Brits will actually not-a-meme defend this

>Brits will actually not-a-meme defend this

As will any computer scientist

We say the same thing (than Brits) here.

This is the one time where the american way of doing things is actually better although I have to admit we do it the british way

As will any astrophysicist

I like the Brit system better
Ground floor or floor zero makes more sense because it's the base and each floor after is an extension

I learned fairly recently that in europe, they use commas where we use periods, and vice versa. How come you guys still have that wrong today?

I believe speaking British English will make me a magnet pussy. That is why I will always refuse the americanisms. Plus UK stronk

british system here

russians use american system for some reason

I live in the south and the British way is used here for hotels and condos and what not.

>Yank logic

You guys are the ones who always have to be special snowflakes

We use full stops, I think it's only the (some of) the continentals that use commas

wtf i hate america now

How can this be? I know Spanish uses periods and commas like we do.

>yanks cannot comprehend the concept of zero
will defend this every time desu

good lad

"Brit" system here too
tbqh it's always like this: the "american way" vs "the rest of the world"
you fucking little snowflakes

WTF I love Italy now

>you enter a building
>the first floor you enter
>first floor
>somehow thinks this is wrong

brits every time

>counting something as zero
>not using it correctly as the absence of numbers
>somehow we are using it wrong

zero is the loneliest number in the UK I guess.

As a compromise between zero– and one-indexing, my university uses three-indexing in the building shared by mathematicians and computer scientists. Always fun to spot freshmen riding the evelator into the basement

I think he's refering to math.

you start counting at 0

If you have nothing, sure. If you have one thing like, say, a floor of a building, then you start at one.

I'm an American and I've always seen ground floor.

No we don't, we use begane grond which means ground floor basically but then we say eerste verdieping which translates to first elevation kind of. We follow neither system.

As will anyone who can read or walk really lets be honest.

My freshman dorm in college used the british system and it was the stupidist shit i've ever seen

the first floor is the fucking first floor it's not that hard guys

We use a system similar to the Brits.

I honestly don't know why I found this so funny.

>presented as unquestioned fact
>only ever seen 14km deep
>what we found at that depth is totally different from what geologists expected
>how these conclusions are derived (despite being rather decent conclusions considering the facts) are never presented to the public
>people are considered to dumb to understand reasoning
>scientists are too arrogant to admit this is only an educated guess
exhibit 1 of why scientists are fools and deceivers

>starting your index at one

>magnet pussy.
Keep trying son.

in literally every other area of everyday life brits start index at 1, so it doesn't make much sense

Basement or Cellar?

Living Room or Parlor?

Remote control or clicker?

i thought a basement and cellar were different things?
and people say sitting room and living room in europe

In Boston, we say "Cellah", "pahlah", and "clickah".

Or we used to, before we were all replaced by yuppies.

We use the American system

but in some buildings, the 1st floor will have a 0 on the elevator

This has nothing to do with british english... This is the standard in europe and also makes much more sense than yours: The first basement floor is -1... What is yours? 0?! After that -1? Please confirm your autism by replying to this post

B1, B2, B3, etc...

Spergo here. Basement is B1, B2, etc.
I have also seen plenty of places where the ground level floor is labeled G. To mitigate confusion from switching between systems, a lot of elevators have a star next to the main entrance floor.

Elevators are serious business. What am I gonna do, take the *wheeze* stairs?

We don't generally number basements; after the first basement is just a series of sub-basements, the numbering of which varies by building. Sometimes, however, you start with the "first basement" and increase as you go down, like the opposite of how we do above-ground floors.

??? fuggg
>Star G
since it's murrica, I'd assume it's the hotline to call the sheriff named "G"
>no 1
>no 0

I'd unironically take the stairs

i dont remember the last time i was in a lift so none of this matters lmao

Anyone else use this system?

Look up a couple of posts.

American hotels occasionally do that, having a "G" instead of a "1" button on the elevator. Rooms are still numbered starting with 1, though.

>tfw forgot to crop in ms paint

i like the american system tb h. the euro system only works for me if its completely numerical

very interesting, didnt know bostoners spoke likd thjs

Makes sense, since they all live in peasant huts and serf quarters, which don't have floors.