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twin cities edition

she is my waifu

first for Romania is snowniggers

Bulgaria was a mistake...


sounds about right

>from all the cities in the us

Bulgarian nationalism, Swedish nationalism, Romanian nationalism, Russian nationalism, Albanian nationalism, German nationalism, etc., sure.

But white nationalism makes no fucking sense. The average Greek has a lot more in common culturally with a Syrian than a fucking Norwegian, even though both are white. Likewise, the only similarity between the average american southerner and average Balkan is inbreeding, literally nothing cultural.

>not white

> The average Greek has a lot more in common culturally with a Syrian than a fucking Norwegian

If that is true it only means that Greeks are not white, as suspected.

I certainly have much more in common with a Norwegian than with a Syrian.

>The average Greek has a lot more in common culturally with a Syrian than a fucking Norwegian

(behind 7)>(behind 3)>5>(behind 1)>2>>>>>>all the rest>>>>>>>hobo coach

Are Bulgarians the most racist people in the world?

When you apply a word for a color to a person it sounds negative i.e. "black man" or "that black guy" sounds rude in Bulgarian, as well as calling someone brown or yellow.

However, "white man" has a positive connotation. "Do something like a white man" means do something properly.

Nobody notices these constant microagressions in this primitive society.

This is unacceptable in 2016, in our progressive Euroatlantic Union.

Nr 2 > all

front second from the right looks suspicious

>he doesn't use politically correct words like чepнoкoж, кaфявoкoж, жълтoкoж



I agree with this. I feel like "white nationalism" is an american invention for american fascists that lack actual cultural heritage.



she's been a LOT of people's waifu if you u no wat I mean ;)

White nationalism might become a thing even in Europe, since nationalists are so few. My prediction is that the cucks will all willingly mix with shitskins , while the nationalists from various European countries go through the process of ethnogenesis and form a new ethnicity

bulgaria == multiculti
multiculti == good

someday i will buy her as an escort

r we wite

negroids disgust me

what's the most iconic personality of your country?




bottom left >all

he is to me at least

why do you wanna be white anyway

bottom right is a qt too

just joking m8, pepe shd be enough to understand that
int's obsession with being white is laughable


I have never doubted my whiteness until I came on Sup Forums


good man

but there are too many balkanites wanting to be white so you never know if theyre srs

me in the middle btw, you know which one

you werent here

>just joking m8
>obsession with being white is laughable

didn't see it tbhh

you will always be white to me, bulgar-kun

I totally agree.
t. average Bulgarian(white)

pokemon go just came out in swedistan

tfw not autistic enough to actually go out and play this garbage

I seriously don't give a shit
I consider white anyone that is european, even chinks

who's that

Mihai Viteazu

I maybe a manchild.
I maybe almost 30 years of age.

But at least i have my dignity. I would never play garbage like this.

>just reinstalled SPACE HULK


are u like 50yo bro


I'm 14 year old grill. Naischu mischu


>are u like 50yo bro
>I maybe almost 30 years of age.
I have an old souls :^)

do bulgarians have mail order brides

>this is Romania


>watching porn
are you guys seriously this degenerate?

Is this a Macedonian trap?

Let me try my instinctive Bulgarian:

Бългapи зoщo нямaтe cвoйa къщтa cъc бaзeн в Бoяaнa или пoднoжйaтa нa Bитoшa?

I would fuck that one. What's wrong with you, virgin?

>post deleted

kill yourself Romanian faggot janitor, we know you're a homo

kys too cucks, I bet you only like anorexic cunts like anzu or some shit

youre self projecting grecoman


kosovalbanennen tobakosomething, pls

I hope the boylover janitor won't be triggered by this pic

имaшe някъв oпит

makkecucks would you oppose your military removing the government and making a dictatorship?

let me try my instinctive Macedonian


пoлyчaвaш Дoбъp 4,25 oт мeн


If you were to visit one country in the Balkans for a weekend (not including your own), which one would it be and why?

kosovo, prishtina

or somewhere in greece

Yeah they would fuck up our 5% growth, I think we can just vote to remove this guy

To steal a nevesta.

Greece, they have actual history unlike the rest of balkan
I'd go around looking at old buildings and shit

LMAO you'll make it bro

terrible posts

good post

>5% growth
bullshit, post proofs

I feel like going to bulgaria right now

Fulgrim at work


None :^)

the only terrible thing here is your existence, britcel

Why do Macedonians seriously think they're descended from Alexander the Great?


We are

Pic related, the director of "Macedonia Timeless" Milcho Manchevski


Why do the fake Macedonians post here?

The current inhabitant of ancient paeonia, as obvious slavs, of course have no connection to ancient Macedonians. Not only do not have any connection whatsoever to the founders of the Hellenistic period but by being antihellenic they effectively define themselves as anti-macedonian. Historian agree that the vast majority of people in Skopje at the turn of the 19th century still self-identified as ethnic Bulgarians (to much lessor degree Serbs and other slavs). All they are essentially doing is substituting the word BULGARIAN with Macedonian.

FYROM essentially only got recognition as "macedonians" because their government lied to their foreign supporters. Several successive Skopian government assured their supporters they were not related to ancient Macedonians. Today the forrmer Yugoslavians claim the opposite.(while sadly their supporters try to downplay their irredentism and obvious fraud to hide their mistake of recognizing them.

1. Are they ashamed of their ethnic Bulgarian heritage?
2. Have they lost their minds to hatred of Greeks.
3. Are they simply ignorant and can't understand they are Macedonians?
4. Are they fascists that fantasize they are out conquering the world?

fututi gura matii de tigan dami inca un ban

we have a military?

тъ лъ дъ pъ

Hirohito's mods are pure cancer.

American flags are cringy, like you and the romanian cuck. Only orthodox albo is cool from that fucking country

I got banned like that for joking once too

>tfw the reason our military exist is so our minister of defense can use helicopters to go shopping in germany

This is the most Albanian thing ever. It'd be more Albanian if the helicopter was a mercedes brand.

So you have nothing else to say then pigdog?

The whole reason why your army exists is for insurgency in Kosovo and Macedonia senpai.


Bulgarias this is perfect for you

anyone excited for the ghostbusters?

Unfortunately they really are a separate nation now :/

It's a testament to the power of meme magic - you can meme whole nations into existence.