Ayyy fuck you mods i dont wanna go to Sup Forums to discuss coup

Ayyy fuck you mods i dont wanna go to Sup Forums to discuss coup

Fuck you mods. Fuck your mother. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you mods. Dont just delete threads. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck your mother. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Fuck you. I hope you die painfully. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Good thread
Good trips
Fuck mods

How is this not international discussions?





Ban me if you can, pussies.

Exactly. Sup Forums is marginally less shit than Sup Forums, and it's not like we don't discuss politics here anyway.

Who is more retarded Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

mods are sods wew fuck the system

Sup Forums is reddit

definitely Sup Forums

thingslike this are new on this boatd. it always was about discussing international affairs like that since /new/ ceased to exist

stay safe turk bros T_T

People who whine about pol on other boards as if they have to mention pol at least once an hour otherwise they die.

Sup Forums should have a coup against the jannies

pol is terrible they've made this place worse

That actually sort of happened a very long time ago.

The mods assigned some retarded janitor who was deleting so many legit posts and threads that Sup Forums anons made enough noise on IRC and other boards to get him removed/moved to another board.

That's the only occasion it happened on Sup Forums i think. This happened years ago. Soon after flags were introduced on here.

idk if you ever went there, but its kinda like Sup Forums but theres way more memes and minimal amount of serious discussion, otherwise its lots of people pushing agendas

There was one against scruffy back in /mlp/ when he started to ban porn.

the coup was shortly after the flags actually

IIRC it was roughly around the end of 2012/beginning of 2013

I still remember how overjoyed everybody on Sup Forums was (except for a handful of anti-coup cucks whining on /q/ or whatever the equivalent was back then). It was a pretty good day.

fuck off stupid faggot mods
redirect us to /news/ if you need to redirect us

Sup Forums is 99% underaged kids from Sup Forums or reddit

You mean the kinds of posts and memes that Sup Forums has always had?

pol was suppose to be quarantine

And stormfront remains there. If you can't handle memers repeating shit they see on other boards, you should probably leave. If you can't handle racism and other -isms that have always been on Sup Forums, you should probably leave. The anti-pol has gotten worse and more out of hand than pol itself has. It's just as bad as reddit boogeyman posting.

honestly /q/ is certifiably the worst board on Sup Forums
it's nothing but redditors complaining about generals and boards they don't like
like if you don't like a board then just don't visit it nigga lmao

/trash/ is significantly better

So if I complain I should leave but when you complain you tell others to leave?

is trash even used for its original purpose (i.e. threads being moved there instead of deleted)? Or is it pretty much just a slightly different /s4s/ but with furries instead of digits?

Found the cuck

oops, meant to write /trash/ instead of trash obviously

>is trash even used for its original purpose (i.e. threads being moved there instead of deleted)?

>Or is it pretty much just a slightly different /s4s/ but with furries instead of digits?
It's old Sup Forums

My complaints are valid because you guys bring up your obsessive pol complex out of nowhere on every other board. All because you see something you don't like which was probably just learned by someone who browses Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Or something remotely racist or something an average aus or someone who isn't new to Sup Forums would post daily.

You are a mentally disturbed freak who can't stop fighting an imaginary enemy. You have a tinfoil hat on tighter than pol ever could wear.

You realize complaining about Sup Forums isn't complaining about the board or its posters right?

Sup Forums coup when?


Still the same shit.

>"g-go back to pol!1!" somehow isn't complaining about it
>calling it the worst board isn't complaining about it
I wouldn't know since I don't go there, but for all these people saying it's the worst board they sure must know a lot. Nor do I waste away my life posting about something I don't like, unlike the ones constantly crying about that board.

Fuck man, I was on the other chan that was made when moot deleted r9k and new, and that board got daily, actual raids by /new/. I know what stormfront shitposting is and how bad it can get. This shit on Sup Forums? It's nothing but babies whining.

see and

but you want to make all whiners leave

yes great hero save Sup Forums

If you keep shitposting, yes. Leave, get banned, whatever. If you just nut the fuck up and shut up you'll be fine.

I mentioned it before, but if you love pol so much you have to mention them on unrelated boards and threads everyday, you should just go to pol and stay there then, or leave this site.

Its time for change again. The jannies should fear us not the other way around.
Let today be a reminder for that

to be fair, the mod/janny who got coup'd was MUCH worse than anything else we've ever had, it was completely insane how much of a power trip the raging cunt was on. For example, he deleted EVERY single Israeli post, without exception, no matter how on-topic it was. I remember one such case was pic related, I screencaped it because I knew it was going to get deleted, and sure enough I was right. That's just one small example among so many others. It was inevitable for him to be removed from premisses.

>that screengrab

That's a complete shitpost tho come on

m8 I was in that thread, it wasn't a shitpost, it was a thread full of questions about Quebec and Quebec French. Besides, even if it were a shitpost, so what? It would be a clever/banterful shitpost. Is banter about language really forbidden on fucking Sup Forums, of all places?

There is absolutely no defending the old mod/janny who got removed (well, except for the retarded rebbiters who complained about "Sup Forums takeover" afterwards, but they got completely ignored, their failure of an attempt at a counter-coup never even took off).

Sup Forums genocide of Canadians and polacks when?

Umm hello!?!? This board isn't for bantering it's for serious dissbushins

Sup Forums by far
they have a thread where they claim Erdogans plane got shut down kek and they actually believe it the absolute madman