Dievs, sargi Caru! edition.
/balt/ + /ausnz/
First for the British Empire
Binkas bunkis binkis
Pirmā reize, kad tu pasaki kaut ko latviski.
Atcerēšos šo. Sajūta tāda, ka iespējams nākamā reize nekad nepienāks.
>be tsar
>get killed by latvian farmers
lol what a fag
I'm Baltic
>be asshurt
>make sure everyone knows
lol what a fag
Binkis, bankis, bunkis,
pidulauas Kranklis
>tfw nobody wants to be my beta orbiter
He had the disastrous qualities of being both incompetent and stubborn. There are many incompetent and lazy rulers however they generally open to relying on their court/bureaucracy which generally keeps the status quo ticking over.
As for his actions:
>He was a disastrous diplomat and got Russia involved in a terrible war with Japan which marked the first time a European power had been defeated by an East Asian one since the Mongol Conquests. He literally was surprised when Japan responded with military force.
>Destroyed all attempts at indigenous reform squashing both the Duma and Stolypins work effectively killing Russia's chance at modernizing on its own terms like Japan. A process which also radicalized his population.
>Completely botched the situations prior to WWI with his indecision managing at once to both antagonize the Central Powers *and* his own military.
>As the War went downhill (which in the process decimated the elements in the military loyal to him) he left the Capitol to personally lead the war effort and placed the running of the country in the hands of his wife (who was heavily influenced by Rasputin)
>World War I signaled the end of absolute monarchies however unlike all the rest he vehemently refused to abdicate (despite constant warnings by advisers) until he was literally placed under house arrest by the Liberal revolutionaries (yes not the Bolsheviks but the liberals).
All in all he destroyed his state, military and the legitimacy and popularity of the monarchy in the eyes of the people. He is just as responsible for the Russian Revolution (the Red one) as Lenin is.
Somebody post the sock pic.
Are u qt?
You're an abbo.
fuck up, weeb
Their president is walking meme. I realized this after I read his tweets about Russia.
>abbo sympathisers
succ my giant girlcock, filthy indo-european subhuman desu
jaunzēlandiešiem (lielākoties) nav ne vainas.
>lol xdddd animu imaghes r so CUUUUTE
can all of you weebshits fucking leave, it was so peaceful when you weren't around
They're all bad
There is no anime in this thread but since you are so eager to talk about it - here you go.
Weebs trying to cause a divide again I see
Your subversive techniques won't work here FSB
Paskaties uz postu virs mana posta un tu atradīsi vainojamo valsti.
Can you kys?
Fuck off kiddie fiddler
Who cares what a judge in a country as irrelevant as Australia thinks?
You lost a war to birds and you aren't allowed to bring in apples into Australia lmao
The fucking madman
Keanu vis dar atrodo neblogai metų žmogui..
Get lost you filthy pedophile.
Don't reply to my posts u fucking abbo.
Daily reminder that belaruse is baltic
still no gf lads
You people make me sick.
What drives you to hurt children?
"However, as I previously observed, the concern is that those who view anime will go on to view images of actual children being sexually abused."
I always knew weebs were pedophiles, this confirms it.
Tikai filmās. Aiz kameras viņš ir vecs un neglīts.
tere tere
I see the weebs have gotten the janitor to delete the post uncovering them as pedophiles
They've gone into full damage control now lads
Look at all these red lines.
kuidas läheb?
Why did his mother hate him?
Rockets n shit being fired now
Nop, es viņam dotu kādus 30 gadus desu.
kaut gan šis arī ir no 2014. gada un tā ir televīzijas intervija.
The janitor should be ashamed of himself for trying to cover up the weebs' pedophilic ways.
ā, un viņš ir nedaudz ķīnietis
why don't you have this flag now ree
reminder that the fight still goes on, remember to report every anime image since mods have started to delete them too
Pedophiles will no longer be tolerated in /balt/ + /ausnz/
Par cik notiek saruna par multfilmām, kāds man var ieteikt kaut ko labu no šīs sezonas?
look at the time
This, I saw a thread on r9k where weebshits fully admitted they were pedos. Disgusting.
thanks for looking
pointless. That Asuza is a mod from rich family. Obviously he paid gookmoot to promote his perverisons.
I'd like to thank the moderator who is at least fair and deletes w*eb posts.
Regardless, we must persevere. Together we can rid this board of pedophiles once and for all.
we live in oligarchy
Tu staigā uz plāna ledus vecīt.
feita kaleīda trešā sezona ir ārā, kā arī rabu raibu jaunā sezona.
New Game izskatās labi a.pomf.cat
pats gan jau neko neskatīšos.
since when is CP and pedophilia allowed on Sup Forums? what the hell
Exactly my thoughts
omg he looks better than Eastern Euro ***men*** in their 20s.
Liktenis kaleīds, rādi pēc roka un mīli dzīvo ir standarta pakete, es meklēju kaut ko jaunu. Nez, tas webm jau izskatās labi.
>pats gan jau neko neskatīšos
Šiandien beveik baigiau žiurėti nisemonogatari..
Atrodo ryt pradėsiu trečią sezoną
>post drawing of a greed frog
>banned for a week
>constantly post literal child porn
>get protection fro janitors
can moot come back?
Nisemonogatari yra geras.
Going to sleep. Will be very pleased to face a new Turkey when I wake.
nu parasti sev apsolu, ka skatīšos kaut ko, bet esmu pārāk slinks.
Ja pirmās divas sērijas nav ļoooooti interesantas, tad es vienkārši droppoju. Ja man būtu backlogs, tad viņš būtu garāks par satversmi.
night honey
I wonder how this coup in Turkey is going to end lads
Do you think it will be for the best?
you've been banned for posting a glorious toad?? I can't believe that nonesense.
rooting for the military tbqh
I've been banned for admiring Baltic culture
this is literally like the soviet union all over again
Nothing good for Russia as usual.
Sanāk tu nemaz neskaties anime.
If the military lose the coup because some civilians sat in the streets I'm going to laugh my ass off 2bh
Your joke of a country lost a war against birds so you're in no position to laugh at them
They should really be more organised if they're going to launch a coup tbf
honestly looks like it
they literally will lose the coup because civs sat infront of the tanks
what the fuck, can turks do anything right
Nu jā.
Vairs nav tie laiki godīgi sakot. Ik pa laikam jau paskatos kaut ko. Pēdējā ko noskatījos bija kancolle šonedēļ. Vienkārši esmu pārāk piekusis visu laiku lai kaut ko skatītos.
>the weebshit is still fishing for (You)'s
just fuck off to your CP
Just report them, that's what I'm doing.
Done so with every post they make so far
Literally watching a Leopard 2 sitting on a highway while some soldier with a rifle argues with a mob
Holy fuck, if you're going to take control of your country you should accept there'll be some blood
Now the civs are on top of the tank and the hatches are locked
It's the Belarusian flag.
fuck you turks
What the hell are they doing? Haha
They're pretty trying to avoid all force. I feel like this coup is going to be all but news by tomorrow
Biju daudz labākās domās par tevi. Mikoto ir mans jaunais favorītais postotājs tagad.
Yeah for obvious reasons I guess but this is ridiculous, if they lose this it's going to boost Erdogan's support and likely his power/reach even further in reaction to this
Erdogan is about to land in Istanbul
They've pretty much lost it. On sky news police forces are escorting arrested soldiers.
How can you lose a fucking coup to civilians, just because they surround your tank.
Is it the whole of the military that's trying to stage this coup? Because on the news it sounds like it's a select group of people in the military that are doing it
A few branches of it, not all of it. I think the rebels arrested the main general
Seems to be a small sect. It does make me wonder why the rest of the military wasn't deployed in response though