What's up Sup Forums, Burger here. I want to move to Switzerland and I've got a few questions

What's up Sup Forums, Burger here. I want to move to Switzerland and I've got a few questions.

How much would the Swiss hate me if I moved there?
What is the best language to learn first?
What are good job skills I could have to make myself useful?
How impossible is it to make myself a Swiss citizen?

I'm not one of those Burgers that "doesn't like gubberment" or wearing some tin hat. US culture, laws, and politics have always frustrated me. I genuinely like what I have read about the Swiss people and their stance on most social and economic issues.

I will say this about myself
>not a lot of college
>basic job skills
I'm pretty useless right now. I know this would take me years, but I want to know if it's even remotely possible for a US citizen to assimilate into Swiss culture.

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>I genuinely like what I have read about the Swiss people and their stance on most social and economic issues.
How about visiting it at least once before attempting to immigrate there? There's a huge difference between reading about something online from a second source and actually experiencing it.

just read out loud what you just wrote and then imagine you're a swiss immigration official.

Do you think you'd pass?

Americans make me cringe so much

Obviously this is a first step.
Of course I wouldn't, that is why I'm asking for advice.

So let me sum it all up

You want to go to Switzerland but :
-You have no special skills
-You don't speak any of the languages of the country


In Switzerland, the US ambassador is technically paid less than his own driver because the ambassador is paid in dollars and the driver is paid in Francs. It's insane expensive to live there and I doubt it would be that enjoyable if you're not well off.

>I know this would take me years
Are you all not reading my post? I'm curious about the country, and want to know more about it from people, not articles.

Swiss people are pretty xenophobic, so are Austrians. Germans are unironically the most welcoming folks in this neck of the woods.

>le cuck meme

Austria is cucked at least as hard as we are, Switzerland might be a contender too

Swiss people are racist to Germans and Frenchies. Let alone to a useless American lol.

Austrians aren't people though

>Swiss people are racist to Germans and Frenchies. Let alone to a useless American lol.
Depends, on the contrary, some are really nice to us and us only because we are very close culturally.

Fuck you are cringeworthy

kill yourself OP those dumblr posts about how in Europe everyone is rich and multiracial and loves to travel are just memes stay here and embrace Trump

It is really really hard to permanently move to another country nowadays

You personally have no chance at all

> doesn't know any of the languages
> not even a bachelors degree
> no skills
Top kek

>insane expensive to live
I am aware of that, I wouldn't attempt to move unless I was capable of sustaining myself.

>pretty xenophobic
>Swiss people are racist to Germans and Frenchies
This I didn't know.


I don't think you can't really immigrate there unless you get really special skill

God damn

I actually looked up some info to move to Switzerland. But I just felt that I won't get citizenship there despite being a doctor as I am nonwhite (Korean/Japanese mix) after I saw that article. How would a country rejecting white prof for citizenship will accept nonwhite one?

Why the fuck do you want to move to Switerland?
Korea, Japan and America are 3 fine country to be a doctor in

I just considered a bit as some of my siblings live there

What are you siblings doing there?



i dunno all the swiss people i've met were pretty friendly, especially the women

So you are a useless loser in the country that allows the most chances and success in the world and you believe that you will have a better life in a place you've never been to and know nothing about

Marry a Swiss woman (or man)? And why the obsession with Switzerland? As European countries go it seems a rather soulless place.

At the expense of those people

That makes it even funnier. It reminds me of that nigger that kept making anti America threads and thought he could get gibsmedat in Europe

You need to know German A1, if they have similar laws. (mostly it's the same for Germany, Austria & Switzerland)

Swissboos are by far the lowest form of life

Not much.



Hard as fuck.mat least 12 years, 6 of which living in the same canton and 2 years in the same town. Then pay around 3k-5k for all the paperwork, do tests and shit and you end up being put to vote on the basis of the council in the town you live in.

So if you hop around the place in swissland, you can live here for 50 years and still not end eligible for citizenship.

How old are you? That romanticized view of a country you don't know anything about and the making of this thread alone is pretty cringeworthy.

First you qualify yourself in your own country, it's even easier for you since you live in America, then you may search for a country that best suits your life-style and expectations to move in.

That's the order. Now go study math.

>Swiss people are racist to Germans and Frenchies
I guess the reason for that is that swiss people expect from you to be really social and friendly towards strangers (like the cashier from a supermarket). Here in Germany, strangers don't really expect chitchat from you, although most people wouldn't mind.

yeh it's pretty hard, i guess the "fastest" way would be to marry a swiss.

But you gotta see that in the eyes of a swiss, they are already 7mil. in a tiny country with a good part of the landscape being mountain chains.
Also being geographically in the center of the EU they get a steady flow of immigrants.

They also have that "chihuahua complex" where they do not like the bigger country next to them.
The swiss-german do not really like the germans, the swiss-french don't like french and the italian-swiss don't like the italians.

The swiss-french hate the swiss-german, again because the swiss-german are the majority (approx 60% of the pop) and the swiss-french make 20%. They often vote in opposite of each other.

You have to verifiy that you are able to bear the costs of your lift yourself, either by a job offer there or by having enough money, to get a temporary resistence permit. You have to renew it every half a year. If you want to get a permanent residence permit, you have to know German. (or French in Switzerland) Marrying a Swiss woman wont help you to get around this.

>The swiss-french hate the swiss-german, again because the swiss-german are the majority
That's far from being the truth

That's exagerated. They are pretty friendly. They are just mad because, lots of studends used to flood Switzerland, but on contrary they are doing the same, studying here for free.

What state are you from? They can tell if you are an LA/NYC type or some dumb Rube from Kansas.

Thanks to the people who can actually understand my post and give me useful info.

>Implying NYorkers aren't among the worst type of Americans.

t. tourist

What makes you say that? (I wholeheartedly agree)

My maternal grandmother is Swiss. My mother also has two siblings who live there (used to be four, but two of them decided to move to the US, the rest was planning to go but they decided they preferred Switzerland).

It's a very nice country, very rich and very organised. For an American, the people will seem insanely cold, maybe even downright rude.

Personally I wouldn't live there. They will never make you feel at home.

You won't get a permit to stay here withou a job and you won't get a job because no qualifications


We aren't treated that bad and switzerland can be pretty comfy once you know the country.
They really don't like southern and eastern fags though.

Swiss French really have the feeling like Swiss Germans try to fuck them over because they are the majority.

People love LA/NYC tourists, since most Euros visit those two cities and have in blast enjoying what they have to offer.