
Tank tarafından ezilen çomar edisyonu

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Is he alright?


Doesn't seem so

nolucak şimdi

anasını sktiğimin ordu karşıtı çomarları

comar is such funny word,what does it mean?
i imagine them as fat rednecks

hello wahhabi shithole number ???

yeah, something like that.

aha bunlar olcak: tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_Yangını

Those replies made me laugh tb.h
>fat rednecks
Yeah i imagine a fat, bald and short anatolian peasant with a funny mustache

worst than redneck

What can you expect from the aftermath of the failed coup? will Turkey continue being Islamized for ever?

Cihangir ılıkları da seviniyor "Cunta vasiyeti önlendi :))))))))" diye.

Imagine an average redneck, but 10 times more stupid.


There will be another coup tomorrow screen cap this

ne demek bu hocam

Geber darbeci fettoşçu piç
it means something like villager, peasent

delet this

And who will do that? Anzu with Köksal Baba?

fetoşun taşaklarını yalada ağzın tatlansın köpek

>yfw Köksal Baba was killed in the coup

I will do that
Shut it down

yani tayyip giderek artan otoritesini haklı çıkarabilecek bir bahane buldu, başbakanlın çantada keklik olacaktır

türkiye vatandaşı olmamak ne güzel bi duygu amk :-D

Since 80s franchises and fads are being revived, CIA themselves will do it this time

proksie ni kapat lan

Wishful thinking?

>Reuters news agency is reporting that an "anti-government group" has taken over a frigate at Turkey's Golcuk naval base and taken a commander hostage, citing a Greek military source.

not over yet boys

Is it over yet?

Source please


from 12:38

>implying he is not at the other side

How did they die?

Hope it's not false

You should know, you live next door.

I'm confused. Is the potential military coup a good thing?

>implying anything happening in Turkey can be a good thing

probably lynched by people. And I think they weren't the responsibles. Most of the regular soldiers without rank just took the bait so hard. It is disaster

It shouldn't have happened, but now that it did happen it shouldn't have failed. A failing coup will only strenghten erdogan.

you answered that with your greentext.


can you tell me if London is safe right now?

burada başka kim /iltica/ ?

>ya allah bismillah padişahım erdoğan çok yaşa
>demoğrasiyi korumaya gidiyoruz çıkın evlerinizden
>halkın iradesi erdoğanı istiyor


>The sources said the military helicopter they arrived in will be returned to Turkey immediately.

>Greece will "examine" the asylum requests of eight men who arrived there in a military helicopter earlier today.

This is getting intense

But what did they die from? Were they beaten to death, stabbed?

Are you allowed to be gay in Turkey?

I want a qt Turkish bf.

Yes, homosexuality has always been legal in Turkey

Just send some assassins to deal with them, jeez.

He said they were probably lynched.

That means they were hanged.

>türkiyeye geri getmege düsündüm
>babam izmirde ev yapti
neye amq?
de bene allax neden bu türk picleri anadoluya yolladin? amq bir allax varsaydi sizi mongol oclari öldürürdi


Legal is one thing.
But how dangerous is it to be openly gay in Turkey?

t*rk*y* status=anasıda sikildi

ein doner mit kein onions

It's okay in Izmir

Zaten senin gibilerin yüzünden durum böyle.

t. kanake

konsider suisayt

Not dangerous in Western cities.

actually it means to be beaten to death in turey

its okay in big cities+Western turey


yarrak gibi ülke desu

tam ağzına layık

Hadi amk lan bi asker berserk moduna geçsin de bi güzel çomar kessin hadi ya lütfen

"Hej, rri normale" thua
zemër jo nuk dua
marrëzisht të ndjej.
S'je veç bota për mua
shumë më shumë të dua
s'të gënjej kur them:
"Se lali xhan-xhan,
lali xhan-xhan
lali xhan-xhan të ka.
Hej lali xhan-xhan,
lali xhan-xhan
lali xhan-xhan të ka"

asker öldü
reis gene kazandı elhamdulillah

Komercial kohët e fundit
o bo Prishtina-Tirona
po evulon muzika po luhet sot
siç po ta don
Rrepi po m'bon sllogan
Fast slow jetën ta zgjat
Yeah girl, unë ty po t'pushtoj
me fjalët më t'mira
për vete po t'boj. Se:

istemem kalsın tßh

*kakasını yapıyor*

do you seriously don't even know your own language?

neden arnavutça konuşuyon otist


ülkenin ANASIDA sİkİLdİ

Just woke up and read that Erdogan is arresting judges that had nothing to do with the coup along with the relevant military officers. He is basically tearing down any opposition, no matter who it is. What a sad development.

Also read about the soldier lynching... this is literally barbarian-tier, almost unthinkable.


could you please kindly invade us ? this country went to shitter

you should invade western turkey and add it to Greece

just do it lmao it'll be funny


the "coup" seemed extremely incompetent

i hope russia and assad nuke us


this is why turkey is not europe

has everyone in turkey seen this gif now?

is he alright?



Find 5 differences from isis, i dare you


jesus christ

"""protecting""" the will of the people and """democracy"""

1. Turk
2. *urk
3. T*rk
4. Tu*k
5. Tur*


Shh Sven, your muslim bull might read that and then you'll be in trouble.

The one in front looks like a CIA operative while ISIS squad level operations are lead by Mossad officers who are chosen from mizrahim so they don't stand out as so fucking white.

>Sup Forumstard projecting his sexual fetish again

they are not turks, they are pro-akp militans
they fight against turkish army so i wouldn't call them "turk"

161 dead
1440 injured
2839 arrested

Uff askeri lynch eden picleri keske idam etselerdi.
Yazik ya.

I hope 161 is a conservative estimate, I want at least 200 dead roaches by the time I wake up.

all for nothing

what a fucking failure

He still got his head.