Damn...so deep...it really makes you think

damn...so deep...it really makes you think





knew you'd post that



woah....really makes you think

black people were from mars

damn... this really made me think

It's kingz, not kangz, I don't know what austist started that, but nobody says kangz, the whole point of we waz kingz and sheit is to impersonate ebonics, something kangz doesn't do.

Wtf? I hate people now
Looks like I am #BLM now!


That does indeed force me to ponder

Are/were Egyptians black?

Is there some website that aggregates these things?

Good man

If egyptians were black then the other guys (nubians) were some kind of ultra black, almost argentine level of niggerness.

not websites, but certain circles of "content creator" niggers on twitter

open pic related in a new tab. you'll find modern egyptians there.
even modern somalians/ethiopians are genetically distant from American dindus (aka Bantus)

where I can find more of this?

>enslave the jew
>then get enslaved by the jew

dumb niggers, with jews you aways lose

Nowhere my friend, the white man has suppressed the truth again!


wow my mind is....blown, i'm thinking right now

Me on the left

Things that make you go hmm..

This really really really makes me think

Egyptians were so stylish. Most fashionable ancient civilization by far.

this really formulates one to contemplate

top kek


Egyptian society was mixed. Yes, some "Egyptians" were indeed black.

Pharaohs? I wouldn't say so. But people keep forgeting about the 25. or the "Nubian dynasty" which was black
