White people hate thread
White people can't dance
White people hate thread
White people can't dance
I think you're looking for
not sure if this is a dude or a feminist
racism is not allowed in this board, stop oppressing white people
>I'm tired of feeling lazy and useless and having people hate me because I'm fat and ugly and pathetic. If I become as obnoxious as possible intentionally and force normal people to hate me no matter what, then I can finally feel in control of my life.
>White people can't dance
Their plenty of white people which can tho,i cant for example.
>White people hate thread
If you hate any race, you hate the Creator of this things, think about it realy makes you think.
I really hate wasps, they're utterly useless in my opinion. I don't hate God for it, though. I understand that God created them for a reason, even if I don't understand that reason. The point I'm trying to get across is that hating something doesn't mean you hate whoever created it. A better example would be the devil.
>utterly useless
they feed on nectar and help pollinate plants so we all dont die
they also prey on other insects and spiders so they dont overpopulate and we all dont die
nature is a delicate balance... but its already fucked up to shit.. so we all gonna die..
Yeah but bees do that, don't they? What's the point of a wasp when bees do the same thing and don't sting you multiple times for no reason?
unlike bees they are also feed on insects so they are more hardy and are not totally dependent on flowers
white people get sunburned ha ha
white people like getting mongol'd LOL
Finns are white
>you're white when it suits us
>non-white when it doesn't
living as a Finn is suffering.
Asians taking over would be pretty good, way less cucky than whites
>less cucky
The Chinese are cucking Africa pretty hard through unfavourable business and trade deals
What gender do you think that thing is?
Check your fucking privilege.
Without whites there wouldn't be concrete for those buildings.
a cuckold is one who asks other men to fack his wife
chinamen have enough pride to fack their own colonies unlike white people who ask to be invaded