/shq/ shqiptar general


ku jeni burra, lets see how many of u lurk here

Of course it's a swedish flag, fucking kek

i am greek

get out bitch ass cracka

close enough

'sup autist

bored hbu

hej plako ca bone

Ckemi vellezer

Shqiptär je Italjanska

po du me myt veten

please tell me you're memeing

pse ere ca ka ndodh

ckena vella

skam pune

might aswell move to kosova or vlora because it is no difference

edhe skam gf

Hic bre, cbehet nga ana shpis?

No memes at all my friend. What triggers you?

nothing bro its just that around orthodox never relax

where is ur family from?

po shiko ndonje pune online
gf gjen leht ktej nga kosova e shqipria e s'esht problem

vap e plazh, vec keto dit u vrenjt koha

Korca, lots of us are orthodox down there. What part of kosova are you from?

peja nga ana babes, fis krasniqi
mitrovica nga ana mames po i kan origjin ne drenice edhe puka

are the majority of albanians muslims or "muslims"

depends on the region

>inb4 I'm catholic

lmao I bet your parents are muslim and don't even know about your "conversion" to catholicism . They're probably thinking this is just a phase

I almost got an albo gf once
she was blonde with big tits
she was so fucking hot

I am greek

No you are an assimilated arvanite

what? only 2 of my cousins are catholic

>being this new

what made you change your mind? Did you fall for the pol/int muslim meme?

>thinking memes are real

grow up kiddo

back to ex yu baltid skulled bitch ass nigga