>Sup Forums will disagree with this
Sup Forums will disagree with this
How the Fuck is Indonesia light green?
where is yellow on that list? is it supposed to be above orange?
>dark blue
>light blue
I see purple and grey tbqhwyf
>El Salvador
>Not hell on earth
>teh worst
>not the worst tier
More then half of the countries in light green are way worse then Ukraine.
Put light green on Sicily while we at it
What the fuck is wrong with Ghana and Botswana?
They're solidly spic tier
>A fucking third world country
I'd rather be in Greece than America
sure you would
depends where in greece
depends where here
Alaska, Washington, Washington DC, and general Northeast are pretty comfy IMO
I'd take USA over Greece anytime. If it was warm enough climate, and they wouldn't execute me for farting in public.
I don't think that it rly matters where in Greece (besides Cyprus mayby)
Somalia is nice country.:.:.::..:
Don't be rude.
He should paint Poland red then
Chill, I just heard that Mob run the shit. I'm aware that even Sicily is still more wealthy than Poland
>Chile, Argentina, Russia better than Croatia and Greece
>Croatia on the level of Macedonia, Bosnia, China and Georgia
Go consume fecal matter. Croatia is the best to live in.
Mafia is much weaker than in the past and only affects the economy, no other aspect of the quality of life
Who the fuck color codes green = terrible?
I didn't know that. Good to learn stuff. Also Godfather confirmed for being outdated source
Someone who doesn't like green
El Salvador is on the same level of Colombia or Peru? Shit tier map
I'm confused, Russia is light blue or bright blue?
They're still no 1 in homicide rate?
>light/bright/dark colour
I'm confused
The grayish blue is "light blue". The blue that resembles the one on your flag is "bright blue".
I think right now they are no 2, because Honduras is still more dangerous
I wonder what's the reason. Have you got any ideas?
light blue = gray blue
bright blue = cyan
dark blue = dark blue
for this picture at least
Why don't you use colours in the reference as well you fucking spergo?
why this shithead didn't put the color next to the explanation in their legend?
what a doofus
Poland etc is livable and Slovakia etc Okay rest is clear
It's a very complex situation. For one side, both countries lived long periods of civil war and political instability during the 70's and 80's. This lead to a very poor population with large access to guns and low expectations for development. In the other side, the latinoamerican culture strangely stands out in terms of government corruption, so the principal forces that could stop the situation lack the respctive force to do it. Add to this elements like tribal identity (because maras act as real life tribes) and there you have it, a perfect disaster
aren't latinos kinda hot-headed too. In comparsion to crackers, for example?
As long as it's not one of those fake US states like Puerto Rico I'd take the US over Greece any time
Yes, that is a reason too. But it seems to me we are still less violent that American niggers, for example
They seem to don't give a fuck about life apparently, Funny stuff, that nignongs that came from Africa themself are pretty decent folks usually. At least these whom I met
People in maras believe in the relevance (I canĀ“t say honour in this case) of his own "tribe" over their individual lifes. It's weird, but that's what happen when you totally identify in a colective.
And yeah, the African people that I have seen here usually seem like very calm people, I have never understand what happened with those violent niggers.
Slavery mayby? One thing that differs these 2 bunches
Uruguay should be nice
oh, you!
Portugal should be dark blue, desu, all memes aside.
> Panama, Costa Rica
> Terrible
You need to stop reading sensationalist press. Also, we were terrible, not so much anymore
>different color than Syria
Isn't your country known primarily for cocaine smuggling?
Portugal is nice or are you memeing?
Nah, it's ok like that.
Yes, we're the main exporters but nothing will happen to you unless you're involved in those businesses and it happens mostly in rural areas. To be honest, I feel safer here than in Europe with all the bs that's been happening lately
This is more accurate
I would change Greece and the Baltics to the same shade as Poland.
Brazil is too high , we should be the same colour as Russia
But I've visited Kenya this summer. Please explain how it's the "worst"
True, but I like brazilbros :3
>italy, spain, portugal
fucking jobless shitholes
Going through a recession doesn't make them shitholes. Besides, the situation is improving, slowly or not. I'd choose to live in one ofthose countries over Korea ANY day, m8.
yes then you will live in germany or uk or even sweden for finding a job
italy doesn't really match 2 others, plus it's split for north and south (decent vs not so decent).
Portugal on the otherhand were 1st cunt from old eu that got overall shitter than some of newcomers.
Having one of the lowest suicide rates in the world instead of the highest is part of what he considered "nice" I guess.
>Bright Blue
Just say cyan so people know what you're talking about.
>not Red
Puerto Rico left out as always
I guess is some kind of reinvindication throug a violent culture, but sometimes it still seems to me like an unsufficient reason
Peru, Ecuador and Colombia aren't that bad
>Afghanistan is better than South Africa
I don't think that being killed by terrorists is nice
>Thailand not at least the same color, if not better as Brazil, China, or the Philippines
Come the fuck on.
but chile and argentina are far superior to croatia
OMG they actually included New Zealand in the map!!!
>it's another Portugal edit meme map
lmao t. alberto barbosa am I right xDDD loving every meme
t. Alberto Barbosa
t. Alberto Barbosa
t. Alberto Barbosa
Honestly Korea I'd put you guys on the same dark blue as Japan had it not been for your suicide rates. You have the highest of the developed world, and has no sign of going down. At least in Japan it's clear the trend is decreasing and that the government is actively doing something about it.
>mfw Zimbabwe is red