
Saturday night degeneracy edition

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What's it like to put your willy in a fanny for the first time lads?


dunno :\

do you want to find out? :3


Tight and painful if she's a virgin

Good lad


tight, gets better as time goes on

what if he's a virgin?

n-no thanks





Sainsbury's > Waitrose > Asda = Morrisons = Tesco > Aldi > Lidl >>>>>>>> Iceland

>tfw my current gf was a virgin and could barely get my bellend in her


Why are Yanks so horrible?

The sad music really drives it in how terrible they are.

tight and painful

it was a rhetorical question..

*straddles your naked body*
*lowers myself down, my hand guiding your cock into my pussy*

got the incense going

in love with an american girl and she's in love with me but what if she's fucking bare man behind my back


Dunno, never had sex with one

>tfw it took us three times to finally break the seal

alri lads

Absolute shithouse of a list you cunt.

1. Waitrose
2. Sainsburys
3. M&S
4. Morrisons
5. Tesco
6. Aldi
7. Co op
8. Asda
9. Iceland

I never go to Asda or Iceland they're shit and full of disgusting people.

I need to stop shagging these dirty Romanian escorts.

Some of the areas and house I've been in are sketchy as fuck.

Just been to shag one and the whole estate was pakis, niggers and gypsies. Not to mention all the fucking police.

I hate it when you go in and all the doors are closed. I half expect some big nigger to bust in half way through sex and tell me to give him all my shit. Then again this wouldn't be very wise as I'd just tell the first copper I saw what was going on there.

Has anyone ever tried corn flakes with banana milkshake?

>Bin Laden

coincidence?? I think NOT!!!

what the FUCK lads

put a few films on memory stick, couldn't copy the last one because there isn't enough room (only 1.04 GB remaining), so I delete some old shit on there and try again, STILL only 1.04 GB remaining

delete some more stuff, still 1.04 GB

delete everything, STILL 1.04 GB remaining

what the frick is going on?

the sanitation "worker"

fuck off

waitrose is a poshboy shithole, we don't associate with dem places

Got a qt jp gf but don't like to talk about it.

you need to empty the trashbin

empty the bin

both posts from the old thread
both posts that i do not care for

empty recycle bin

impersonating Janny is a Jannyable offense


>when people start talking about sports

happened with my first gf, like after 2 times of me at her place trying to do it I just couldn't even enter the tip with her moaning really hard (without pleasure ofc). We just tried at my place one night when my parents weren't there after a long time talking and having foreplay and it worked

>when people stop talking about sports



Are you excited for the hockey to start?

bit of syrian music


Need a tennis gf t b h

thank you lads :)

Poleaboo feels that's much cheaper than getting a domme to do a personalised POV clip

Poleaboo tried to warn you

We need to take a stand, just like Sup Forums did

how fragile is your mental health?

>log on to Facebook
>"Oneitis has changed her profile picture"
>her with some guy I don't recognize


good. and let's hope you keep your financial status and opinion. keeps the gene pool in there tidy. hardly ever see fat disgusting mongs in waitrose

>when you're trying to eat a krabby patty but you miss spongebob

got any more pics like this lad?

already have to deal with a mate of mine going off about sportball

Need a Hila gf t b h

why are you larping as a waitrose shopper mate, its a bit pathetic

need a hitler gf

I post pictures of myself crossdressing, and I'm destroying my body for replies on an imageboard.

I'm perfectly ordinary and sane.


Need to stop doing cocaine desu

This bag is nearly empty and then I'm done with it

Maybe haha

need a Genie gf

>he deleted it again


>when people start talking about videogames that aren't PC only autism simulators

>still going strong after a full 5 years of this shit

lot of love for assad

adding people i don't know on fb to look more like a normie lol

smashed already

got bipolar disorder and 2 anxiety disorders haha

low and still sinking everyday but i maintain a good surface on the outside so my life isn't too damaged and no one notice that i fantasize suicide haha


what's bipolar like

it's true though. you can watch the gene pool get progressively worse as the supermarkets quality lowers. being in iceland is like being in a fucking zoo.

Add me on Playstation

I cry during confrontation

I cry myself to sleep most nights

I think about suicide daily

I have panic attacks often and I vomit from anxiety 3-4 times a week

>Feel shorter than 100% of males
>Everyone who I walk past who has a gf is at least a foot taller than me

Post it hahaha

thought i missed the drop but i never

U a fuggin cultist?

ever thought about not being such an estrogen filled puss?


Sup Forums.org/bans

Top ones

whenever i go the sainsburys near my college its full of downies since its near a mental hospital so idk about that

>tfw 5"11
>take a rare venture "out"
>literally a CHINESE woman was the same height as me


saw her IRL at the us open

she beat some yank called alison something

will u leave me alone if i do

Not feeling this

Gonna make a fat one out of the rest of the bag

Addicted to attention from women and also sex. I'm a good looking guy but my standards are really low. As long as her hygiene is good I will fuck her.

The longer I go without sex or attention the worse I feel and start to hate myself.

I spend way too much money on escorts and like I said here I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Thank god I don't have a coke addiction as I would literally never have any money.

>Why yes i act smug about which Jewish enterprise i use for my weekly shop

House/dog sitting for a week

You lads wanna come over and party?


Haha have u tried not being such a pussy like haha just close ur eyes faggot and tie a noose. It isn't that hard just walk away.

I don't know i am not a scientific

I used to work at waitrose in south London and it there was a fair share of complete mental cases and rude cunts.

Having said that waitrose for key ingredients + lidl/tesco/morrisons for the bulk shit master race

How can this be possible?
The statistics say I'm average height

i want to snort a line of ket
should I lads? like a fat one to get really fucked up


coming up to 10:45 lads

I once put coffee in my cereal. It was actually p. gud

1. Booths
2. Aldi
3. Sainsbury's
4. Tesco
5. Waitros
6. Lidl

7. Literal Dogshit

8. Tesco

9000. Asda
9*10^10 + 1. Iceland