EU poor countries are invited
How has Germany contributed to your country?
We claim hot dogs as our own every fourth of july
German cuisine has permeated American cuisine so much it's hard to tell what they haven't influenced.
Also lots of diaspora
Like half of our white population
They inhabited the middle part of our country and were good at farming and making beer.
Helped us to gain independece.
Uhhhhh... nothing really.
Busch-Budweiser was german, and they finally integerated
They cleansed and repopulated the roach infested areas after the otto wars.
We worship the aryan master race.
They are like 10% of white people in this country.
You claim hamburgers as your own every day
Nothing. Nothing in France has ever been tainted by the Huns filth.
Obviously Alexander Von Humboldt's work is greatly appreciated here, we've much to my surprise got the biggest German school outside of Germany, there's the obvious influence of German philosophers, artists, scientists, quite a bit of architecture and a long lasting feud between our states of Sinaloa and Jalisco that can be traced to German and French immigrants...
Mostly however it seems Germans came here to relax, many of our better breweries can be traced to them, there's some very lovely beauties in our Pacific northwest and, not too sound ungrateful a bit too much musical influence as well...
qt tourists come visit my dick every summer
Surprised desu, I though "tortas fritas" were 100% argie criollo stuff. but basically all our patisserie is german/volga erman
>The influence of German culture has also impacted Argentine cuisine; this trend is especially apparent in the field of desserts. The pastries known as facturas are Germanic in origin: croissants, known as medialunas ("half-moons", from German "Halbmond"), are the most popular of these, and can be found in two varieties: butter- and lard-based. Also German in origin are the "Berliner" known as bolas de Fraile ("friar's balls"), and the rolls called piononos. The facturas were re-christened with local names given the difficult phonology of German, and usually Argentinized by the addition of a dulce de leche filling. That was also the case of the "Kreppel", which are called torta fritas in Argentina, and were introduced by German immigrants, and similar case with the "Achtzig Schlag" cake, which was translated as Torta Ochenta Golpes in the country. In addition, dishes like chucrut (sauerkraut) and many different kinds of sausage like bratwurst and others have also made it into mainstream Argentine cuisine.
>tfw we're everywhere and have infiltrated everything
The perfidious Kraut does not die easily.
Helped in the process of unification
They helped to populate the South region when it was a demographic void
we're so sorry
>tfw the South is a shithole anyway
What is it with Brazil
Tell me about Sinaloa please
nice try Hitler
apologise for ww2 again
I'm so sorry
The fact that >we persisted after being bombed to shit and rose up again is testament to just how stubborn we are
I apologize on behalf of all my compatriots
Until the 19th century, the government didn't gave a shit for the South, since the government was centralized in the Southeast. Until they realized that if they didn't do something, the neighborhood countries would invade and take the South. So they promoted a massive immigraton there. Result: today is the best region in the country.
Is it really? Other huebros always talk about how arrogant Southerners are and that it's still not first world no matter how much Southernery try to make it look that way
jamie lee
Do you know that they don't immigrate only to the south, right?
That would be the French
are you kidding
French didn't want us to even touch Rome
Germans helped against Austria
Yeah, my story is true. Well, some are really arrogant beacuse the region is better than the others, but it's not everyone.
I mean, the South is not 1st world, but the region quality is pretty good, in general much better than the rest. You may not see this giant difference at the big cities, but you will if you compare it's countryside. I would compare the South as the quality of Chile or Poland (both I don't consider 1st world, but they have an above average quality of an emergent country).
I know, but the vast majority of them went to the South
They fucked the EU so badly it allowed us to leave, good luck next time Germany looking forward to beating you the fourth time.
sometimes they like it so much here they don't want to leave
Completing, and I personally think that the only "region" that can face the South is the state of São Paulo (it stays in the Southeast) which is very developed.
We get to compare everyone we disagree with to Hitler. We also can't say anything bad about the jews.
sometimes even tacos
>royal family is almost entirely German
>ruined our economy in WW2
>main reason for economic success after WW2
>free highways/racetracks to our holiday destinations
>thanks to them we speak Dutch and not Frisian or French
It's mostly green land unlike much of Northern Mexico, really beautiful and productive, people are tall and light colored eyes are relatively common, women have a reputation as being belles and there's lots of hunting, mostly deer and ducks. It's got beautiful beaches and pretty awesome sport fishing. The people are self reliant and hard working, we produce roughly half the nation's vegetables, and we've also got beautiful mountains with very cold weather in the northeast where it meets Durango and Chihuahua, you can find snow for a good half of the year, while meanwhile Mazatlan is a tropical paradise, and what was historically one of the most important ports in the Pacific with one of the tallest lighthouses in the world, The capital Culiacan is a beautiful European style city with three large rivers going through it.
Unfortunately is also a kind of the Mexican Sicily, since trade with the Chinese got drug traficking started in the early 20th century it's sort of become the home of Mexico's most powerful and dangerous cartel. It's the closest you will find to the wild west in the continent, men do get killed over women as this is a place big on the stereotypical macho image and pretty much everyone middle class and up is a functional alcoholic...
Here's a sample of the local music although the images are from all over the country...
We, on the other hand, gave our name to old Gaul.
They also burned down Lapland.
>471 km om railroad destroyed
>9500 km of roads destryoed (untravellable)
>all ferries destroyed
>675 bridges and 2800 culverts destroyed
>3700 km on phone and telegraph lines wrecked
>The churches of Rovaniemi, Enontekiö, Kemijärvi, Turtola and Kuusamo burned
>18 000 buildings destroeyed, 14 900 of which in Lapland region, 40-46% of all buildings
>90% of buildings in Rovaniemi and Enontekiö destroyed
>95% of buildings in Savukoski destroyed
>60-75% of buildings in Sodankylä, Turtola (Pello), Muonio and Salla destroyeed
>3100 building in Oulu region destroyed, mostly in Kuusamo where 65% of buildings were destryoed
Me cae bien.
Es muy dificil inmigrar a Mexico? Tendré problemas conseguir una visa o trabajao?
Helped to install a dictatorship.
Probably not if you're white and have a degree but if you're thinking of moving there do your homework first. There's some American expat communities so contact them first, they probably have sites or something, so you can get some advice, most Europeans usually move to the south of the country... Keep in mind German migration to the Northwest is mostly historic, much like in the US not recent, so you may not find a large German community, Puebla is where most Germans seem to be concentrated here (IMHO the most beautiful girls in the country, lots of Italian migration) and there's exchange programs. As a tourist you don't need a visa and you should visit first before comiting. If you're doing this right as in researching consider Brasil or Argentina also, you can probably find large enough communities there where you can speak German, the economy is better here but I don't think you'd have a problem finding job in any country as long as you've got skills. Si hablas bien Español obviamente ayuda mucho, la mejor de las suertes y si vas a Sinaloa cuidado, puede pasar de ser muy turistico y tipo Estados Unidos a ponerse peligroso muy rapido.
Why are there south cities that are in the top 50 of murder rates of the world?
they came here and were like
"hey guis stop civil war k?"
then they left and everyone returned to killing each other
Hey, at least we tried!
well couldn't you have sent someone better looking?
germanic filth removal when?
Because it still is a shithole no matter how much southerners try to make it look good lol
The only region that matters in this country is the southeast, everything else is dead weight.
Like everything
very much
oura cultures and history kinda tied a bit and also we've got a lot of german words(even thou our language is not from germanic group)
You can have our ministress of defence, if you like. She's kind of a milf but she's probably pretty wasted down under because she has 7 kids or so...