Has people in your country become more racist toward muslims since the terrorist attacks?
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Not really.
not enough
We are the muslims so no
>implying mudslimes weren't netural born terrorists since the days of muhammad
Should hate anti-terrorist service after such cases.
We were already racist towards mudslimes.
I'm discriminating towards Muslim men in typical Muslim attire with a beard.
No muslims to discriminate m8
That picture really enrages me ..
We're facing an epidemic of Islamophobia.
I fucking HATE islamaphobia crap. Its everywhere on the internet.
Since when can we defeat hate with more hate? All Islamaphobia does is make more Muslims feel alienated. It doesn't solve a damn thing and until we learn that hate can only be solved with love and acceptance the problems will get worse and worse. France already prides itself on how they force "secularism" on everyone. It doesn't work.
Can't be racist to people whiter than you
Lol, if the west wasn't so pussified and "tolerant" you could have bombed the Middle East to glass ten times over by now. Hate's not working because you're not using it.
Soooo the solution to innocent people dying in the Middle East.....is to kill them all ourselves?
This just shifts the problem. Now we are the terrorists. And now all the Muslims living in the West are alienated beyond belief, not to mention all the atheist, Christian, Jewish, Druze, Baha'i etc. who already live there.
The only way to defeat hate is with love. Terrorists want us to hate because it makes them stronger. Refuse to.
>high homicide and drug/human trafficking rate
you have time for that?
muslims are extremely catered to they receive way more than enough love and tolerance (and money)
they receive nothing but tolerance, and in return they kill, haven't you seen that already ?
no we don't pride ourselves on how "we force secularism on everyone" (yeah right we do that lmao) we pride ourselves on "love and tolerance" like the rest of the west, and it doesn't work at all, as everyone can plainly see
>only the evil white man can be racist
You cant be racist against Muslims because Muslim is not a race you dumb morons.
Learn what a race is you dumb niggers.
Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion.
>We're facing an epidemic of Islamophobia
Oh okay so the Nazis weren't racist either because Judaism is a religion/ethnicity not a race.
Don't try to excuse bigotry. We all know white people-favored ideologies (mainline Protestant, atheist, fluffy new age stuff) gets a bigger pass than any brown people dominated religion.
>has raqqa tier cities
>daily beheadings without catchy songs
your cunt is the proof that you dont need to be muslim to be a uncivilized durka
99% of muslims are olive skinned manlets with dark facial hair
Of course people associate Islam with an specific race
Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
>Irrational fear
Pick one
You are more likely to be killed by a male than a Muslim. Do you think it is rational to be a hardcore female supremacist and want to deport all males?
>olive skinned manlets with dark facial hair
are you sure you're not talking about mexicans?
i dunno i just play vidya
Being Jewish are an ethnicity, and most Jews back then didn't practice religion.
I don't care if the religion is dominated by brown people, I care that this religion hates Jews,kills gays, oppresses women, criminalizes Atheism, and comes into conflict with the native population wherever it goes.
We don't have olive skin, Spaniard and your Arabs brothers do
We are brown
>most Jews back then didn't practice religion.
Also ethnicity =/= race. There are white Jews, black Jews, brown Jews etc. I guess there is nothing racist about the Nazis etc.
Who said anything about deportation?
Catholicism is mainly a brown people religion these days, you know. And it doesn't matter. I'd attend mass with brown South Americans I don't care They don't bomb people, they don't murder jews and gays, they don't run over people with trucks or anything.
Believe it or not it's not even about skin color it's about islam being fucking cancer
How else are Islamaphobes planning to attack American/European Muslims?
It is not racism. People here were already against Islam because of a)young westernized atheist generation b)older christianity fanatics generation
Technically no, the Nazi's weren't racist, they were Xenophobic
>your Arabs brothers do
wouldnt that make durkas your uncles?
>hey don't bomb people, they don't murder jews and gays, they don't run over people with trucks or anything.
do you need me to post some dank brown gore from their cartels?
Criticize their ideas, not let anymore muslims in our country, and hope they get their shit together and have a reformation
not really but hate for islamists and over religious people has increased
Sharia is almost a curse word (in benghazi atleast)
and we get ads about refugees from syria/libyan cities "dont mock me for my beard please!" now
plus the number of facebook pages mocking salafists has increased a lot too
so ig ppl hate salafists now?
>so ig ppl hate salafists now?
No, everybody from our fucking king to the president of FC Barcelona loves ksa/eua cock too much to talk something about salafist preachers
>Criticize their ideas
Yep, Islamaphobes have been doing that since Islam was first made and......oh look, it didn't stop any terrorists attacks. Islamaphobia and "criticizing Islam" is on the increase and so is ISIS.
Also the Reformation in Christianity didn't change anything it just made it so there is 10,000 denominations instead of just ~3. Many wars came from it too. Christian stopped being violent in the West because they increased love and tolerance towards one another. What we need to do and what we need to encourage worldwide, leading by example.
There are more southeast asian muzzies than arab ones
i'm talking about Libya
this, the muslim world's problem is the same one medieval europe had
a single religion being too dominant so not much diversity in belief
> Christian stopped being violent in the West because they increased love and tolerance towards one another
You are literally retarded... or just a product of murrican educashun
Its true. Earlier it was "error has no rights". It had to change "human have rights even when they are in error".
How can we teach that to Muslisms in the Middle East when we are treating them the same way the Nazis treated the Jews?
Pauline Hanson, a meme racist candidate from the 90s who hasn't been involved in mainstream politics for almost 20 years just got 2 seats in our senate.
Reactionary Anti-Islam parties are growing in number and strength, but so are their far left equivalents (Antifa, etc). Basically political opinions are polarising further and further apart, but not as extreme as in Europe, and the USA to an extent.
it's true i'm not saying they're perfect but they don't do it over religious matters that i know of ? i was replying to the guy saying something something you just don't like it because it's a brown people religion
arguably even my fucking religion is a brown people religion
people who follow Catholicism :
literally none of those are white, therefore that guy is full of shit
They have cohesion, they stand behind each other because the religion unites them. Whites don't have that. We "dislike" each other.
>How can we teach that to Muslisms in the Middle East when we are treating them the same way the Nazis treated the Jews?
If you have a bully in your school, you won't treat him bad and try to change by a polite way? Good luck with that.
> they don't do it over religious matters that i know of
i know it is hard to hear but you've earned each bombing or shoting because you governmet cant keep its nose out of MENA, you remeber your cuck president talking about helping "moderate beheaders in syria" or the need of "bringing democracy to libya", everytime your governmet takes that kind of stance you buy a ticket in the durkas lotto
>literally none of those are white
you forgot the most powerful race of the world and irish
>They have cohesion, they stand behind each other because the religion unites them
Except that Muslim countries are some of the most violent shitholes on earth. They hate each other just a tiny bit less than the rest of the world, that's it.
>implying Finnish people genuinely give a shit about some distant lands inhabited by totally foreign people getting bombed because of their own leftist policies
Understand this my foreign friend, Finland is a millenia old siege mentality masquerading as a country and nothing more, as such it's not nearly as rattled as other western states when some random country gets bombed by people from their former colonies, which is a situation that some Finns even sympathize with to a certain point, when considering our interactions with Swedes and Russians.
All "islamophobia" (which would be better described as rational reactions to standard subhuman behavioural patterns) that is present in the country is caused by the bad behaviour of immigrants living in this country and that's all there is to it. It didn't exist in any shape or form untill lawless somalians moved here in the 1990s and it's gotten more prominent ever since.
Er... Nope
[Something I like but you don't]+phobia
Who coined this stupid term?
meh you don't know them, they're full of hate, western foreign policy is just a convenient excuse
wars in the middle east or not they'd hate us just as much i'm pretty sure
>ywn truly comprehend the mysterious finnish soul
Yes. Because of the religion currents. But hey, here in Russia we have The Caucasus it's the only region with a huge percentage of muslims. They're always united even tho they speak different languages. The same way in Europe they unite to a caste, a diaspora and support each other. Italians in the USA made the same way so as Irish people. It's an example of what people can achive by unity. Mafia still exists.
Let's be honest, neither do we.
In Bosnia islamophobia is the national heritage of Christians.
We have been fucked by Islam half a century now.
Yes but it won't be enough.
>Since when can we defeat hate with more hate?
It is more often than not the only way.
>99% of muslims are olive skinned manlets with dark facial hair
You've also described Latin America.
it's not something you like/dislike but something you are afraid of.
Yes. About 700 years iirc.
We're not afraid of Islam. We dislike it.
I wish.
Lately, they have been getting some advertising in El Tiempo newsrag.
Geez...I wonder who's paying for it?
B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8
muslims cause trouble and violence wherever they are
why are they even here again?
We are a fair bit shorter on average though
White Guilt
we are at war
believe it or not, if you kill your enemies you DO win
There's one yemeni shitposter who lives in the USA, it's certainly here.
Islamophobia is the irrational fear of being killed because you draw Muhammad as a pig.
This, we should accept Islam and it's practices and convert to Islam. Fighting it with hate does not work. We need to embrace it.
Very much so, at least in my area. They had the stupidity to bring a handful of Syrian families here, albeit mostly women and children. Now they are asking the government to relocate them because they feel unsafe and unwelcome here.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
Fuck you Muslim truckers
There aren't any where I live so I don't know. They don't move here because no one will hire them.
>You can't be a racist because you are not white
Shit, you guys are committing cultural suicide 'Merica!!