i've heard 5 bombs being dropped in past 2 hours AMA
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i've heard 5 bombs being dropped in past 2 hours AMA
thread theme: youtube.com
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Witch 2hu wud u fug ?
Did you want this to happen?
What's the latest news on the coup?
Is erdogan dead? come on bros we need some hope in this cruel world
if the coup fails will turkey become a theocratic shithole like saudi arabia?
It's guaranteed imo. I give it a decade or two.
2hus are pure, you filthy pig.
Bloody hell, shit's gone down while I was asleep...
On the one hand, coups are bad.
On the other hand, it's the only way to get rid of someone like Erdogan (TAKE NOTE RUSSIA!)
Take note on what? You seriously want a civil war in a country with 2nd biggest nuclear arsenal in on a planet? Way to go, bud
You guys had nukes when the USSR fell and it worked out """""""ok"""""""
Russia in a civil war is still probably safer with nukes than Pakistan at any time, and they haven't done anything stupid with them yet.
Who's in control of Ankara?
Pretty sure Russia is first in nuclear arsenal
That's because you jews tricked us that you would accept us into your capitalistic world if we did so, so everyone was generally happy about it that time
Is anything happening in the other cities or is it just Istanbul and Ankara?
What are your odds on this succeeding, with 10 = Erdogan is hanged, 1 = all coup plotters got shot.
Have your other coups gone on this long or were they quicker and cleaner?
"probably safer? Go read about revolution of 1917, then try to imagine the same happening in our time.
I hate Turkey and most Turks, but I legitimately feel sorry for you guys right now.
>safer for who?
I wasn't really referring to Russia.
Thanks, I guess?
But your hatred is misplaced.
>I hate Turkey and most Turks
Do you even know any? There are hardly any here.
I'm half German and spend much time there. I don't know if Turks in Turkey are the same as the scum in Germany, but those are the ones I hate to be fair.
I really don't mind non Muslim Turks I suppose.
Why is the world such a shitfest? Wish we could go back to the cold war days where it was predominately posturing and eastern European suffering. Now it's almost global shitfest. Maybe the more people the more shitfest 2016 can happen.
You were accepted, I think that for a people who had grown up on anti-capitalist propaganda you were a bit naive in terms of what to expect from actual capitalism... Anyway if you guys hadn't gone full retard on Ukraine you could be just working to improve your country like the rest of us...
Is pide different from region to region?
I've looked up tavuklu on Google images, and most of the pictures are of pide with pastry on the bottom only, with the toppings on top.
Where I live there's a lot of Turks, and all the pide they make, the pastry goes around, with the topping in the middle, like >pic related.
Wondering whether it's just maybe because they're from a different part of Turkey or something.
will this be my opportunity to pick up a white turk qt???
Man.. I'm so bummed. What will happen to the world supply of felafel and doner kebab? I see a dark future.
You might have to 'turn' to your local Greeks.
>you were a bit naive in terms of what to expect from actual capitalism...
still better off under capitalism than they are under communism, but it's their fault they're not better off since they like dictatorship so much, I mean "people's supported" presidents
Oh come on, gyros are so much better
The Greeks need to rebuild their economy somehow. They're probably backing this coup to remove their competition.
>The name comes from Greek γύρος ('turn'), a calque of the Turkish döner meaning "turn",
there is still shooting heard
is it the police vs army?
Yeah, because we all speak Turkish...
Haha, very "clever"
Please make all jokes in this thread in the universal language of English instead of moon speak.
...Or at the very least, be familiar with the food you're talking about.
is the average turk familiar that instabul is eis thn polin?
your country is having a civil war with kurds and a failed coup just this night and you're butthurt about us cucklomat
I miss Berlin. There's nothing better than drinking all night and eating a doner or currywurst. Some of the best drunk food.
...u wot?
At €2, you really can't complain, too. Berlin is amazingly cheap.
On a scale between 1 and 10, how much do you miss Atat*rk?
I was working at a coffee shop in Kreuzberg in Berlin and I could afford to live in an apartment in Zelehndorf (nicest suburb in berlin). Albeit I had three roomates and two bedrooms and one bathroom to share.. But I lived next to a beer garden, a cafe, and a lake.
I felt like I was retired over there. Food and beer were so cheap. Then I got a chance to live in Miami and it hasn't been that great in the states. Though, I'm glad I've missed Merkel welcoming all of the third world into Germany. Still miss Berlin, though.
Why the fuck would you go to Miami if you aren't at least upper middle class
Would you personally rather have military rule or Erdogans continued rule?
I have dual citizenship since my mother was german and my dad was American military. My dad lives out there and it looked like fun. It was for a while, but it's too expensive in the states and I think the crime is much worse.
I am probably heading back to Germany after I finish a trip to Oregon, Washington, and Utah. Then I'm going back to beer gardens and cheap food. I loved being able to spend 2€ on a meal and to buy beers for 2€ and under. In the states that's basically their shittiest fast food is more than that. Most bars are filled with 'craft beer' which is just beer that wasn't made poorly, and those range form 6$-15$ out here. It's weird.
That's not expensive where I am, how much money you make in America? Luckily when I moved to America I got all my expenses paid, even now
Hey user, my gf is German (ironically she also really likes Miami) and wants me to go back to meet her family and stay with her there for a while. Last time I was in Germany I was like 5, uncle lived on an air force base at the time. In your opinion, as a shitskin will I get actually have to deal with any negative shit there? She makes it sound like even conservative Germans are pretty accepting of anyone as long as they're not Muslim, but she's from East Germany and the Germans on here describe the East as a bydlo filled neo-nazi shithole. You have any take on this?
I make about 16 dollars an hour for part time work in an office, but my money went much farther on similar part time pay in Berlin. That's why it's such a good city for artists.
There are still nazis, but they're rare and aren't common in cities. You'll be fine. Some people are rude, but that's universal. I've lived in Frankfurt, Munich, and Berlin and I honestly never encountered much hate or heard about much from my friends. It's kind of a crap shoot though. You could go to the most relaxed city and still get shit from some random insane person. It's just the luck of the draw.
Most people speak English and most people are friendly. My advice, is if you're in Eastern Germany (since your girlfriend is from there) get a bus ticket to Prague. It's cheap (25€ there) and rent an apartment for a few days. I got one for 21€ a nigh + service fee. That city is one of the best in Europe and it is like disney for adults. Your girlfriend will like you for it, and it isn't that expensive to go.
Huh, I see. That's not bad money for part time. But I swear you wont live easy with that much only. I don't have work, I just get free money from family, but what I do realize is in America,if you makes less than $20 an hour, life sucks
>I don't know if Turks in Turkey are the same as the scum in Germany
turks in germany and turkey are two complet different world.
Air force are fighting ground forces?!! Holy shit
Next thing you know,security guard malls are fighting cosplayers like Anzu in turkey
Kurds are pretty much gypsies. There's a reason Saddam gassed them.. The are stateless and are worse that Euro gypsies. I don't judge them too harshly for taking extreme action. Maybe the kurds and just go and live in Sweden.
Berlin is cheap to visit not live in.
>There are still nazis, but they're rare and aren't common in cities. You'll be fine. Some people are rude, but that's universal.
I figured that's what it'd be like. My uncle lived in Germany while in the air force and never had a problem so I figured it was just anons here making shit up. I drive a limo part time in West Los Angeles so I doubt there will be more assholes in Germany than I encounter daily anyways.
If I go I'm going to stay for 3 months and just import my car so won't need a bus ticket. Her family lives in a rural area with shit public transit so it comes out to just about as much to temporarily import my car (about $870) as it would be to rent one there. What's great about Prague apart for sexual debauchery?
Yes, because Mexicans are not familiar with that at all...
>the secret ingredient is pork
Prague is the best city in Europe. The architecture is beautiful and some of the buildings are from the 1400th century. It's a good culture hub. You can party in any city in the western world. I'm more a an architecture/history/cultural experience traveler.
You can drive there on your own, but public transportation is so good in Germany I wouldn't bother with a car. Petrol is expensive and the bans are awesome. But whatever works.
I think I've met more nazis in florida than I have in Germany. You'll be fine.
Just a warning
Traffic laws are enforced really really well. If you were to stop slightly over the white line at a red light you will be photographed and billed. Germans have boners for rules. The traffic laws can lead to very expensive tickets.
>1400th century
pics of this architecture please i need to see it for myself
Use google
damn son im ready for the future
>retarded westerners acting like le military will bring back peace, unity, liberate the kurds, make the country secular and allow turkey to join eu
What is going on ? Are the rebels under control or what ?
Well, my country's news outlets are reporting Erdogan is calling the coup a "gift from God" as this allows him to purge the military...
>1400th century
Nigga what?
Thanks. Don't really know anything about Czechia other than their beers and Tatra. We want to road trip to Bavaria and France while we're there already I'll talk to her about Prague too.
Was already aware of this shit, but thanks. I know Germans are spergs about regulations. I drive for a living so I think i'll do fine.
>some of the buildings are from the 1400th century
So they haven't suceeded yet ? What is the situation right now ?
Murkan kebab here. Mexicans took our food and used pork instead. Pretty good troll. Al pastor is actually yummy but I like gyros, shawarma and doner kebab too
Sorry, I thought it was implied, it's all over now according to Erdogan at least, fighting no doubt continues in a few places but the government got CNN back and is pretty much in control. The coup failed.
DESU Mexican media isn't giving much of a fuck, we're more concerned with Nice.
I'm looking at different articles right now, and it doesn't seem like anything is certain yet. Both sides claimed they're in control and chaos everywhere.
Huh, I thought it came from Atatürk
Jesus lad. Be safe.
The troll actually comes from former Ottoman subjects so I think it's deliberate. Al pastor is a specialty that got started in Mexico City taquerias, you can also get a type of pita (taco Arabe) in there. Some of these places were owned by Lebanese/Syrian Catholics we accepted as refugees in the early 20th century so they're the ones who got this started. In all fairness is fucking genius, al pastor is one of the most beloved foods in Mexico even if it's generally only done right in Mexico City, the thing has become an art unto itself and not just the the cooking, good taqueros do some pretty neat trick sending the meat flying into the tortilla...
Grew up in northern Ireland bombs shook the house and in the old days blew the windows in. before double glazing. Now I get annoyed when I hear a chopper in the air. Back then, I could tell a Gazelle from a Lynx. Either was up 24 hours.