South China Sea:

Countries that supports China

>Nigger continent,Pakis,Worst Korea,literally who jungle asians.

Countries that support the Philippines

>The Western World,Honorary Aryans,The EU,Poo in the Loo.

Wew lad I know jack shite about this island war but I already know who I want to support.

Philippines are bro tier.
They're also butthurt as hell about China.

But clay is clay.

>the Western world

So far only America to any meaningful extent.

Not even the nips have sailed the SCS.

>old white pervert sex tourist have
>brb taking siesta
>soon to be caliphate

Yeah moneys on China.

If I hear one more subhuman white trash nigger saying WE WUZ ARYANS, even though his ape ancestors could only pile rocks together, I'm switching to China.

Not really a surprise, but britbongs are the least intelligent people in the world. Even Black Caribbeans will surpass them in a few years.



why is taiwan supporting """china"""

Because they are the real china, and therefore the islands actually belong to them, along with Mongolia.

Taiwan claims to be the true China, so they claim all the land that the PRC claims + even more.

Meme answers aside this is the reason reason why:

Taiwan is not considered a real country and part of China according to the rule.

Taiwan hates China more than any country but they dont agree that Philippines should get the island because they also claim the islands.

They have no choice but to support China even if the taiwanese hates chinese

taiwan suports chink coalition :)

Actually we are in between as we want to keep selling, but also take a hard line.

Based taiwan

Country suspisciously absent from the list despite it being in their interest to support either side (due to the message they keep saying): Singapore.


South Korea
New Zealand

My money is on China. Remove sushi and pinoy subhumans.

Enjoy your new colonial overlords :^)

Nah shits just logical Philippines have no military Japan is too far away and USA becoming more isolationist etc. Betting money on Chinese takeover.


>Republic of China
>supporting illegitimate occupiers of mainland
ultimate cuck

Of course,Korea is China side,right?
If war is break out,we don't want to accept Korean Immigration!!!

By the way,modern China looks like Empire of Japan who withdrew from the League of Nations.

speaku englishu retard jap

Hello,50 Cent Party.

Korea is very Neutral

They have good relationship atm with China(but dont like how they support N.Korea) but Loves USA.

They sell weapons and jets to the Philippines but dont support them(and china) over the Islands.

They hate Japan because of the the Dokdo islands but trade between two countries is still important.

As one of the Big 3 asian countries they remain neutral

>They hate Japan because of the the Dokdo
Not only it.
They hate all things including culture,weapon and good deed if it is related to Japan.

The big issue with Singapore is that it keeps trumpeting "rule of law" like it fucking means the world to them while they make deals with belligerent nations who keep violationg or ignoring said rule of law.

It's also strange that despite the "rule of law" rhetoric theu keep blasting to everyone, Singapore remains neutral on the issue that, I dunno, FUCKING JUSTIFIES THE RHETORIC THEY KEEP REPEATING OVER AND OVER.

I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do with the fact that Singapore and China have extremely warm relations, a shitton of trade deals and the fact that the US actually fears that Singapore will side with China over things like this?

Uh, no, more like Chinks are butthurt about the Philippines

Nope. It's flips who are angry. Who owns the island de facto right now? Yeah, that's right.


>taiwan support china

They're saying what they can to keep independence, they'll be honest when they realise China gives zero shits/brain cells to the consequence.

But yes, ultimate cucks.

Also, korea and the USA are the only two countries who've ever beat Japan without suffering some goddamn heavy losses. If the political situation lends itself to finding actual korea, japan and USA in an alliance along with the Phillipines then I don't like China's odds.

>Spain is an ally, not Portugal

Wait what?

Eh, Korea has never beat Japan without suffering massive losses. Even in the Imjin war where Japan finally retreated, Korea and China's casualties were like a million while Japan tens of thousands at best. The US might have, but then they lost a large part of capital ships of the Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, and, by Dec. 1942, all fleet carriers but USS Enterprise in successive battles (which is why the ship's name is an icon of USN and famous in pop culture as the ship of good fortune); this alone is not losses common countries can suffer and yet they managed to accomplish that impressive recovery thanks to their incomparable industrial capacity and, in part, uncommon peculiarities of WW2 Pacific theatre (thinly dispersed garrisons short of supplies due to extensive battleground and resource-devouring China theatre). That said, I agree with you on China's unfavorable odds especially when it comes to naval affairs against Japan-US alliance.