What does Sup Forums think of our comfy little desert country?

What does Sup Forums think of our comfy little desert country?

absolute nonsense to fight so much for this shit

must only be there to justify some kind of presence in the sandnigger realm

Every Israeli on this board can't stop complaining about it. They hate their government, their military culture, their culture in general, their religion, and they all think they're gonna be Akbar'd to death soon

Fucking disgusting. Hillarious people fight over a desert shit hole because they think their version of the same god promised them that piece of sand.

Also shit food and ugly women

Some furry porn game recently got jewed by some guy from Isreal and had to shut down.
You guys are alright.

Breeding Season if anyone's interested.

>pathetic cucks
Just cucked lefty shits who want to abandon their culture and heritage to "be like europe" or "america". Its what happens when you grow up on American and european TV and media.
I have no respect for them and i am an atheist and by no means some crazy nationalist.

They are ok.

The best, I plan to visit soon.

>being under constant threat of terrorist attacks

Its not really all desert, just the southern part.

nearly only rich cunt I wouldn't like to live in (cuz bomz n shit, also to religious state4me)

Being critical of shit aspect of your country is how normal people behave, it's usually brainwashed thirdworlders who try to convince everyone their nation is flawless.

No, how normal people behave is being critical of their country government and people but drawing on their own history and cultural heritage to find solutions.
Most of these critics might as well be European or american.
They barely know anything of what judaism is or the history of jews and the jewish religion prior to the Zionist movement.

Why didn't the Jews just take Tasmania?

>Also shit food and ugly women
Pot calling the kettle black desu.

Totally support Israel desu

Qtest women in the world

pls send stateside

I wish we could just erase the past 60 years or so, and finally have some fucking peace in this land. Only reason Palestine is important for me is because it is a holy place, maybe if we convert Israel to a multicultural land run by no one....

Fighting over piece of wall seems so non-Jewish 2 me. Probably it just means that I have to check my stereotypes on them once again,.

>Implying Israel would ever stop muslim pilgrimage to holy sites.

can i go to israel? NO

Thats the fault of your government that will not normalize relations with us.

you folks are fault-proof, aint you?

will honestly let half the people in this country get gassed but i still love the country

Well, what does that have to do with me though? I have zero say in my government, and even if they didn't want to normalize relations, shouldn't I still have the right to visit? Through an Israeli embassy in Europe/Turkey

As a Singaporean, I have to say you taught us how to be manipulative schzoid sociopaths very well. As a country, we've adopted your mindset and we've even improved on it.

Personally? I'm the worst person to say this, but really, was it necessary to become Nazis? I get it that the MIddle East literally hates your guts, and Palestine is... a very touchy issue, but was it necessary to go full fucking Nazis on the Palestinians just because Saudi-backed and possibly Iranian-backed organizations are trying to destabilize your country?

You can blame us for whatever you want but not for refusing normalization with muslims countries.

Full nazi? If we went full nazi on them they would not exist. We can bomb the gaza strip into a parking lot within a few days.
We gave the sinai peninsula back.
We decided to not kick al larabs out of israel during the war(20% of israelis citizens are arab muslims/christian).
It would be extremely easy for us to kill them.
Their population has increased and keeps increasing so i dont know what "going full nazi" means for you.

I think its a horrible mistake

afaik they just settled in Israel and all Arabs from around attacked them at once (and were fucked up within 1 week) so Jewish edginess and shit is kinda justified.

Tb desu I ain't that familiar with the topic plus these few pieces of data that I know says you may be right

This tbqh.
Not a very comfy country.

I'm talking about the humanitarian crisis inside Palestine and related things, like settlements in the Gaza Strip. And the politicians your people keep electing who keep advocating for a jewish idendity and shit.

It's hard to put the undercurrent of hatred your country has for the Palestinians into words and I'm sure I'm missing out on a lot of the local politics and culture.

>And the politicians your people keep electing who keep advocating for a jewish idendity and shit.
Literal national-socialism

Six day War? Arab-Israeli war? That one time they trapped the Egyptian Army inside Israel?

That was in the 60s and 70s. Admittedly, they were better back then. They respected human rights then.

>the politicians your people keep electing who keep advocating for a jewish idendity and shit.

Wow, it's like a reverse holocaust.

Literally nazis.

God, I wish we did go full Nazi.
Just fucking flatten the whole place and there would be no more of this shit.
It's not like the world likes us anyway, they already think we're killing everyone. Might as well just seriously do it.


Will only be possible if Sup Forumss race war actually happens.

K, my memory's fucked, but wasn't it just 1st Jews vs Arabs war? Which all ended up with Jews fucking shit out of Arabs and being more and more pissed off?

Ive always wondered, do jews have a vatican equivalent or pope equivent

Don't hate jews, hate israel

Penguins have their prophets, but most of Israel is secular.

Not really. Israel has a rabbinate that has a veto on certain important things but it is facing a growing opposition and is itself part of the small orthodox jewish branch.
I think a pope like figure is only possible if a third temple is built.

Do Israelis ever wish the Zionists founded their country somewhere else in the world?

Yes. Perhaps a colony on Mars.

Somewhere cooler would've been nice. Really tho, this is our home, clusterfuck and all.

That would never have happened and makes no sense(yes i know they thought about it).

Sierra Leone

Great country established by great people in extremely hard circumstances.

It is a beautiful country you can be proud of Jews built it from nothing I just wish so much shit didn't happen because of it.

The Arab-Israel war was the one that made Arabs angry.

And then there was the Six-Day War in the 60s.

So, Zionism is basically toxic?

I'm probably visiting next year desu.

m8 we here are dense as fuck, be more specific- polan or israel?
(if polan- "no. u"

Israel haha I know better then to say to a Pole that Jews built his country.

>The Arab-Israel war was the one that made Arabs angry.

and defeated, so I doubt that Jews are gonna aknowledge their feelings and gtfo out of the middle east. Being stronger is pretty decent argument always and everywhere imo

Great country and great people.

I don't mind these. The weather on the other hand...

the image you get of Israel over here is that if you arent jewish youre not treated nicely
dunno if thats true though

Kill them, Rabbi. Kill ehem all!

Seriously, kill all Arabs. Please. You can get all the submarines you want.


From what I heard from my Jewish flatm8s in around 2009 the most impressive is that they do it while everything around and inside is so hostile. Honestly, they're bold folks.

Loyalist subhumans seem to like your flag a lot

I was born here and am stuck here, whatever anyone says about Israel, don't really have a choice in the matter.

Only if you're Arab or otherwise "unprivileged".
Whites and Asians are well liked, though if you're not Jewish you would get asked a lot about why you would even come to Israel.
As in... Why Israel of all places.

Absolutely based and testament to Jewish ingenuity and resilience, and a living proof that civilization can in fact thrive in the middle east even even without oil wealth or giving up on democracy.


loyalists are truly an odd bunch desu

my friend is going to Israel because his company has a training facility out there or something

Probably an IT company I assume.

Please forgive us for trying to exterminate your people.
We see now, that the true enemy is islam and its adherents. Isreal is right and does the right thing!
Love from Deutschland.

Ahh just a little shoah here and there, all in good jest, friend.
Much love muah

How do Jews actually get along is their tension between Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi?

You're a relatively stable and democratic nation in the Middle East that isn't a result of Oil, so you're looked favorably.

That said I don't like the current situation with palestine. Israel needs to stop thinking of itself as a solely jewish nation, and especially stop supporting the Ultra-Orthodox.

>Israel needs to stop thinking of itself as a solely jewish nation, and especially stop supporting the Ultra-Orthodox.
How's that cuck shed treating you?

All hate haredim equally

They could also just wait till Arabs get even worse PR and steamroll Syria all the way to the Turkey.

It's fucking 2am and I'm watching my Turkey vacation burn on live streams.

Mizrahi a trash.

Ulta-Orthodox/Haredim are parasites. They're getting a lot of opposition from the secular parties.
It's a matter of time.

Hopefully with the help of president Trump

I don't see any other solution. Not like I'm pro with strategy, diplomacy, region or other shit related. But if it's getting only worse for 60y and counting, what other can you do?

Gave up caring many Jewish settlements ago desu.

>tfw constantly talk shit about Israel
>the moment yanks say anything I hate them

What is the general consensus of the Israeli populace on Netanyahu? I read today that he may be investigated for corruption, and some of the other Israelis here seem to hate him.

just wild guess, but mayby: too soft and corrupted

I love Israeli cuties!