I'm tired of getting shit for making errors in my SECOND language. I'm trying to confront the stereotype that all burgers are monolingual.

>only speak english
>"dumb burger"
>speak a second language
>"I'm tired of burgers trying to appropriate our culture"


Which language?


Keep practicing dude. You'll get made fun of a lot, but at least you're making an effort.
Also don't talk like a dumb gringo. Develop a decent accent when speaking. Sarah Connor from T2 is a good example. She has a bretty good respectable accent for a non-hispanic american.

considering your flag, shouldn't that be your first language?


you will always be dumb
you need to accept it and live with it
such is life

Says the NATO cuck.

Por que estas riendo juan. Por lo menos yo no esté viviendo en pobreza.


I only get made of on here by insecure cucks.

burgers are so dumb that they can't even learn a second language. Instead they go around and blame everyone for their bad English.
fucking selfish retards.

>"I'm tired of burgers trying to appropriate our culture"
I hope you're memeing.

I literally didn't get a word of that. You suck dick at english

Should probably have picked a language which is not tired of burgers trying to appropriate their culture.

if you don't want to be mocked, then keep practicing, it's the only way.

>spend 7 years learning Japanese
>now learning Mandarin
>doing Spanish and French on Duolingo and it's easy as fuck

FUck em OP, keep going. Most people who give Americans shit for knowing only one language are Yuroshits that only know other very similar Yuroshit languages.

Based UKistan

Are you proud of being a fucking imbecile?

Don't fall for the globalist meme bro. English is the only language you'll ever need. Everything good in the world is written and spoken in English. Other countries get butthurt at the thought because they realize how inferior they are to native English speakers.

He was being sarcastic.

A lot of Mexicans are fedora lords and SJWs

I'm sure you could pass as a native, what with your extensive duolingo training

>doing Spanish and French on Duolingo and it's easy as fuck

Duolingo is a joke m8.

>Everything good in the world is written and spoken in English
>he doesn't know how good Russian torrent sites are
Literally all porn ever made in HD resolution can be found on Russian torrent sites, including entire filmographies of your favourite porn stars, compilations of hundreds of GBs, ridiculous 3D animated porn. Ancient videos games, obscure Alaskan bands playing a non-existing genre that only lasted for a year, Yugoslav war movies, Afghan metal bands, etc. All on Russian torrent sites, it's a whole new world.

>European languages are hard

Stop it.

Why don't you Europeans ever know any langauges outside your native language's language family?

Go ahead and learn Russian, Arabic, or Japanese.

And so are learning European languages after studying a few different Asian languages extensively.

I could have been fluent in Spanish, French, and another European language during the time it took me to get to an advanced level in Japanese.

Duolingo seems to be like the normie way of "studying" a language

Just tell them that they're appropriating Spanish culture.

Get good

t. someone who's trying to get good in Españish

It is, but it's a good way to graduate from the beginner level of a language.

If you want to go hardcore in language learning you should learn most of the grammar during your first month or two of study while learning 30-50 words per day in Anki. Of course you need to be reading and listening everyday as well.

I don't have time to do that with Spanish and French so I use duolingo.


fuck off back to Sup Forums or reddit, child

dumb frogposter

dashing British contributor

What are you contributing to the thread Nigel?

yo había querido aprender espanol pero estoy tan perezoso \

my vocabulario es muy pequeno y no recuerdo muchos de las verbas conjugacions


Read books and watch movies for vocab m8.

get the fuck off my board you yankee reddit twat

I've never been on Reddit my guy.

Russian is in the Indo-European family.


you are reddit embodied like every other underaged yankee from Sup Forums

i can spot you runts from a mile away

>i can spot you runts from a mile away

Brits are so cringey.

>Sup Forums is /reddit/
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