Only sheep hate.
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>mfw people on that site basically hate us because we are better and richer than them
Jesus christ America is turning to shit; yet another international metric were no longer on top of.
On a serious note, this list is fucking crap. 4 of the top 5 countries are in asia? When we can select from every single nation in the whole world? Are you kidding me?
Why does asia hate each other so much?
saudis 17? no turkey in top 10 ? what?
>46 Poland
>47 Vatican
World war 2 was like a circeljerk where everyone got mad and started yanking really hard and everyone winds up covered in shit and jizz for asia.
America's are just all to do with war
The UK's ones are actual genuine hatred
>a literal who country at number 1
Wow great list.
Only 22? But everyone hates us.
No Roman Empire to unify them as one body for a long period of time so that they begin to understand each other.
This is what Japan was attempting, but obviously they got stopped.
>American education
The japs have about 8300 comments, most if which I can guess are negative and in broken English
>India #3
>US #4
okay, this is obviously just an elaborate troll
The gooks and chinks are so butthurt.
Success breeds jealousy.
I wonder if most of it is from their dedicated online shitposters, the 50 Cent Army and VANK.
The place lets users vote, so you get butthurt, rigging, and shilling
Because a lot of users on that site are Asian. They are more numerous, hence their voice is more important than ours.
This is only the beginning of the West fading away into irrelevance.
North Korea is known for doing nothing other than talking shit and making shoddy weapons. If it ever becomes a big enough problem(it won't), South Korea can wipe their shitty country off the map instantly.
What a retarded site
China will do the wiping. China is a big part of the global economy now, and a retarded child firing missiles would be bad. Especially since the first thing the us would do is use chinese support of nk as a reason to obliviate our debt to China and any of its allies.
The Japs actually did pretty well considering they only were at it for like 50 years.
Just voted Spain.
Stop putting the playground for innocent east asian children on public