Post in this thread if you can drink the tap water in any part of your cunt

Post in this thread if you can drink the tap water in any part of your cunt


Other urls found in this thread:,_Tennessee#Aquifer




>not having free dr pepper from the tap
Europussies will nver know this feel

probably tastes the same tho lmoa


>Tap water is treated with a large number of chemicals in order to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.

But that's wrong you retard. In civilized countries they just it down some water stair and put it in your pipes.

>americans poop their pants and drink poop water

Can't be fabricated

>dr pepper


I was in America this week, I wondered why the coffee was so weak, now I understand I was just drinking tap water

Invisible hand in action

Fuck the red tape

Over 300 different man-made chemicals have now been detected in British tap water. Water companies only test for around 20 of these chemicals. These twenty chemicals are all present in varying amounts for example DDT, Simazine, Atrazine, and 3,4 Benz pyrene, (weed killers).

oh god lol
I can't believe people are still spewing this dumb shit.

>Over 300 different man-made chemicals have now been detected in British tap water
>DDT, Simazine, Atrazine, and 3,4 Benz pyrene, (weed killers)

southern california here, what water we have in my area is pretty good. speaking of water they really should make the effort to clean the salton sea



Lol deflecting this much

Get trucked

Feels comfy man. Amerifats and poorfags need not apply :^)

Thats not Nice

>not wanting to bathe in orange Fanta
I always knew there was something wrong with niggers

but thats true

hello. our water is a bit hard, but we can drink it.

Went to red river, new mexico, the tap water was mountain spring water and was better than what you get bottled.

Our tap water is basically what is sold as mineral water in your worthless shitholes


t. bitch boi pussies

"Dude chemicals lmao" has never been a reasonable argument to anyone except the biggest of retards. Get your shit together Nigel.

Our tap water is cleaner than bottled water. And where I live the systems are four times redundantly done.

Water management is the Dutch King's hobby project.

Also, the European Commission said we have the cleanest tap water of the EU.

I don't understand

Modern water treatment is done with UV lights killing bacteria.

*posts anyway because you can't stop me*

Hello tap water drinkers.

Phrasing a sentence like that is pointless fear mongering. For one, chemicals are very complex and can't be boiled down to "x is dangerous because it's found in y". For another, even if a certain chemical is found in a consumable source, it rarely means anything since it's usually in very trace amounts.

Succulent tap water

I live on a natural aquifer. Get on my level, aboveground water fags.

Basically my entire province is on one. Biggest and cleanest freshwater reserves in the world. Suck my dick.

You're not an aboveground water fag then. Let's discuss the beauty of our aquifers.,_Tennessee#Aquifer

We have the same shit about water in Sankt-Psb.
But in my city (Volgograd) water is clear. And absolutely tasty and clear water is in Siberia.

>His country isn't in the top 10 cunts with renewable fresh water
lmao enjoying dying of dehydration when the great thirst begins.

China's in the top ten, but their water resources are so poorly managed that I'll be surprised if they have any water in the next twenty years.

Still I'm surprised there's no yuropoor countries on this list.

I think it lists total water reserves in absolute numbers. European countries are pretty small.

I have one to, but all my water smells like sulfur.

Water's just fine over here, m8.

My water comes straight from the mountains. It was shocking to me when going on vacation during childhood and being told not to drink tap water.

>US is marked as country that water can be drank directly from tap.

Surprise, Surprise