Asian people: the thread

asian people: the thread

get in here

Other urls found in this thread:

Asian-American reporting in.

Another one reportin

Brit-Indo-Chink reporting in

Go back to your country

Get the fuck out.








You're welcome.


Asians are inferior; we Japanese have already renounced our previous Asian ancestry and became honorary European.

Hello my fellow chinks

no indians

how are you doing today fellow Asian?

I'm Mongolian faggot

prove it


penis size?


can i come

Asian girls explains yourselves

size checks out, but cut

>being non-cut

azn girl here, i only date azn guys so don't blame me!



Halfie reporting in.

Still welcome?

white men are disgusting. old, wrinkly skin and stinky BO

Asian boi detected.

>Non-single eyelid without epicanthal fold
You are not a descendant of the inheritor of infinite green horizon.

Why is our diaspora so fucking autistic?

what's wrong with asian guys?


Holy shit
How tall are you, dude?


Too hairy to be Asian.

You sure you aren't mixed?

Hapa is good if they preserve heritage. Heritage matters. Full blooded Asians with self hating are much worse

Nope, western culture is superior.

Arab nigger can't into perspective

5'10 though

hello fellow yellows

girlfag here, post moar

Post feet first

sup, yellowfinn

CHINESE are best.


Fat. But kind of cute.

why do these threads always attract angry foreigners ;_________________________;

this void eye is souless

Sieg Heil

Asians BTFO.

hardly ._.

I wanna be asian

Not gonna happen, sorry.


there is promising work in DNA resequencing, so it may be possible one day!

Native americans are technically asian. Are mestizos allowed?

Technically Asian but from West-Asia reporting in.

absolutely. but only if you post pics!


Praise tengri brothers.

qt detected

You can't judge qtness just by eyes.

sure i can

Just hang out with Asians and learn to act like us.

That's as close as you can get.


Am I in?

yes. welcome!

reminder that koreans singlehandedly made asian guys attractive to non-asians

no way, chinese guys did that

>thinking nationality is relevant to those you arr rook the same whities.

thanks korea! about time you did something useful!

9/10 would raid boipucci


WTF i thought you were asian
no homo allowed

Asians are still bottom of the totem pole but yeah I got to agree Kpop at least spawned non asians girls who are obsessed with kpop men. You also got Japs for weaboos.

But in my experience here in the UK 9 times out of 10 SwagFag Filipinos get all the white girls when it comes to chinks.I dont know why but that is how I experienced it in London. Its either Filipinos or some Vietnamese.Maybe white girls see's Filipinos as the alpha asians since a lot of them listens to hip hop and loves playing sports such as Basketball white the other asians is your gamer/anime type that gets bullied.

i am asian.

and what's wrong with homo?

im asian too
homosexuality is wrong
just like being 黑鬼


herro my fellow mongols

are your parents dissapointed


happa with a cute white gf here



>since a lot of them listens to hip hop and loves playing sports such as Basketball
So white british girls really just want black men.

no. why should they be?

my parents would be dissapointed if i was gay

Yes its over for us White guys here we are BLACKED. Mix race guys/Light Skin Niggas are now the top of the totem pole.

Just look at our football team.

i bet you're cute too

Fuck off back to pakistan

t-thanks user
y-y-ou too

T.Pablo Gonzalez

I see those abominations too from time to time. Why would you destroy millions of years of evolution and your identity just to spawn a lighter shade of a poo stain?

Where The Whitew wWimminz at

*poke* ^_^

Blame American nigger culture. All niggers in Europe tries to copy the Nigga culture of America. It wasn't like this in the 80s and early 90s since rap was not popular back then.

Now we have a abomination called Grime which is pretty much ''english''rap which are now dominating the music of Young people.