regard to human life. They don't care about their personal wealth, freedom etc as long as Polska dla polakow. They lack empathy, incapable of establishing a friendly relations on equal terms. Apart from Warsaw and Krakow and some once German regions Poland is extremely poor and undeveloped - as the Polish are incapable of producing anything sophisticated almost the entire wealth of the country comes from the EU. Except for the art and architecture directly derived either from the Germans(all the Christian architecture they have horribly bastardized,) or Westerners(these fancy palaces in Krakow) they barely have contributed to the culture at all. Considering a very large population their scientific contribution is utterly underwhelming, vastly inferior compared to the Eastern Slavs. Entire society is subjected to brainwashing propaganda blaming the Russians for everything, making them praise Obama and support all the vicious acts of violence and terror. They can't even into geopolitics - Poland still pretends it's 19th century and the best way for the state to succeed is to be egoistic, xenophobic, expansive, imperialistic, overly-nationalistic and authoritarian. Poland is the true cancer of humanity and I sincerely hope it breaks apart as soon as possible.

I have. Maybe proxy or Polish diaspora.

Beautiful language, great cuisine, very intelligent people, good politicians, interesting countryside and culture, beautiful cities, good music and cinema, strong army, fastest-growing economy with native industry

Poland is literally the paradise of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and more impressive things came out of it
Never lost a war and once had an empire
Kicks ass at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population and does great at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as aryans and wants polish clay so he can get 3.14 qts
Any average person will know poland as "that country that saved europe twice".
Most are surprised it's still not running the world.
Most people cant even find europe on the map and consistently mistook it for poland.
Its a country that is consistently bullying countries around it who have absolutely no power to fight back due to their absolute low morale within their armies and people.
Poland is so interesting that everybody wants to live there.
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its life like a phoenix that rose from the ashes is what makes Poland literally the capital of europe.


I guess not.

t. Fenni-Turkic-Mongol rape baby

Beautifel Polish city architecture.

And here we have the painting of the battle of Grunwald, on of the largest medieval battles in which the evil Teutonic Order was finally crushed once and for all.
rip the original Prussians, by the way. Does Sup Forums know they were Baltic people with their own language and culture, but got destroyed and converted by warmongering Te*tons?


It's Ukraine.

Let us both post a pic with a timestamp and see who's more "fenni-turkic-mongol"? :)

>It's Ukraine.
It's Poland. ;)

Not good enough.

First we were a western country, then we claimed to be Sarmatians. Get your fucking history straight, żmudzin ape.

It's Russia.

This is Poland as well. :)

It's Russia.