Why are mixed people so beautiful?

Why are mixed people so beautiful?
Why white+something always ends up being better than white?

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because you're not white and are jaded for not being master race

Its the perfect mix of similiarities to you and exotic features.

Mixed race is master race

>mother was mixed
>I just came out pasty white

what did I do to suffer so

>both parents not mixed
>came out pasty, but with dark hair and eyes

what did I do to suffer so, just want to be handsome aryan

that's why south america is so much better than north america, right?

Better aesthetics, worst countries

Black + white = better than both
Mixed races are the future, I can't wait till the majority of Americans are hispanic/mestizo

Even white + asian ends up being better

Portuguese/Brazilian + anything else is the best mix. I don't know why but it always works

There was an interesting software (I cant remember the link) that could 'mix' different faces and produce another face. The purpose of it to try and predict how your child would look in the future. The cool thing is that when mixing different faces, the result averaged face was attractive. I think that when you mix races this is similar to the 'averaging' of genes so as to reach a global 'average'.

> tfw brazilian/german mutt
> tfw attractive


Cute. Is she mestizo

She is brazilian, so she may not have indian genes, but black genes, but idrk


Kekd hard


so you basically have a tanned girl with european features, and you just went exclusively black hair/black eyes and threw out all amazing variations we have

>Why are mixed people so beautiful?

they dont. You only see the extremely cherry picked examples posted on an anime imageboard.

Most brazilians are ugly as fuck

>dads half canadian czech, half scotch/irish
>moms full beaner
we taking over esse's

actually not bad

Because you are Colombian.
People are usually attracted to their own ethnicity, and Colombians are very mixed.

>says the britbong
pic is what the average britbong "man" looks like. note that he's not showing his teeth, along with the problem glasses. he also looks like a FTM tranny fag. i think you are just jealous

They're beautiful because they're half white.

White makes other races better, not the other way around.

This girl is 1/4 Chinese 3/4 Arab
Why are Asian genes so dominant?

Cherry-picking at its best.

Another pic of her
Looks even more Chinese than her Arab/Asian mother

Her brother and her

because they arent u subhuman mutt

She doesn't
Asians have children's faces without developped noses or chins hence why she looks very Asian.
For example you could take a 100% white kid and pretend it's Asian, and I'd probably believe you.

that only applies to mixed women.

Meaning that she's going to look more Arab as she ages?
Still most hapa adults (excluding Blasians) look more Asian than their non-Asian part, look at Kiko Mizuhara, Steve Byrne, Russell Wong, etc

>calling your own mother a beaner
Westerners need to be gassed.

>he doesn't know the brazilian god Marlon

>tfw no brazilian-japanese bf
why live?

You're mixed as well and trying to delude yourself into thinking you're the master race.

his asian genes were completely over-shadowed

[spoiler] sai daqui niterĂ³i :>>>>)))))) [/spoiler]

post more mudblood please

t. dumbledore's army

True. You forgot to mention that op is a faggot though

Apparently he's also part Indian and part Portuguese

the magic of cherrypicking, my good lad

Oh never mind. Indian as in, native American. Thought they meant the country. And he's only 1/4 Japanese

>tfw white man
>Can go for every race on the planet
It's good to have options

Anybody can have options if they're good looking enough no matter what their race is

doesnt matter, you just need 1 good match

and it's easy to find, even in a small town there's likely to be at least one woman who matches you

What do you mean? Source? Why? mixed with what?

Except for white swedish girls

How? Why? What do you mean?
It's true with Kaya Scodelario though (unless she's Italian Brazilian + British)

Nah man
Mixed people are ugly as fuck desu

>I live in mixed shithole

non-whites always smells like cumin for some reason

He looks really cute.


Come over here and i'll show you what my cum smells like.

She's not mixed.

>Mixed people are ugly as fuck desu
This. Exceptions exist ofc, but generally they are uglier.

that's indians. the certainly have a strange smell

no like literally all brown people smells like cumin

>Get blackout drunk
>Fuck girl
>Wake up
>She was a half asian mutt

I can't say my ancestors are smiling on me

I have problem glasses. They give a bigger field of view and you don't have to move your head as much to see. Fight me.

What about spaniards? I'm mostly of spanish descent with fair skin and I've noticed northern euros smell like milk. I wonder if southern euro descendants like myself have a particular smell

She is not tanned, that's her skin color

White race makes other races better than their own

Yes thats why we see all the mixed girls in ads and movies instead of white girls o wait

fuckin' fag

That's a stupid argument, and so, why mixed girls always win Miss Universe? USA also has several mixing and even their white people has some non-white genes, and Venezuela is almost completely mixed

Hapas are digusting

Miss doesnt mean shit really. Sure there are some beautiful mixed people like that german half nigger girl. But standard for beauty is still central/nordic european woman

you're right, please ignore my faggy countrymen

That's because there are significantly more white girls in the Western world than there are mixed ones
Does Brazil only use blonde, blue-eyed women in their ads/music/movies/tv series etc?

Idk. I know mexico does tho

lol, you're wrong tho, we use blonde and whitish people, but we have a lot of browns too

yes, that happens not just in brazil but across latin america. ""White"" latinos are overly represented in the entertainment business.

I read from mexican user that white mexicans are heavily pushed into media

Ads and movies doesn't mean shit neither, fag

I only heard that they love European features in latin America, but I assumed they meant mixed/brown/darker girls WITH European featues, aka thin long nose, large eyes etc

so your source is "some user"?


Yes, even in "white" countries that happens, that's why all those white girls always tan, to get closer to that look

>that's why all those white girls always tan
Being tan is a sign of being wealthy in most white countries.

this is the cast of a big program here (Sabadazo); would you call them "whites"?

Fake tans are strictly lower class
Natural tans are indicative of sailing or going on vacation, nothing more


what about this top tier mexican qts? look there is a blonde blonde and everything :^)

not in that picture, but belinda is a white mexican qt


Ayy lmao
That picture isn't very good, she looks like she just dyed her hair.
If she's actually naturally blonde I'd assume she was spanish I guess but her face has something non-Euro to it

I mean she's got nice features.. Dark complexion light eyes and blonde hair always looks bizarre, imo. Especially on males.

Would you an Afro-Norwegian?

>Miss doesnt mean shit really.
It says something about the standard of beauty

tfw you have european features and native american color. I can fuck anyone i fucking want when i am away from Brazil.

tfw you have european features and european color. I can fuck anyone i fucking want when i am anywhere.

She obviously dyed her hair, a lot of girls here do that

I think that's pretty hot, but still weird

how about without 2 inches of makeup

exactly, there are some whites, but mostly they are mixed people, just what Mexico is...

yes, this is her real color

not in Sweden auehauehaueh

I LOVE race-mixing. When I'm penetrating a big-assed Brazilian from behind, feeling her nice, healthy, beautiful fat reserves against my waist, all I can think of is making a qt mixed race baby. I also imagine my German and Portuguese ancestors turning in their graves, which makes me even more excited.


Just google search mulatto and look at the male children.

>Portuguese ancestors
except they are the ones who pushed race mixing mate

It's the future of mankind, desu. We are moving towards an ever more global mankind that communicates and moves around more than ever before, and it'll only increase.