Why did the Soviets fail to bring scientific atheism to several backward peoples (you know who you are)?

Why did the Soviets fail to bring scientific atheism to several backward peoples (you know who you are)?

How could anyone who has read both Marx and religious gobbledygook from the late Neolithic decide for the latter? Were certain nations (you know who you are) just too illiterate to embrace social science and critical thinking?

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religion was violent purged in those countries precursor to the cultural revolution but later it came back but never like before

Bumping with thread-unrelated heraldic motif as a symbol of the old, pre-scientific world.

Didn't the church end up being a good way to influence the people?

>religion was violent purged in those countries precursor to the cultural revolution

That was Chinese Maoism, m8. The Soviets took a more sober approach.

>violent purged
Lol not really
Not in the USSR or Yugo

Bierz dupę w troki i spierdalaj do swojego gównianego kraju!

Maybe during the Patriotic War, but generally no, despite many priests informing for the secret services.

>get given a chance to reform your lacking national character from superstitious, agrarian potato thieves to hard-working, scientifically-minded, class-conscious proletarians
>choose potato over steelworks

Is it the backward agrarian character of some nations that prevents the formation of a modern consciousness there, a la South America? Maybe they should have built more Nowa Hutas.

it's not just the soviets
the mongols purged their own monasteries killing thousands and banning religion


>How could anyone who has read both Marx and religious gobbledygook from the late Neolithic decide for the latter?
maybe because religious gobbledygook from the late Neolithic is still more logical

Maybe it was the right course of action. If similar measures had been taken further west, then we may not have been saddled with reactionary, anti-democratic Trojan horses in certain parts of the EU today.

t. hasn't read Capital and never will out blind nationalistic, superstitious hatred against the Russians (not even against Soviets, who were the good guys).

>Horsewhip that scum into the Danube River,
>Go castigate that overweening rabble,
>Those starveling beggars, all so tired of living,
>That horde of miscreants, rogues and vagabonds,
>Croatian riff-raff, abject peasant hirelings,
>That vomit, spewed up by a glutted homeland
>For desperate ventures and for certain doom.
>t. Marx

Yeah, I'll just go and listen to that racist Slavophobic genocidal edgy fedora cunt.

You want to deny Marx and ignore all the good the Revolution did for your country after liberating you from traitorous nazifascism? Shame on you, drugar.

Slaba vaba.

Še en, katerega familijo so pozabili pospravit leta 45. Desničarstvo in slovenstvo se medsebojno izključujeta.

Moj ded se je v partizanih boril za Slovence, ne za komunistično mafijo.

USSR wasn't in a vacuum.

You had constant "western" programs trying to push missionaries because "muh religious freedoms". It only ramped up since the dissolution, but it might be worse now seeing they're pushing Catholicism, and Scientology. Anything to upset Russia.

Hell, they're even pushing Islam, the radical kind.

If Russia doesn't allow child brides they're intolerant.
If Russia allows child brides they're monsters.
There's no winning.

Because soviets were retarded.
They took actual people from power and gave it to farmers, believing they won't turn into their lovely fairy in the sky at first chance.
You don't need ideology to be an atheist, all you need is education, and soviets sucked at giving education.

If Langston Hughes was anything to go by the were getting close in Central Asia at least in the 30's. Hoxha, for his faults, at least did an okay job of it in Albania, that's at least one problem they don't have

I thought all missionaries were strictly American sectarians. I've never heard of Catholic missionaries working anywhere north of the equator.

>and soviets sucked at giving education.

I thought this is one of the things where they excelled. Rigorous STEM + critical theory = good education.

modern russia is one of the most religios christian places today
chechens got more durka after the chechen wars

Atheism was just too epic for the uneducated slav and churka monkeys of the east...

Retards could pass STEM studies with ease. USSR was a meme.

Too much educated people were a threat to USSR

Marx is objectively inferior in both moral as well as purely practical qualities to religion.
Definitely to any Abrahamic one and possibly to several others as well.

>How could anyone who has read both Marx and religious gobbledygook from the late Neolithic decide for the latter?
Because that "religious gobbledygook" has worked in some of the most advanced nations in the world for over a thousand years whereas Marxist bullshit barely manged to survive half a century in Europe's backwards cousin, some assbackwards chink countries and some Latin American banana republics (with the latter never entirely abandoning religion btw).

What I cannot forgive Marx for is how he overshadowed all the proto-Marxist socialists. French Utopian thinkers and self-identified socialist Napoleon III had some interesting ideas before that entitled German Jew who never worked a day in his life started propagating his entitlement complex like it was Gospel.

Commies won the religious war in many places.
It's one of the things commies were right about.

>unironically falling for the Marx meme
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