/balk/ Velika Cherna Gora edition
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1st for greater ALbania
beat this
its way more complicated than you think, but what ever, I won't argue about this shit honestly, just know that a direct war between powers like US/China/Russia just don't happen anymore lad, globalization made sure of that
2nd for 25 years of Serbian Empire
Debts back then didnt mean as much as now.
Back then, still force could solve everything. Nobody could have forced the brits to pay whatever, they ruled half the world.
It wouldn't be "boots on the ground" war, just the USA parking its fleet there and saying NO to any request until a good deal is proposed.
They can do this to whoever they want. Their fleet is stronger than the rest of the world combined. Just park the ships somewhere near the coast and dictate politics.
>99.8% european
So european.
literally who gives a fuck?
don't think so m8, china can impoverish US by halting exports right now if they wanted to, they'll suffer too but they're probably used to living in poverty
They can. The question is, is the cost-benefit ratio good enough. And im not talking about money, its more about their current standing in world politics. Le leader of de free wurld and all that.
Also, it will probably crash the world markets.
me, get out of my peninsula siberian bitch
pasha means I swear to in albanian, lets not talk about bulgarias etymology hahahaha
this is bullshit and tells you nothing about your real ancestry
just by being a muslim kosovoshit you're non-european m8, go live with ur arab masters
>china can impoverish US by halting exports
Thats not really how it works. You can deny the goods but then you wont get the money. And the funnier thing is, China is importing huge quantities of food, so when it comes to embargo they are on the dick side of it.
Worst thing the Chinese can do imo is nationalising all the US company assets over there. That would be a huge dick move.
Pasha is a turkic word, dog, it means sworn servant to the sultan.
Spo di pse pi provokon pa nevoj.
>35C outside
>weatherfaggots predicted ebin storm
>storm start in 15:30 and ends in 15:35
>barely wet the ground
>humidity went through the roof
>feels like 45C now
When are you going to recognize Albania's colonies on the Apennine peninsula?
veq majmuna hin ne /balk/ sot, ma mir ka qen ne 2014 (penywise, shkodran my bros)
I just bought an AC, didnt have one before, this summer was just too hot kek
China is a paper tiger. No one is really worried about them
>see its darker outside, must be cool
>stop air conditioner and open a window
>starts raining
>have to get up to close the window
>stops raining
>have to get up to open the window
>warm, humid air enters
>have to get up to close the window
>have to get up to find the remote to turn on the air conditioner
I am working like a slave here, fucking climate. This is medieval tier torture.
I know a balkan guy at my mma gym with the first name Andrei
how do I know if he's serb/cro or kebab?
there are no kebabs named andrei right that's a christian name?
Singapore and the Philippines are, I can tell you that. India too.
Yeah, thats what I said in the previous thread. They are still economical power though.
andrei is st andrew
he might be romanian
ye hes either serb, croat or possibly macedonian, if name's andrej
just ask him nigga
Andrei means he is Romanian or less likely Bulgarian
he's either serb or bosnian
cant be romanian or bulg
>just ask him nigga
don't wanna get snackbar'd desu
he's not romanian
if youd know his first name surely you would know his surname as well which would help you on your quest more
hes serb if name is andrej, bosniaks have names like hamza, hivzo, sujo, mujo, safeta, amina, not andrej
Just ask him where his family is from
>don't wanna get snackbar'd desu
Most balkan people aren't chimps.
How can you tell? As if you'd be able to distinguish the language nigger. Also why so eager, wanna suck him off?
I don't have any coins sorry cigan
Finally got that glorious ftth!
OK ok, just don't blow yourself up nigger
it's pafsha and we say pasha to joke around because it sounds funnier
pafsha means "I wish I saw"
are you me
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
And you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me yeah
that's some nice upload, you guys should consider making shitty commentary videos on youtube for money
y laugh jelly or what =^)
didn't expect that pasha zotin haha
Sup Forums meetup in Kosovo
Half the albanians on Sup Forums dont live in Albania.
>not the AFC
Nu locuiesc in Cocalaresti scuze.
good lad
when SHKODRAN comes
I might be in Kosovo for a few days in August/Sept, definitely next year though, havent been there since 09
Good work, friend..
i respect you bulgarians so ok man tri moreta ok
Where are my fellow Greeks.
probably in /hell/
I'm here. I am greek.
>0.2% Bulgarian
Smh, a fucking tatar is inside all of our genes
Everywhere I pillage, I must also rape.
Those were Bashi-Bouzuks, not Bulgarias, bro
What's the thing you did in life you most regret? Found 30.000 EUR in a bag in the public bus and returned them.
we've been good guys for too long, time to become savages and survive (this incoming islamic onslaught)
the old people showed us the way
Not banging this one girl that was really into me back then.
what the fugg, are you sure you didn't find the money of a criminal
Bashi Bazouk masterrace
you should go to /tr/ if you wanna suck some baba osman dick m8
It probably was a criminals money, that is why I regret it. Wouldn't feel comfortable taking it from someone who earned it
30.000 is different from 30 000.
but bashi bazouks didnt submit to otomans
>spend money so some site can tell you "you're balkanshit, lad"
i assume he means 30 000 given how he phrased it m8
i see
Girl in 8th grade was very obviously into me, to the point where she was constantly trying to touch me, pinch me or get my attention. I didn't do anything about it because I was an autist who couldn't read a situation if it slapped me in the face.
30 grand yes. Thing is now I realise, who would carry 30 grand in a black leather bag. Sure not some granny...
.... i got to know my haplogroups though
yeah man you probably found some mafioso's stash
could have been risky to keep it tho
Should have just taken some and left it where it was.
Well fug, now im mad too. Thats like 5 years pay.
Could be some cashier guy that didnt want to pay for armored transport though.
Bashi bazouk just means mercenary, as in an irregular amateur soldier.
When the ottoman army goes somewhere, people along the way join in, and instead of getting paid, they get to loot and pillage and keep the spoils.
It has nothing to do with ethnicity, or religion, or culture. Its a job. It means being a looter in the ottoman army.
they would totally be out to kill you, but I guess with that kind of moneys you could buy a bodyguard and a gun to protect yourself
In the 90s some trainstation keeper in bumfuck nowhere found a few millions that had fallen out of a train and returned it. He was rewarded with a watch.
Please don't laugh at me Mr. ProvinciANO, I later lost my virginity to a girl from Arad. She looked kind of like a chink. In retrospect, she was probably hungarian.
I've had similar situations, except I could and did read them, I just didn't do anything because I don't know why I just didn't.
Thing is I gave it to the police and never heard of it after. There's a good chance the money didn't reach its owner anyway. I'd expect that if I'd have been contacted by the owner giving me some money for me giving it all back.
During summer girls you wouldn't pay attention to get tanned and increase 2 points easily. I hate summer, for a food fag like me it's constant temptation
Does Bosnia post here
they post in ex-yu couz they dont like using english
they're in ex-yu more often
My parrot that I bought 2 weeks ago flew into a desk and literally broke its neck (I think)
Parrots are fucking stupid /balk/ just a reminder. Looked kinda like this.
>I hate summer
>sun rises up early
>sun sets late
>bright as fuck
>hot as fuck
>people expect you to do things
>people expect you to "take a break"
Probably because you didn't know how to act, just like me. Even if I understood that she wanted me to fuck her, I wouldn't have known what to do. Luckily I stopped being an idiot in highschool.
damn, one time my parrot escpaed and I see the nigga hanging out with some вpaпчињa like pic related and they gave him shit because hes blue and not gray like them, it was a small parrot too
>tfw sparrows are raycist
I literally know only 2 people with that name.
Well, luckily I stopped talking to people, so I never get into situations like that.