What's your excuse for not having a South American gf?
What's your excuse for not having a South American gf?
Other urls found in this thread:
had one
broke a teeth of a guy who she was cheating with
never talked to her again
I'm not attractive enough.
By not living in south america
I have a hard time beeing myself
I have none
Just end my life, Alberto
A pugliese woman is terrona enough
too white
I am Spanish, they would kill me instead of love me.
Kinda hard to get a gf from the other side of the world to be honest
Is she guiding the guy to fuck her in the running-down "factory" ahead?
>without underwear
Asian guy with his Latina girlfriend
Same couple as above on the right
What's yours for not having an eastern european one?
All three of the South Americans I fucked ended up single moms and 2 by niggers. Good fucks though.
Asian guy with his Slavic girlfriend
>Asian guy with his Slavic girlfriend
>Asian guy with his Slavic girlfriend
Same couple as above on the beach
>Woman is a slut
>Beat the man who she was whoring with
Never understood this meme
Asian guy with his white girlfriend
>for all you know the chick lied to the guy and told she was single
>instead of hitting her you hit a brotha that's tryna git sum
kys monkey
>a South American gf?
Asian guy with his Brazilian girlfriend in Rio (you can see the Christ statue in the background)
I'm sheltered in my cave with work.
>Asian guy with his Brazilian girlfriend in Rio
This is his girl nude. He travels all around South America for his job and he has a different girl (or girls) in every country
They rarely come here. Literally the only non-whites I like too. Feels bad man.
user why do yoy have all these images of Asian guys with GFs of other ethnicities? These aren't even porn, they're just Facebook pictures.
r/asianmasculinity works in mysterious ways
Professional or amatuer? I have tons of both but I dont post them because real-life couples are ... you know ... real.
Find one involving my country desu.
I prefer White.
Have a few Friends from assorted Latino countries, long story short I have no taste in Fashion and cannot dance if my life depended on it meaning Im screwed even if I tried.
Mental illness.
Im not poor and I dont like reggaeton
I am married to one.
Sauce? What a goddess
Are you an asian guy or just have a weird cuck fetish. Also Bart is pretty based,
They look at least 40 yo.
Jesus fuck /r/asianmasculnity is in full force, you guys are bigger autist than niggers spaming with their "white wimminz love black dick" calm down autist you will never get a white gf unliess you're an rich or an alpha asian. And since you're coming to this site we know you're niether.
> alpha asian
I never undestood this. Asians are the manlyless mens imo. Of course in their countries they fit well, but in the west is strange.
Despite being hard-working, and thus, having some money, I don't see any more advantages in them.
If they're tall, rich and have a white features they'll considered attractive. But in 99% of cases they're turbo manlets with no chance of socrig real pussy.
I'm a yuropoor neckbeard
atleast post the source, christ
because you guys probably are too autistic to fall in love
they are implying you should've hit her instead
>ib4 Maria da Penha
What's your excuse for not having a European gf?
exactly you dont punch someone you like you punch the one that destroyed your dreams. I always forget Sup Forums is inhabitated by autists
It's either real /r/asianmasculinity cuck or someone who thinks asianmasculinityposting is still a relevant meme
>"you should hit her"
Typical sandmonkey
Pink genitals
>punch someone that's could've been innocent
Typical nigger attitude.
He's right though, she's the one who betrayed you. That guy who fucked her might not have even known of your existence and why does he owe you any consideration?
sometimes you can't beat both
so you take on the worthiest opponent and fuck his shit up
just ask your russian cousins, they don't hit on women too
I don't live in South America
>tfw finnish gf
>you punch the one that destroyed your dreams
so, the unfaithful bitch.
Not sure how it is for you, but a lot of American girls will date a guy steady to have that safety net go to, but lie to other guys they want more about having a boyfriend in hopes to "move up."
American girls can be very vain and self centered.
Truth is, tou shouldn't hit anyone, if you're a civilized human.
And anyway, you should be more angry at her rather than at some random dude who just wanted some loose pussy
> (You)
>Jesus fuck /r/asianmasculnity is in full force, you guys are bigger autist than niggers spaming with their "white wimminz love black dick" calm down autist you will never get a white gf unliess you're an rich or an alpha asian. And since you're coming to this site we know you're niether.
I was being sarcastic with the Brianna Wu picture Boland
How much do you get paid again?
Because I'm short and have no personality.
>women betrays you
>attack the guy instead
Omegas like you are the reason women cheat
Just end my life already I'm suffering
I live in Central Europe.
I dunno, some Asians can be pretty manly.
he's right you retard
That's rich coming from fucking Pooland and Huezil
t. pussy slayer
Until recently I had a Norwegian girlfriend desu. While the girl in your picture looks tempting from behind, I think I prefer to sleep with my own kind.
geovanna is cute but she's a mexicunt and therefore not jungle spic
why are black ppl such memes
I always forget I am in an autistic safe haven where people project all their failures and miseries towards anything such as country race religion woman etc etc You guys are fucking faggots and you still wonder why you are failures
I can't wait to have a daughter so she can get blacked.
I'm more attracted to people who look like me.
eg. blonde and blue eyed
I prefer white girls. Pic related. I am the black guy. White guy on the right is my girls best childhood friend.
based post is based
Ever heard the rule "date only women that speak your language, or that are from former colonies"?
America gets slutty latina immigrants and the UK gets covered mudslim immigrants.
All 6/10 or above latinas you are welcome to the UK once Trump kicks you out
The Dominican looks weird, like a Trump tan
its like fucking a female Trump
also most latinas look like dogshit
me in middle
Venezuela > Mexican > Dominican
>tfw no mamacita
>once Trump kicks you out
He isn't kicking out the hot ones. Just the fat, short and ugly mestizos.
AIDs, Zika, literally every other STD, unpure, whores, blown out vaginas, not-white
Had a huehuebr girlfriend.
>no bunda, no thighs
>we didn't have much in common
>no other south americans around here
I gave up.
i'm autistic
Because i have an American bf
south american here, have one
The venezuelan one would easily pass as a spaniard.
easily the most attractive
>Implying that average South American girl is not 140 cm tall, ugly as fuck and not gold digger.
I am waiting for that scenario, where I can find a woman I can either:
Fuck the shit out of like a slave, whenever I want, how I want for a time until the allotted time is passed up and she is free.
Or I find a gf who actually likes me and can imagine to spend a long time with me.
Preferably the last, because rape is not fun after the tenth time.
No matter the guaranteed offspring.
my wife is portuguese
they get fat after 25 and blow up
i can't date girls 19 forever
nice strawman
Every Spaniard I see in London(which is too many) looks like Arabs.You get the occasional blonde hair blue eye but 90% looks like greasy arabs but less hairy