Two do the same

>two do the same
>one is treated as a hero, one as a villain

nobody thinks napoleon was a hero, desu. except french people,i suposse.

One protected his country from an aristocratic gangrape, the other wanted to lead his spergy doom cult in a journey of European domination

both were villains and both were defeated by england, coincidence? i don't think so, actually, it makes you think

Napoleon didn't systemically genocide groups of peoples for reasons of racial hygiene

and which is which?

>one fought primarily defensive wars and didnt set out to commit genocide and has a legacy that has very positively influenced the world (Napoleonic code)

>the other fought offensive wars with pretty much everyone, most of ''their'' contributions are from Weimar people. oh and he literally set out to commit genocide which some people hold against him.

Napoléon never practiced religious or ethnic genocide.
Furthermore, one of his goal was pretty good, the end of former absolute monarchies and serfdom.
Napoléon has a fucking great legacy, still nowadays: most of the french, italian, belgian, dutch, swiss, sometimes german and polish laws system, public institutions are directly tied to him.

The other one was just a one-balled frustrated coz he was denied jewish pussy

yeah but apart from genocide, both were the same

I dunno senpai Napoleon didnt do that 6million thing, i think he shuld have but thats another story

when you beat the french again and they make them your bitch like a big boy, you can make hitler a hero again

nobody liked napoleon and no one likes hitler because they were maniacs who torched the entire continent

but ww2 was the most recent war and you lost, so you aren't allowed to have an opinion

like frog-san said:
napoleon managed to leave some legacy. Sure if hitler or his successors could have get rid of the jews and gypsies and we would live in a wonderful eugenic, futuristic german wonderland hitler would be a saint. But he lost. And not just he lost, but his successors never managed to amount to anything.

Hitler himself realized that you have to win in life to be someone. No one likes losers. Most of them are even dead and can't voice their opinions.

that wouldn't be a problem if he succeeded. He failed to do so, which is why he's despised now. Someone who kills an animal and serves the meat to his people is a great hunter. Someone who wounds and animal is considered a dangerous blight by the wounded monster.

> Napoléon : Civil Code, Trade Code, Criminal Code, Civil procedure Code ; public high shools, public hospitals, new army organisation, National Banks

> Hitler, Mein Kampf, Concentration camps

Pick one

6 Trillion

Dont forget SouthAmerican countries

Napoleon was an actual general and military genius

One brought back the Sanhedrin and Jewish emancipation (If he were declared Messiah by the Jews he would've been the Anti-christ).

The other put Jews in concentration camps and killed a few of them.

Either way the Jews as a group should not be trusted.

People don't dislike hitler bc of the Holocaust(tm). They dislike him because of the whole fucking war. A lot-lot more people died because of the war, genocide is just a side effect. If he just silently killed off the people he didn't like in Germany and the occupied Czechia, no would really care.

The Poles would even congratulate him on the occasion of getting rid of jids.

And in the XIX. century most people absolutely despised Napoleon, because they were involved in the war and in how he tried to subjugate whole nations and destroy countries.

Also Code Civil is utter shit and the source of many ills of the current western world. Starting with Napoleon the "progress" managed to turn the leading continent with great potential and power to subjugate the whole world to a pathetic continent where people are so autistic and weak they can't even breed and have to import people from the former inferior stock to replace them. From first to the last, this isn't success.

You would have won if hitler would have listened to your generals.

Really?! Jews. The jews did it.

>people think Napoleon was a hero

Slap those people germanon.

Hitler built Autobahn. And made a lot of military reforms. He also pretty much invented blitzkrieg

He was though.

>You would have won if
they would have never won
at best only achieved some sort of favorable peace.

>Hitler, eugenics, morality based on science instead of morality based on superstition, Gestapo, organized crime fighting techniques admired throughout the world after the war
>rocketry, engineering breakthroughs, taking on almost the entire world with a relatively small nation that was completely disarmed and left without colonies and a crippled economy after mere 6 years of preparation

in the future when the current Europe falls and the cuck people will be conquered and some probably exterminated I'm sure the new Europeans and the new world order will learn a lot from Hitler and admire his ideals of a strong, fascist society

>Hitler invented Blitzkrieg

Concentration camps are a brithis invention

>Hitler built Autobahn.
Weimar / Hjalmar Schacht

>And made a lot of military reforms.
Guderian / Rommel /manstein

>He also pretty much invented blitzkrieg
Disputed it even was a real concept / Guderian

It's the french who invented the concept of blitzkrieg, but you guys were the one smart enough to actually use it.

>morality based on science instead of morality based on superstition
Pseudoscience and occultism my Jobbik friend


>implying magick is fake

>game theory and behavioral sciences are pseudoscience

cool beanz, mate. Jews are closest to Hitler's ideals in today's world, which is one of the keys to your success. People with strong inner group trust and harmony based on shared culture and family (völkisch) ties are bound to be more successful than people, who are completely selfish or are completely universalist (catholic) and doesn't differentiate between people based on the cultural and genetic distance between them.

Hitler realized how powerful and strong the jews became in Europe and this is why he feared them so much. In both WW1 and WW2, just like in most wars people don't war and try to kill people they look down upon or deem unworthy.

They are desperately trying to eliminate their competition.

I'm not a nazi and I'm not someone who hates Jews or Islam, but I realize the benefits of the strong cooperation between dedicated groups of people and the benefits of eugenics, although ofc hitler had wrong ideas since he lived in an era when genetics was its infancy before the discovery of DNA dna gene mapping and all those jazz.

And today eugenics shouldn't be based on selective breeding, but of course genetic alteration, when the technology will be available, but we couldn't deny that Hitler was one of the first politicians to seriously venture into the field of transhumanism, something that should be embraced.

>Before the Nazis came along Europeans were a bunch of universalist hippies
>Hitler invented the concept of ethno-nationalism
>Nazis invented eugenics
Just because leftists call every nationalist a Nazi doesn't mean they actually are. These concepts were dominant in Europe before the Nazis made them embarrassing to be associated with.

I didn't say Hitler "invented" ethno-nationalism, but he clearly adopted and popularized many of these ideas.

You don't try to claim Napoleon invented the central banks or wrote Code Civil and the trade laws all on his own, are you now?

In reality both of them were overly egoistic people, who committed horrible crimes and destroyed so much of Europe (along with King George and Kaiser Wilhelm in their petty quarrel) that now we're left with not actual, but spiritual ruins of what was an energetic civilization.

And don't forget that what came after Napoleon wasn't a reformed, "socially progressive" Europe of enlightenment. In fact his bloody wars halted the reform processes going on in Germany, Italy, Russia and the Habsburg Empire and the Congress of Vienna cemented a contrarian system for almost half a century.

This is what led to the 1826/1848 revolutions.

Guderian invented blitzkrieg, not without wisdom of other tacticians before him you dingus.

Thrashed both of them. That makes them equally shit under our mighty british boot

They both died the way they deserved because of their treachery and subterfuge