
Does your country have a dating culture like the Americans, or how does it work where you live?

I always thought the American way was so weird. You ask people out for arranged "dates" and there's all these rules like you have to pick her up, pay for her, kiss her the first date but not fuck until the "third date" and call only after three days, etc.

In Sweden people just fuck if there's an attraction and if the fucking continues and they want to do more than fuck it's a relationship. You don't ask people out for "dates" like that, it's not arranged and structured in any way.
(Though more and more due to American cultural imperialism some girls in the younger generation have started with something more like "dates" because they saw it in American romcoms)

It depends on the people.

I'm the type of dude that is never taking his chance if all the signs arent there
In highschool I spent months eying on girls before I made a move, but It always worked in the end.

now that i'm older I cant afford to spend months taking cues on a receptive bitch, so I just get drunk and go for it
failed much
wont break me though

Maybe don't see them as "bitches" and you will do better, Jean-Pierre.

>Maybe don't see them as "bitches"

That's ultimately what they are, Karl.

Because they don't want to suck your dick? And they don't want to suck your dick because you see them as bitches.
Hmmm, a mystery has been solved.

No, to be honest i'm salty about the fact that they dont get to experience the lonelyness as much as we do.

After a break up, bitches be calling everyone to get dicked because they miss the tendering

while we're polishing our shafts and crying our hearts out

I'm a girl, 22 and virgin without friends. It's unhealthy to overly generalize. And loneliness has very little to do with sex if you had actually known what it truly feels like. You don't get rid of actual loneliness by being pumped and dumped, used like a cumdumpster. If anything it quite strengthens how you feel noone actually cares about you, other than being used as a tool. Curing loneliness is about having someone care about you, about your thoughts, feelings and well-being. That's not what women are to men in those situations. Rather, it's them mocking women by pretending to care and then dumping them and showing they are nothing but a hole for them.
You have no idea what actual loneliness is.

picking a girl up is usually a thing a guy should be doing and if youre inviting someone out you should atleast be offering to pay.

theres no rules really. if people wanna fuck on first dates they do, granted the attraction is there.

but girls have beta orbiters for actual non physical loneliness you fucknuts
if you were a woman you'd have tons of people vying for your attention

>I read it on r9k so it must be true
You're a moron, Louis.

>I'm a girl, 22 and virgin without friends

I'm sorry for you sweetie, really wish I could help you with this but I'm sure if you take 3 month out to get in shape, you'll get the man that you want.
your current situation is only dictated by your inner will, dont let your fear get the best of you and you'll be happy.

>You have no idea what actual loneliness is.
believe me I do, and it fuckign hurts

>trying to have serious discussions with women
Top kek pierre

i thought you were a guy because too drunk to read properly
just take some salsa classes and get laid
you speak about people being pumped and dumped but you have no actual life experience

>Curing loneliness is about having someone care about you, about your thoughts, feelings and well-being.

I agree with you

>That's not what women are to men in those situations

Yeah because they act like cold ass bitches.

>but I'm sure if you take 3 month out to get in shape, you'll get the man that you want.
Holy shit.
I'm 28 and managed to snatch a lovely nerdy bf five years ago, so I'm not here to complain about how my dating life went.
But holy shit. This is absolute bullshit. Do people on here not realize what kind of unrealistic shit they project onto the other sex, just so that they can justify their inability to find a partner?


finding a partner is hard
having people give you attention of all kinds is pretty easy as a woman
no need to have social skills at all

>Yeah because they act like cold ass bitches.
The men, yes.
Most men don't even know romance. You're predators, savages, beasts, brutes, rapists, family abandoners and perverts. Fuck off.
Now I'm rustled.

Your retarded if you actually believe there are some set rules to American relationships. I'm sure its hardly any different than it is in Sweden.

>You're predators, savages, beasts, brutes, rapists, and perverts.
And this is precisely why heterosexual women love us

Come on for christ sake
I don't see no man refusing a nice round female ass bent over, you can get fucked by anyone if you want to

No I hate you

Again, it's all about sex in your head. Go to a prostitute then and stop complaining about anything.

>You're predators, savages, beasts, brutes, rapists, family abandoners and perverts. Fuck off.
>Now I'm rustled.

please dont make it hard for me

I wouldn't know, I'm morbidly obese and a semi-kissless virgin. All I know is that normal people in Austria fuck bitches in clubs or pick them up there, or you meet someone at a bar or something. Also, girls in the countryside are big whores and th .few girls who are still very christian are the biggest whores.

women like psychopaths and chads

fuck off now

>>please dont make it hard for me
I don't understand what you mean
maybe I have drunk too much

>maybe I have drunk too much

alright guys, I'm going first
dont you fucking try to stick a finger up my ass while i'm doing so

Yes, but usually we avoid too much drama, so our relationships seem like two robots synched to outsider.
Also, when I was in Germany about two years ago, my wife started to feed me with spoon at the cafe there. A woman approached us and said I must be ashamemed for exploiting her. Never laughted that much in my life.


reported to the police

he's talking about raping you lmao
cause you are drunk lmao
and all men are rapist lmao

But why would I finger him as he rapes me? Makes a lot more sense to scratch the eyes out

I like the art you've been posting.
really makes me think.

Let me lap the shit out of your pussy over this imageboard you kinky little cutie

>any kind of culture
>Sup Forums
>knowing shit about dating

he's talking to us supposedly

pls be my gf btw

Good for escapism of reality

>Good for escapism of reality

better ways have been found

>he buys into the "women only fuck chads" meme

Is that literally meant, the shit? Because that's 2 kinky 4 me

did a quick search on Ron Hicks,
surprisingly he's American, relatively young and black.....
but I like his paintings, reminds me of classic Dutch paintings.

As a liberal country, the rule is to fuck if there's attraction. I think that's pretty degenerate, but my case is out of the rule (with all girls I dated): when the attraction existed, we met and went outside, to a kiss and know each other better. She always expected a relationship from me, never sex, the last one I dated even didn't let me to touch her ass. Any of those"relationships" lasted more than a month and here I am, still virgin with 19 yo.

Drinking? it's not enough

Did you tried not dating girls from nun school?

Does dating strictly Chads(We call them Erokhins here) and treatingbetas as a walking purse count as american dating culture?

Why didn't you want a relationship with her?
And 19 is hardly a lot, plus you've clearly got interested girls. It's your fault because you push them away because you only want to use them.

I drink your blood but any type of shit will get me fleeing faster than mewtwo hitten by a superball

Well that's what I'm saying too
We're not Germans after all, dear God.

>We're not Germans after all

Austrians... you're the super-Germans.
How's building your sex dungeon going?

>We're not Germans after all, dear God.

holy shit

Ein Volk!
I don't have a sex dungeon, we don't use those anymore.

>And loneliness has very little to do with sex if you had actually known what it truly feels like
You do realize men and women view sex differently?

What a bait kek. Dumb frog

They were actually non-religious, dressed normally and had interests, even they were hotter than average, I think it's just bad luck because those kind of girls are not the rule.

And I wanted, in most of the cases I thought it was worthy to wait in order to have a future relationship, but it didn't work because most of them finally rejected me.

In the other hand, it's in part my fault in part to be still virgin because of shyness some years ago and because nowadays I think most of girls are degenerate and it's not worthy to spend time on them. I am also good looking, so if I weren't so shy 4 years ago I could have perfectly fucked. I carry with my virginity without stress because I know the day will come, sooner or later.

ok int, i am a girl and i'm texting with this guy. i'm 21 and i'm a virgin, if i do have sex with him, will he know that i'm a virgin? i don't want him to know

There's the right, female, way of sex being an expression of love and for procreation. And the male way of lol tits are fun and jiggly and it makes me feel good in my dick for 15 minutes no matter how many I hurt lol sex is lyf bro
The male degenerate sodomite way

Yeah, what's the new trendy way then? You just imagine one via virtual reality and rape-torture there?
Sounds better for everyone so good on you if so

> Dumb frog

it really shows that you never go outside

women have sex for fun all the time

No, we just drug girls now and then throw them away like trash. It's more convenient and the shame they feel makes it very unlikely for them to press charges.

Brazil is more similar to Sweden, but girls don't usually fuck on the first contact.
If you hit on a girl in a nightclub and she likes you, she will kiss you.
Then you call her, go on a date (or a few) and finally fuck her. If people like each other, they build a relationship.

I don't really understand the american culture. If a girl decides to go on a date, what does it mean?
In my head, she's already decided that she will kiss/fuck me. It's up to me not to ruin it.

Dating culture where I live
>be at party, usually in someone's unfinished garage >every man is drunk on Alexander Kieths
>every girl is drunk on coffee brandy and milk
>find girl with most of her teeth and relatively little fat
>if she is under 25 she will probably only have 1 or 2 kids so body isn't totally wrecked yet as it will be when she reaches 29 and her 4th kid
>tell her you almost never collect E.I. you make as much as $15 an hour cash seasonally
>she will now hladly agree to be escorted to your late model pickup truck
>she continues to be impressed because you bought soray can touch up paint from Canadian Tire and were able to hide the massive amounts if rust caused by salted roads
>at this point you are the most successful man she has ever met
>if she requests a condom because she heard about one on TV once remind her that Trudeau has recently increased the monthly child tax credit amount
>proceed to fuck her in truck bed if summer, front of truck if winter
>she has been drinking milk mixed with liqour all night so she will inevitably vomit on you either from gagging on your cock or all the shaking from sex
>ignore this, it's just donairs from pizza delight or greco anyway
>11 months later, after the baby has come and some if the pregnancy fat gas gone, get married in tiny Pentecostal church
>say goodbye immediately after wedding, you are headed west for oil money
>she immediately declares single (as per your instructions) so that she can get more chold tax benefits and social assistance money

This is how we date here 99% of the time
Wish I was kidding at all
Welcome to the Maritimes Sup Forums

>women have sex for fun all the time

shut up with this now
what are you?

Women are literally sociopaths.

We can make you feel creamy

eh that sounds alot like aspergers/autism imo. met girls who were the case and they usually skip the socialization part because its usually too difficult or alienating to them.

courtship phase is pretty important imo, its the part where you build emotional connection/empathy with partners and figure out if they are worth investing time in.

Please stop

it seems like either Swede or American girls are always posting threads about liking nigger cock or about 'true romance'

the reality is most american girls are covered in tattoos and piercings and will basically fuck any guy who is willing to beg for it. The only decent girls are well educated and have a good job so they are not looking to leech off a guy

>courtship phase is pretty important imo, its the part where you build emotional connection/empathy with partners and figure out if they are worth investing time in.
Here that's just called friendship. Courtship? How medieval
Do you serenade your ladies, m'gentleman?

eh different countries and cultures have different systems imo. some are highly monogamous and strictly find meaning with one partner, some seek out multiple ones.

i'd explain it better in more scientific detail because i've studied this before, but it has a lot to do with a hormone called oxytocin and different systems of mating that humans evolved.

Pls be my gf


Det är jö ett passande ord. Va fan, varför ska vi skit på ord bara för att dom är gammla.
Vi svenskar använder färre och färre ord för varje generation. Vi älskar inte språk. Vi suger kuk.

>I will never know what it's like to be creampied

Stop it

nope, there's a strong difference in attraction when you have two personalities that can understand each other well/have similar experiences or views.

there's a difference between attraction to porn girls after all vs. someone you bond well with and share memories/moments with afterall.

>only 22
>complaining about being a virgin forever

holy fuck you don't understand do you
a virgin woman is valuable until 30 years old

a virgin man is worthless for 95% women from 20 years old and onward

You can have sexy anytime you want.
Stop complaining.

Svenskar gör det ju bättre ändå än amerikaner. Jag tycker svenskar generellt är vältaliga, tom då det kläs i vulgaritet (se: Flashback).
Det större problemet är väl anglicismer (se: Jönköping University)


No YOU don't understand
What are your issues exactly, some light social awkwardness? My face is ruined literally, marked by a fire. No man will ever touch me, people stare.
And if you don't have the looks as a woman you are NOTHING to men.
You really have no idea.

>And if you don't have the looks as a woman


well of course if you are a monster you can't get laid you dummy
i still bait you'll find some dumb beta faggot before you're 26 though

also your graphic is shit
women rate men according to the money/status they have

eh explain marked by fire. what happened?

Women have it easy, even if your face was disfigured you'll still find a kv willing to do anything to put benis in bagina

WOW. im sry things haven't worked out. not being condescending. hope you find a good guy someday that'll change your mind on that outlook. also let's be realistic about the AGE of the men you're ripping on, just gotta find some mature lads

>Jag tycker svenskar generellt är vältaliga, tom då det kläs i vulgaritet (se: Flashback).

Visserligen har du, edgy ungdomar, t.ex argblattetalar. Vi älskar att bygga vårat ordförråd.
Men efter att ha gått på gymnasiet i lindholmen, och mött så många unga vuxna som inte kan bry sig om ordförråd.
Får en att längta efter ett starkare klass samhälle som upphöjde bildade människor som kunde prata som bildade jävlar.

All in all we can conclude by this clear and simple sentence:

Fuck women.

>It's unhealthy to overly generalize
>a couples lines later..
>You have no idea what actual loneliness is
> and this
Hmmm... someone should rethink their words

Burn scars from accident when my parents house caught fire.

If you don't have sex in the first date in Argentina, you will never have another date with that girl

thought about surgery?

how bad is it?

this is the case with women in the US except it's a kiss. you gotta kiss em to let em know whatsup on the first date. they hold all the power, and if they want to fuck on the first date, game on. it always goes at the speed the woman wants it to, which is usually date 2-3, it's up to you to let her know how into her you are and to be smooth enough to pull it off. by the time you reach date like 8, you're prob bf/gf and have been fugging on the semi-regular

I've had some plastic surgery more can't be done
You easy level at life faggots don't even know. You can just shave and take of the fedora and look normal
Even if you would be a monster like me you could be intelligent, funny, rich, powerful, etc... For women there's nothing if no beauty.

i disagree, there's personality. i've absolutely dated women based solely on their joie de vivre. having said that you endure adversities that none of the losers on this board do, myself included, and you're right when you say we don't know.

Stop before its too late

Too late?

You ask for kisses or just kiss them? Because if you ask for a kiss in here, even if she likes you, you lose her.

Oh! If you invite to a woman for an ice cream instead a drink you will get a NO. I don't have idea why

I knew a guy last year dating a girl with half of her face burned. He was used to fuck a lot of girls and was a truly chad in the past, but he abandoned all of it because of her.

I think you're just making that up to make me feel good, but still, that's sweet

ha! yeah right asking. i always do a smooch on the cheek, then look her dead in the eyes and go in for the real thing