Everyone has an opinion on slavs

Everyone has an opinion on slavs

What is yours?

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never known any.

I take that back. I knew a Bulgarian girl. She was a bitch but she was hot as fuck, weight lifted, big muscles... I would have gladly submitted to her but I didn't get the chance

Criminals all of them.

I love the Slavs.

cute ?

Interesting fact: It was actually Weimarer Republik and Belarus who attacked Poland back then. Really makes you think, da.

they are weird but know how to party


They're too numerous and different to have one opinion desu.
One thing they all have in common is that they all get sunburns when coming here.

Slavic women are nothing but breeding vessels for us Western Europeans. Slavic men are nothing.


nah, neurotic or/and paranoid, but not very autists (for a crackers)

They are literally white niggers but they can't rap and aren't good at basketball

autists when separated
when the Slav is separated from the flock he becomes autistic, and seeks his kin. when he finds his fellow slav they become neurotic together

t. knower

2nd argument is hands down obvious truth, but 1st is arguably wrong.

separated AND sober, then sometimes yea (often mayby)
I'm still sure that by any southern nation's citizen, everyone living North from Hungary is autist

>aren't good at basketball



Lost link between Slavs and Germanics. I envy you and pity you. Not yet human, not an animal anymore.

basically russians

Slovenians and Czechs are best slavs

I am not sure how did Slovenians became so great. Maybe they are mixed with Italians as we are mixed with Germans? I don't know.

short heda
culture of kill

1.Shitload of bad luck generated on Balkans summon also some good luck to balance it and they got it all.


2. They aren't retards driven by bloodlust and revenge for, for starters. Plus as former Yugo who didn't burned they place to the ground they had neat starting position in comparsion to others former commies

Haha I'm sure slav cuties cannot resist autistic, alco-depressed Finns.

Hans, exYu was and arguably still is greatest basketball power next to US&A Agreed. I like Croats also. Also, I enjoyed few weeks in Poland last summer; such a tragic but rich history they have.

Aushwitz-Birkenau has some impact, hasn't it?

Either Japanophiles or Vlasti's bottom lickers


>they can't rap and aren't good at basketball
That's a good thing desu.

Sure. But then there is also magnificent Krakow with all your state treasures and huzars in military museum in Warsaw.

Kill yourself you cuck. We are Slavs!

what's wrong with just identifying yourself as "indo european" ?

That's like asking: what's wrong with just identifying yourself as human species?

i would love the shit out of that idea. Fuck flags.

You're abso-fucking-lutely right they can't and they're not the only ones. There's also women in Portugal, Italy, etc who want to give their wombs for Finnish use.

>Finns believe this

Let those Mongols live in their dreams

You'll never be on our level Slavshit

send your sister here btw

Slavs are the Mexicans of the Uk

Wtf you think you are you bleached Asian. This is not brazil where blonde and blue eyes get you praised like god. Nordic girls are one of the biggest sluts i have ever encountered it doesnt take cassanova to fuck them

Finnish sluts with daddy issues fuck colored men but no Finnish female would mix with a Slav since Slavs are associated with inferiority and intolerable personalities

Then you wake up and realise irl nobody cares if you are slav or not. One week in prague is enough to taste pussy from every western country

I deeply apologies for this poster, i am so embarrassed right now.

>people irl knowing who Slavs are
yeah nah


Everybody knows who we are

Eastern Euros, yes, but I don't think that many people know who Slavs are

People know but very blurry definition and probably just think about russia

I don't really care what they think about us

The best European rapper is Slovak :DDDDDD

sounds fun