Who was more important to Western Civilization, the Romans or the Greeks?
Who was more important to Western Civilization, the Romans or the Greeks?
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Romans by far.
Greeks by far.
Greeks had nice philosophers, science and stuff, but they were bad at war. They had to be led by Macedonians to accomplish any significant conquests.
1. Romans
2. Greeks
3. British Empire?
>British "edumacation"
And those conquests had nothing to do with the West, they went eastward.
Greeks = Important for turks and pakistan.
Romans = Important for Europeans.
The French have been more important for Europe than the British by a significant margin. The British are a respectable second though.
Greeks had colonies in italy, spain even in ukraine but they were colonies not conquests
Gernany shaped Europe tho.
Brits main importance was outside o Europe (Afrika and India)
greeks = we wuz culture, science and explorores n shit
Romans= we wuz stability, colonisers, strong military and moral values n' shit
Not even close. More of a scourge that needs removal.
The OP question was
>Who was more important to Western Civilization
not europe
The greeks are litteraly the base of the western civilisation.
>Gernany shaped Europe tho.
Greeks mostly influenced the middle-east and Southern Europe to a much lesser extent.
Now the Romans completely changed Western Europe and everything that touches the Mediterranean
no greeks => no romans
The Renaissance was started by the rediscovery of Greek literature in Seville
1. France
2. Russia
3. Germany
4. Italy
5. Spain
6- Turkey
7. Polan
8. Austria
9. England
I was responding to someone else, you blind rat. And still, France has definitely been more important to Western civilisation than Britain, it's not even close.
Romans have been more important than the Greeks. Again, it's not particularly close. The idea that the Greeks are the cradle of Western civilisation is Renaissance-era drivel. The Greeks probably had more of an influence on Eastern civilisation than Western civilisation.
Greeks since they influenced Romans.
very hard to say. I am much more familiar with ancient Greek culture, so I'm gonna say Greek.
Greeks were the first and inspired the romans. Romans are the continuity of the greeks.
Roughly : Greeks invented west culture and Democratic civilisation/ strategy and shit.
Romans spread it across the Europe/ Mediterranea.
Nigel has a point here.
Romans ''founded" Western Civilization, but who "founded" the Romans?
Well then, Iraqis since they influenced greeks.
This is stupid. Using your faulty logic, the answer would be Sumerian, since they basically founded human civilisation, and spread the written word, as well as basic arithmetic, literature and religion, irrigation and other things related to farming, etc.
>2. Russia
Enough to trash your list. Russia is not even top 5.
stuff happened before the 1700's too you know
Romans > Greeks >>>>>>>> French >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> British """""""""""""Empire""""""""""""
Fuck the western civilization.
Romans were best and only good empire there was, until that filth called "christfaggotry" took over.
That doesn't answer the question
>which movie was better, the first or the second?
>well the second is the continuity of the first
>...so which was better?
>France has definitely been more important to Western civilisation than Britain, it's not even close.
That's clear bullshit and from your other posts I can see you don't seem to like the British much, so no more (You)'s for you now
Were the Sumerians white?
Worldwide most influential civilisations:
1. Sumerians
--MASSIVE power gap--
2. Greeks
3. Romans
4. British
For Western civilisation alone:
1. Romans
-- MASSIVE power gap --
2. (Ancient) Greeks
3. French
4. British
This is objective truth.
I agree that it could be seen as faulty logic, but when you get to the specifics, the greek sort of invented it, the romans perfected it, it you will. The greek laid the foundations, the romans spread it and furthered it.
There's no Iraqis in OP post tho.
Romans didn't innovate on their own
>no Egyptians
>no Chinese
Bad list
>controlled eastern Europe and they suffer from their influence until today
>Was pretty much Europes save shield aganist the Nomads from the east
>They rightful succesor of the Church and the cultural herigate of the Eastern Roman Empire
>Fucked Ottomans several times and took an important part to withstand an islamization of the Balkans by cobering the Orthodox believers.
>Russia still the most powerfull and biggest country in Europe and its language hes the most native speakers in Europe
>Lots of Technologies (Space, Nuclear-science, medicine, chemitry)
>Beat the Nazis and shaped modern Europe
>England last place
Not biased at all.
>they were bad at war
They were world renowned for their martial prowess
They just had no unity
You had the lead since the mid 19th century, but before that, we had it.
To answer seriously to you, it's difficult. Because we use roman alphabet, romans wrote many books about cuisine, culture, spread its empire almost in all western europe.
But greeks have many philosophers and romans took a lot from them.
Worldwide most influential civilisations:
1. USA
--MASSIVE power gap--
The rest
For Western civilisation alone:
1. USA
-- MASSIVE power gap --
The rest
Fixed your shit list.
Sumer >> Egypt (older, more fundamental contributions to mankind), and the Chinese civilisations are impressive but can replace no one on my list. It's a top four, doesn't mean all other civilisations were not important.
Except for the Industrialization and waterloo.
What came from England?
England is important for India and Africa and Northern America, but not Europe.
Ye i would say WORLDWIDE should be:
1. Sumerians
2. Chinese
3. Greeks
4. Romans
5. Egyptians
>All of these buttblasted continentals
all yous can do one
We have science too. We also are the reason for the European Monarchies after the Fall of Rome that lastet over 1000 years and still last in some places (Your Queen for example).
For Europe your are not of importance.
The roman spear or pilum or whatever looks so fucking stupid. What a dumb weapon.
Your stupid image comes from XIX nationalistic le teutonic race meme propaganda
Both is the only acceptable answer. You can track back influences as far as Mesopotamia and the Minoans, reality is that western civilization starts with that particular blend of Greek and Roman cultures spread by the Romans in the actual west, with Celtic elements being almost completely wiped out and Germanic influences only having a partial input.
They just invented computers tho.
Besides that, they were shit.
>USA at the top
Literally why
The only thing we've contributed culturallu is popular culture and a few bretty good authors
>And those conquests had nothing to do with the West
Hellenisation of the East had a massive impact on Europe's future.
It didn't, at all.
Time before and after the 90's doesn't exist in Russia
Yeah they fucked up the Region there hard it took 1000 years until any remarkable power could form their again.
Romans pretty much just overrun there.
>Greeks invented west culture
This meme needs to stop.
>perfectly sauced and cited secondary evidence
>butthurt low quality post responds by calling it le teutonic race meme propaganda
>perfectly sauced and cited secondary evidence
Etruscans :^)
It's not.
If you post more images from this retarde book, you will find that the guy posts German Empire borders in 1600 Europe, he completely neglects anything from Poland and ignores our contribution by handing everything to Germans, Russians, French and British.
I'm not denying that Brits contributed a lot and even more than us, but for fucks sake this isn't a good source.
>still no counter evidence
>ancient western world
Nice meme, but there's no way to track inventions or figures from that era properly. They were lost through the ages due to Christians and barbarians burning libraries with the records and shit: en.wikipedia.org
>The Roman Empire was one of the most technologically advanced civilizations of antiquity, with some of the more advanced concepts and inventions forgotten during the turbulent eras of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages
>It didn't, at all.
It introduced the Greek language as a lingua franca onto the Middle East and Greek philosophy into Judaic thought which was crucial for the development of Christianity as it is.
Regions in terms of historical influence:
>Western and Southern Europe, Middle-East
>East Asia, Indian subcontinent
>Eastern Europe, South-east Asia
>Sub-Saharan Africa
Objective truth.
so you mean the blacks?
>Still no evidence to counter
You fuck.
We made more important things than small foamy beers.
Like what?
i approve
what do you mean? if you're correcting me, both are fine mine just seems more natural
but yea pls post proofs
Poles introduced toilets to European nobility so they would stop shitting in the bushes.
I would just like to read what does the dude mean by "most important inventions" and how did he got his data.
This very small picture without any relations to any definitions or explenations is simply empty information.
It's basically like looking at noting
Kievan Rus was centuries ahead of Western barbarians when it comes to development.
Eastern Europe also succeeded in saving you from Asian hordes while you were busy figuring out how forks work.
People seriously downplay the massive significance of the Industrial revolution being kicked off in Britain. They were the only people really willing too throw their children in factories too produce phossey jawed deformities just too prove you could industrialize your nation like a motherfucker. We'd be pretty much stuck at the equivalent technological, economic, social, and cultural level of 1820 or thereabouts. Science would only have improved sporadically, and no field would be as far along as it is today. Most things would still be custom-made by skilled craftmen; that is, the entire economy would all be "bespoke". All the gains from automation would be lost, and pretty much all power generation would be limited to localized engines. I can go on too show specific examples as too why Industrialization on such a scale was so important and that it wouldn't have been picked up by others until maybe very recently.
China & East Asia would have much more influence on the world if it didn't embarrass itself in the last 150 years
>Kievan Rus
I actually gave Russia the second most important place. I don't get your argument catholic serb.
>people actually believe this
>England is important for India and Africa and Northern America, but not Europe.
I refuse to believe Europeans are this uneducated about how massive and significant British contribution to Europe and humanity is.
>unironically WE WUZ posting
Try observing to what the posts you're replying to are replying to.
>I choose to remain uneducated in order to claim my aryan superiority
I put Britain in fourth for both European and world influence, you stupid leaf. Jesus Christ it's like Canadians are physically incapable of posting anything other than utter shit.
>i chose to remain uneducated in order to claim my slave pride
Any educated person would label it number 1 or 2. They doubled French output in the 19th century alone.
Kievan Rus got KHAN'D
To be fair every single Western country is extremely Americanized at this point
So before Industrialization there was no anything?
There was just a single black smith in a town making weapons and armor all day long?
Do you even know what industrialization exactly was?
Brits also took lots of inlfuence in specially from France. I would also say that France did the first and most important part in the development of industrializion with the imperial manufactures during Napoleon.
World history is too long for the Brits to be no.1 or 2.
The French revolution is the single-most important European event in the last 1000 years.
A word that quite literally has no meaning.
No, I am educating you due to the shitty Westocentric """education""" that you've received. Western Europe was a barbarous shithole until the 13th century, likely the least developed part of the Old World. And even later on, Poland was the most powerful European force in the 15th century, while Croats took an active part in the Renaissance. I'm guessing that's roughly the time when North Europeans realised that meat is tastier after you put it into a fire.
1. Southern Europe
2. Western Europe
3. China
4. The Levant/Iraq
5. Egypt
9001. Eastern Europe
90001. Africa
1 or 2 for world influence maybe, not for Western influence
>So before Industrialization there was no anything?
>There was just a single black smith in a town making weapons and armor all day long?
No, but for arguments sake, let me make some probabilities. Also France has many claims to accomplishment but the development of industrialization and carrying on with it in scale is not one of them.
1. The agricultural revolution would not exist; about 50% of the world's population would still be involved in agriculture. Due to the labor-intensiveness of agriculture, and the radically lower food output, global population would likely be little more than 1 Billion.
2.Large-scale warfare would be significantly less common, and significantly less destructive, though no less deadly. We'd still be fighting with muzzle-loading muskets and cannon, as anything more advanced requires the I.R. to happen.
3. Metalurgy would be primitive, pretty much frozen at wrought iron and very basic steels. No aluminum, let alone the more interesting alloys. Ceramics would likely not have processed either. Plastics would be unknown.
4.Electronics would not exist, let alone digital circuits, microprocessors, etc.
5. Power would be from piston engines, either steam or oil-fired. Electric generators and motors would not exist.
6. Medicine would probably plateau somewhere around 1950s-level or so
7. Transportation would be horse-drawn. Railroads would probably not exist. Certainly not the compact internal combustion engine - so no motor vehicles. Steam-powered vessels would probably exist, but be far more expensive and rare than sail-driven ones. Steam turbines would not exist.
>while Croats took an active part in the Renaissance
You mean as slave labour for Venice?
That wasn't even my argument.
Brits claim industrialization like they did it themselves what is simply wrong.
And your point is also wrong. All this stuff would simply be not avaible to a wide part of the people but still exist.