>jap is an offencive term
Jap is an offencive term
>negro is an offensive term
I don't understand either, but I'm not a native English speaker.
Also here we commonly call them "japas" playfully and nobody seems to mind.
fatty fat fats lol
Because that's how WWII propaganda referred to them.
>colored is offensive term
Because it describes non-white specimen
Because it used to be popular at '70 and ealier
Because they appareantly don't like it
No "u"
And ironically "people of color" is considered polite. SJW logic.
because you are too lazy to type out the correct name and too insensitive to care
>paki is an offensive term
Offended by poor spelling
>"Why are the Japs so good at creating sex toys?"
>"Why are the Poles so good at killing shitskins?"
Is calling Polish people Poles offensive?
no, but Polacks is said to be offensive.
Equations are as follows:
Jap and Polack are such good words though
Like wop. Wop woppity wop wop wop. The problem with political correctness is that the "proper" words are a lot less musical and much more formal and awkward
what's wop stands for? is it short for something? (welsh obese pleb or shit)
Without papers.
For Italian immigrants back in the day.
I knew only "Genies' or something like that for Italians
call us Nip,sorry
brit isnt offensive
Whaito piggu cannot be offended
Mfw my grandpa tells of business trips to Japan and refers to them as "Japps" completely unironically.
He's probably going to die soon, I can't handle this loss please help.
its only offensive in cuck countries like the usa and uk
fats is comfy term
>kike is an offensive term
because its a bad nickname used at WW2,and now Japan is FRIEND'D
I drive a Honda motor car. Japanese cars in the UK are sometimes called Japa's. I'm pretty sure that's not offensive though.
You mean coherent and logical spelling?
wtf I hate yellow jap nip ching chong chan!
Your granpa is nuked sorry
You don't even have a nuclear program though. Even my cuckland had a nuclear program at some point.
gookz, japz, chinkz
herp derp
same ding!!
Do people still use "eleven"? I don't think I've seen it in a while
Colored people implies that there are people who are colored. In other words, implying that "people" are not colored generally. Making white the standard, and people of colored something special, outside the norm.
While people of color puts people first, and doesn't bring special attention to color. It can almost seem like it makes white people the ones lacking something instead, although that may be reading too much into it. In any case, it doesn't make being white the standard, above all others, like "colored people" does.
Just called them people. If you're trying to be specific, called them based on their orgin: African American, Asian ect.