What's the point?

what's the point?

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french fries

belgium a cute

Funny, nice accents.


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_



It's better place to live than probably 95% of the rest of places at all. Isn't that enough?

I must unite the Flemish and Well-known tribes.

Best beer in the world and FN Herstal.
What not to love?

Surely it should stop pretending to be a country and just become part of the Netherlands though?

flanders should go to netherlands and wallonia should go to france tbqhwy

Dunno, all Belgs are always like "y even bother with this "country", so I pressume that Netherlands don't wanna take them.

>become part of the Netherlands though?
What would that accomplish

No, the southern part of the Netherlands should join up with Flanders to form a new country.

to make autists like you suffer

I think Netherlads should stop pretending, execute that fucking royalty and join Belgium.

idk it just feels right


we don't want south belgium too, they are doomed

farage is such a nasty unprofessional little prick

should have been sacked for that.

i think belgian beer alone justifies the country's existence

He should say that in face of our president.
That would cost him all his teeth, not that he need's that rotten mess anyway.

*rattles your undersized cage*

quiet in there, runt

stray country

there is no point
shut it down

it's a catholic buffer zone. it should be split between france and netherlands and the mudslimes should be deported back to north africa

Flemings either want independence (minority) or have full cultural independence within a Belgian federation (majority).

But no-one wants to join up with the Netherlands. We are culturally very different, much more so than with the Walloons.

>inb4 orangist nest-defilers crawl out of the woodwork

to be fair, Belgium is a non-country.

nah the netherlands would not mind flanders to much, its flanders that considers the only alternative to belgium to be independence

It's parking lot nowdays. No need to buffer muslims and muslims

noo!! only the south is welcome, like him: No protestant and calvinist scum, no Hollanders, and no Saxons pls.

You are quite similar to Dutch, just not that stiff and edgy. (imo)

>much more so than with the Walloons.
Even their language?

there are significant differences
do remember that in the past 400 years flanders has only been a part of the netherlands for barely 15

>We are culturally very different

how exactly?

Compare Flemish to Walloon beer, you'll find them equally good. No-one here even uses the names "Flemish" or "Walloon" for our beer.

Now compare a Belgian one to a Dutch beer. I'll be honest, some are good, mostly those close to our border, but the majority is Brit-tier piss beer, and served small and foamy (20cl beer, 10cl foam = "33cl" ; foam should not come below the 33cl line but they think they can trick people like that because they're very cheap, yet another cultural difference)

look at this from some distance. Is there any country which is more similar to Belgs (Flanders)?

To be fair, all monarchies are non-countries.
Only way out is through a sharp blade that goes up and down.

Belgium was an artificial construction and we're now at a point where the Flems and the Walloons are barely on speaking terms. It is going to split, and it'll do it within the next few years.

course not, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they should join up

you're not joining up with your neighbors either are you?

t. monarchy

To make beer and lead the eu

>Belgium was an artificial construction
Yeah, there are countries that suddenly appeared out of completely natural reasons, with walls of tall grass and vines coming out of ground where borders are supposed to be...
t. Serf.

I didn't start that whole 'wat teh point' stuff. I mean if no point in being a country and no point in not being a country, what's the point? Riding wagons around like gypsies?

The problem is that most Belgians tend to view the Netherlands as just Holland, forgetting about Limburg, North Brabant which are more similar to you than to Holland.

All the stereotypes and jokes you have are also about "Hollanders", not Dutch people.

nah, current "problems" are very tame to those of say the 60's

and belgium wasn't nearly as artificial as you might think, a belgian sentiment did exist prior to 1830 even resulting in a major uprising that lasted the better part of a year before being defeated at the end of the 18th century

and even if it was artificial, during the 19th century belgium did very quickly establish itself in the world through economic prowess as a result of its extremely rapid industrialization


Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks also share the same language.

Dutch are loud, rude (they call it "being forward"), cheap. They like different foods, more like Scandinavia and Brits in the sense that it is all very plain and boring.

Flemings are much more reserved, introvert, and they love the good life, which is southern (Latin)-oriented foods, good beers and wines.

When Flemings travel, they often go to France, but wherever they go, they taste local culture and spend money in that country.

Dutch people are known to travel in caravans, a very typical phenomenon, they all pack together like the Brits do in foreign land, they bring their own food, and spend as little as possible in the country they visit. Also they tend to interact much less with the locals.

Dutch people eat things like peanut sauce on their fries, which is unanimously considered disgusting here.

If you know this, and you know 1/3th of Walloons have a Flemish last name and vice versa, it may clear things up for you a bit. If not, just visit us and spend some time here, if you are sincere in your interests about us.

>Belgium was an artificial construction and we're now at a point where the Flems and the Walloons are barely on speaking terms.

lol "barely on speaking terms" what a lot of bullshit, I was drinking with a group of Wallos just yesterday. It's just politicians and their bullshit

but please, tell me more about my country m8
with your expertise you should work for the media

Seriously it;s kind of hobbits from LoTR stuff.
>they don't drink same brand of everyday beer as us and of top of that they drink it 0,5h later. than we do. Big cultural differences

>Dutch people are known to travel in caravans, a very typical phenomenon, they all pack together like the Brits do in foreign land, they bring their own food, and spend as little as possible in the country they visit

This is not like us at all.

I've been to Brussels, felt very much like I was in France 2bqh. Obviously the language but it was also completely infested with mudslimes. Horrible place.

Personally I value the fact that we are the same people who have been living here for over 2000 years more than some arbitrary border lines.

If a shared language is so important to you autists, why not split Switzerland, and rejoin Yugoslavia?

>It's just politicians

Yes, that's who I was referring to, you know, the people that run your Dutch/French district?

trust me on this one, insulting brussels is no way to piss off a belgian
you say something bad about that city, most common response is belgians (both sides) to join in, agree and try to up the ante

m8 I'm not trying to piss you off at all, just saying

I went travelling for two months across Asia and then for a couple of weeks across Europe, and Brussels was by far the worst place I saw.

it isn't, but for 3rd time, u are all like "whats the point". Serbs or Croats aint.

yup, and everyone knows it
if you ever head to belgium again, visit Brugge instead

>Frankish empire
>17 provinces
>Burgundian empire
>Southern Netherlands
>Spanish Netherlands
>Austrian Netherlands

not artificial


somehow artificial

also: Belgica has been the latin name for the (Southern) Netherlands during the last millenium. The land of the Belgae, who got absorbed into the confederation of Franks.

Bohemia (homeland of the Boii)
Bavaria (land of those who were once Boii)
Catalonia (land of Goths and Alans)
Andalusia 'land of Wandals and Alans)
Burgundy (land of Burgundii)
Lombardy (land of the Longobardi)

^^all no problem

Belgium.... hurr meme name non-country etc etc


primary concern of belgians isn't cultural or political but rather economical
the "whats the point" attitude mostly results of the fact that if belgium were to split, everyone's lives would get quite a bit shittier for at least a decade, which 10 years more than anyone wants to spend on it

There are countries that appeared because a common culture united them and then there are countries that appeared because outside forces felt like making it

there was a revolution which was then supported by foreign interested parties which is how close to 90% of all revolutions actually succeed, including a very relevant one from one of your colonies


I'll even give you a tour if you want, I live there

The Brits are known to have their own bars, hotels... in other countries m8 Just ask any Greek or whatever;

Pic related is the typical Dutch tourist. Considered heresy in Belgium (Flanders) to act like this.

If you're choosing not doing shit and just complaing, that's ironically pretty Polish.
Don't do Polish stuff, it's usually stupid.

Where to visit in the south?


belgium is just a non-nonsensical bureaucratic nightmare that somehow works well enough nobody wants to bother actually changing it

after all we're the country where cars drive on the right and trains ride on the left and nobody has bothered to try and fix it for over 100 years so now its impossible to ever fix it (as an example)

>Touring with anything other than your toothbrush and change of underwear
Why people do that...

True, they call you "reservebelgen", and you were meant to be part of us. Unfortunately resolving the conflict ensuing from the 1830 revolution was done at a time when coal was discovered in NL Limburg, otherwise you were still with us.

And I agree, culturally, you guys from the border provinces Zeeuws-VL, N-Brabant & NL Limburg are much more similar to us. That is because the other parts of VL, Brabant & Limburg are in Belgium. Essentially Flemings, Brabanders and Limburgers share Southern Dutch culture (along with Walloons, Picards, Artesians and Luxemburgers)

So how's your life crappy because of being Belg?

mostly avoid the major cities (Liège has kinda been getting better but its still fairly disappointing) and just go there for the smaller towns and great nature (by belgian standards mind you)

stay as far away as possible from Charleroi, its the city so bad even Brussels makes fun of it

not that much, we're still a european nation that never had the bad fortune of being wrecked by the soviets so that makes us top 10% of best places to live in the world at least

sure it could be better but right now I'm just going along for the ride, maybe if I make enough money I'll emigrate somewhere nicer

You folks need some common shit to unite. The best is ofc enemy (dunno, muslims?).

only thing that really unites us is our national soccer team and our disappointment in our elected officials
and the former often cause disappointment as well

oh we do shit, you can't say we aren't a functioning country, as we are definitely first world

it's just that the complaining never stops, and Flemings complain easy, even when they have everything.

I was on the train a while ago and some guy jumped in front of it, a clear suicide. Some rat-faced Fleming my age actually complained to the conductor demanding that the railroad company should pay him for the lost time. He did so without any shame, looked around him as if he was saying something that was on everyone's mind. I actually felt ashamed in his place.

Analogically, many always-complaining separatists on the internet are often richboy sons of entrepreneurs who have everything they want but are always bitter

hell of a ties, hands down :^)

Belgicism (state nationalism) doesn't really exist now, especially in Flanders, but it did right after both WW I and II, a common enemy indeed unites us pretty fast.

For now, just beer and fries will do.

Keep in mind that usually there are no problems between common people of both parts of the country. We get along fine. This is not the Balkans.

true dat, foreign media completely blows everything out of proportion, belgians just love to complain about everything and everyone and when they do happen to complain about eachother some idiot reports go CIVIL WAR SOON

Tb desu I see nothing rly that bad there (judging "national integrity or pride, or smthg"
Unless your;e aiming at patriot level US&A, but it's them who is unusally at the matter.

yes there are "british pubs" etc but they're not necessarily always run by brits and are popular with other nationalities too. just one of those famous things

you'll notice you will also find spanish tapas and italian restaurants etc all over the world.

>belgian nationalism on the rise

Exactly my friend. I often think that is because they would like to see us on the verge of civil war.

Yeah but Brits flock wherever in foreign lands these pubs and hotels are. I do give you that sometimes they're called Irish pubs instead of Brit "We have Sky Sports" bars and hotels.

A Brits goes to say Greece to hang out amongst his kind. Or when he doesn't do that, it is to harass the locals, go binge drinking and urinate against our historical monuments.

M8 I can even quote you a British author travel books on this very subject if you want.

Ultimately I think the reason Flemish people are against uniting is that they'll be a minority even if they join up with Dutch Brabant, Limburg and Flanders.

It'll be Belgium all over again, but instead of Wallonians you'll have to deal with the Dutch.
Which I personally would prefer because of the common language, but still.

he said something like "a Brit goes to Timbuktu to meet his neighbour (who he never talks to normally) or to Mallorca to have a drink with another Brit of his area he just met."

and more witty remarks like that, his name is George Mikes

He doesn't necessarily go to hang out with other brits, it's just that the same cheap package holidays are sold to Brits so that's where they all end up.

It's not a British phenomenon, you'll find places all over the world where a certain nationality appears grouped together because that's the way that travel agents operate. There's nothing special about Brits in this regard.

Obviously locals will take advantage of this fact and British/Irish pubs etc will spring up in these areas.

With the Walloons we have cultural independence, with you, because of our shared language, we would never be able to have that. And over time you would come to dominate us culturally. Holland Dutch pronunciation would become standard, people's ears here will start to bleed and we wouldn't be able to stop it.

>We must establish a European union, we are so similar culturally you know?

>Lol what do you mean Netherlands an Belgium should be one country? We are too different!

Only flemish faggots who have never lived in the city.

Very few people, even immigrants, live longer than 15 years in Brussel. Original inhabitants pretty much left, and although there are other inhabitants, few settle there for life.

Read this today in the paper.

Sorry m8 but your city is a steaming piece of shit, with islamists dominating some parts of the city.

Who the hell wants to abolish all borders within the EU?

The EU is meant to be a federation of nation states, not a copy of the USA, which cannot work in Europe, a child can see this.

>Read this today in the paper.
Incredible source lad.

It's not just Flemings m8, it's everyone who's not from Brussels.

A pity, architecture is great, but far too many sandnigs. A gf of mine went to study in Brussels, a leftist-oriented girl, yet she came back crying, after 5 months of daily harassments and being called a whore in multicultural Anderlecht.

Of course, her own fault for not having rich parents of course.

>countries can't be artificial, arbitrary creations

Look at the fucking state of Iraq and Syria.

Every country of North America is an artificial, arbitrary creation.
Same for Africa, actually.

Belgian Congo was pretty decent practical joke

Catharsis and general banter.

Why not give Northern Ireland to Ireland?

I am curious, do Belgians have patriotic feelings?
Do they feel proud of their nation?

Most are self-hating cucks so no
I kinda do desu