How do white girls even compete?

how do white girls even compete?

You could have at least posted the prettiest member.

Compete with what? Plastic surgery? fuck off pls

Post T H I C C ksluts

What the hell is she doing

jimin is the cutest and prettiest of the group. you just have shit taste like mostly all normies

Yellow women are ugly.

how do i have white gf?

>jimin is the cutest and prettiest of the group. you just have shit taste like mostly all normies
but she is dumb

>Yellow women are ugly.
t. bilal

i hate knees with a passion

Don't you retards get it? They are literally wannabe white girls. Going out of their way to pale their skin, change their hair color/texture, fix their fucked up gook eyes and facial structure the list goes on. White girls don't need to do this!

have you ever smelled a kimchi fart?

wtf australians are fart feticist now?

By not relying on surgery :)

ugly fat white moms
kimchi smells like fart as it is

who /yellowfever/ here?

You both need to reevaluate your standards fampies

Plastic surgery

Race traitors deserve no less than to be treated with extreme prejudice. Gook lovers doomed to be forever alone.

that would be mina

buttmad white woman detected

thanks for your sister.

t. r/Asianmasculinity paid shill

everytime i see nana i get the urge to fap