Ok so i'm a french guy and i have been working in the US for five month in missouri...

Ok so i'm a french guy and i have been working in the US for five month in missouri, and i have to say i am a bit disappointed by many things. Today i went to St Louis, and shit black people are so dumb rude and have no resect here. I finally understand why you have so many race problems here. Black people in france have 1000x more education and know what respect is

Why is it that way ?

because french abolished slavery 70 years before the US and did not have segregation for another 100 years

Because niggers

C'est quoi ton job la bas ?

They dindu nuffin brotha

>St Louis
St Louis is not a real city, that's your first problem.

Ok i see that sounds like a good explanation
Je fais de la recherche en object tracking

>t. kaboul

Say what

Because the poor blacks are unironically proud of being ignorant and think that education is a "white" thing.

Blame the NAACP for giving them a platform to push their ethnocentric shit.


T'es ontarien?

I actually had firsthand experience with this while shopping yesterday. I was in an aisle a black couple was walking through, the lady picked up something from the shelf, decided she didn't want it, and dropped it. The jar broke and it splattered all over the ground. Her boyfriend goes to pick some of it up and she said something along the lines of "I KNOW YOU AINT PICKIN UP DAT SHIT UP DATS WHAT PEOPLE GETTIN PAID FO"

So her boyfriend leaves it there and she rants all the way down the aisle about how it's not their job to clean up their mess. They didn't even tell anyone they broke something. Fucking bizarre.

En fait, j'eu l'expérience de première main avec ce lors de l'achat d'hier. J'étais dans le couloir quelques marche noire à travers, je pris une femme pour quelque chose sur l'étagère, et a décidé qu'ils ne veulent pas, et laissé tomber. Jar éclaté et éclaboussé partout sur le sol. Putin va chercher certains d'entre eux et a dit quelque chose le long des lignes de «Je sais que vous ne décrochez pas la feuille et c'est ce que les gens ont payé pour la catastrophe."

Même son petit ami le laisse là et diatribe tout le long de l'allée sur la façon dont il est pas leur travail pour nettoyer leur gâchis. Ils ne même pas parler à personne qu'ils ont cassé quelque chose. Enfoncer bizarre.

Je ne suis pas celui à qui tu réponds, mais en France « job » est masculin.

Poor blacks are ignorant and proud to be unironically I think, because it 'white'.

blame offer a platform to push their ethnocentric sitting NAACP.

Bad block if, because "white" is proud ignorance, unironikalli I think.

Prosecution push naakp sitting ethnosentrik offers them a platform.

I think if unironikalli «arrogant ignorance, because the bad block.

Prosecuting sitting naakp will allow us to push the ethnosentrik them.


I think if unironically "arrogant ignorance, because of bad blocks.
Prosecution sitting naakp not allow us to push ethnosentrik them ..

how is my french i am trying really hard studying 3 hours every day for 2 years

didnt peep shit until I put it in google trad