Is it true other countries don't have Garbage Disposals?
The Most Important Question
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are you saying they actually exist and they aren't just made up for television and movies?
We put garbage in the trash can. How do you even use these?
Also, we sort trash, because most of it is recycable.
They're really convenient. If you have some food waste stuck on a plate you can wash it off right in the sink and just grind it up in the disposal so it doesn't clog.
Lmao why would you bother? What's the point of spending extra time just for stuff you're getting rid of anyway?
>Lmao why would you bother?
you do it for nature and your children faggot
Things won't go to shit within my lifetime
>your children
>unironically ruining the best years of your life raising screaming shit monsters
Yes. They are real.
You flip a switch to cut it on. It grinds up food and garbage, and it's normally pretty loud.
Food is biodegradable, son.
>Be American
>Be fucking ignorant
>mfw Americans call a garburator a "garbage disposal"
WTF do you call a toilet? A "shit disposal unit"?
Implying he will ever have kids or a relationship
Here it goes into the bio trash
thats why it goes in the bio trash which gets dumped into huge compost facilities.
Why wouldnt you compost it? Do Americans not have gardens?
>Germans are literally so autistic they sort their garbage
What the fuck? Do you really eat from gardens? You can't just eat plants that are growing in the dirt, gardens are just for decoration.
You don't sort your rubbish? Fucking 3rd worlder.
I used to have a garden, but it is bad soil in my yard and two, the soil often has rocks and remains of old building under the soil, well, that was how my yard was. And yes, they do, in fact, my neighborhood has a large garden. But most people go to the store or a farmer's market.
Seems fine to me, and makes since then just dumping it into sewage. But they do use the sewage for compost I believe.
We do have gardens.
I thought Brits didn't have yards?
We do have them but they are called garburators here.
Who said anything about eating? If you compost your food waste you can use it on any plant. And yeah, some people do grow edible plants in their gardens here but they're 95% ornamental. We have special gardens away from our houses called allotments to grow food on
No, you just stick it all in the garbage can and poor people take it away once a week. Why would I sort it?
A big part of the garbage gets recyclt.
Stay underdeveloped 3rd world faggot.
Why? What does that even mean?
Dear other americans. They don't have them because they don't treat their wastewater like we do.
Food bits that are annoying to just dump in the trash, go into the garbage disposal, which chops it up small enough to just go down the drain.
All of our water goes to treatment plants, the amount of co2 breakdown via composting or sending it to a treatment plant is the same. So environmentally it doesn't matter.
Most people with yards compost in Seattle, we still have garbage disposals. It's for shit you can't just dump in the compost easily.
A garden is the Anglo word for what you would call a yard, not just an actual food garden.
The French also do this, for example my favourite pieces by Monét are his jardin (garden) series. Like "Jardin au ventuiel"
That's why you should compost m8 it improves the soil. And gardens here are just the bits out the back of your house, they're mostly ornamental
Why on earth would you think this? Gardening is a massive hobby over here. We have programmes about it on prime time TV. Everyone has a garden unless you live in a tower block
So let the trash company/city deal with it if they want. The average person throwing stuff away doesn't get paid, so why would you do the labor of sorting it for free?
>Also, we sort trash, because most of it is recycable.
So do we Hans.
Garburator is the most popular brand of garbage disposal machine in Canada, so that became the word for it.
Exactly like how we call it velcro or zippers, both are name brands for hook and latch fasteners and sliding fasteners, also you call most paracetamol/acetaminophen by the name brand Tylenol.
Oh. Thank you for answering like a decent human being.
>mfw this thread is fighting over trash
>mfw this thread IS trash
It's not so hard to have another trashbin for plastics and another one for paper nearby. It takes you just a second second to decide which of the bins you have to throw in your stuff.
The environment will thank you for this and it's no effort.
>just throwing his paper in a paperbin and this bio in a bio bin
You just throw it away in a differebt bin that stands directly besides the other bins.
>Amerilards unironically are already to retarded to distinguish a fucking bin
>having to buy two garbage cans
>having to take out two can instead of one
I'm not going to spend even one more second dealing with trash than I have to. If someone wants to recycle it, they can deal with that shit themselves.
Two garbage bins are half as fast full as one garbage bin.
You literally have to go twice as often. At least your fat ass gets some movement once a week.
>being that poor that he can't afford another bin
Idk, why not just put it in a bin? Where do you yanks keep your kitchen bins, mine is under the sink, so it's just more convenient and 'normal' to use a bin.
Also doesn't the sink start to stink after a while with these.
We use that meaning for garden too, but it also has more.
Yeah, I need to go back to making one. Store bough veggies are shit, but I would rather like to move back to the country and fix my family's land and make a huge garden out of it. We used to have a huge plot of farmland.
>Yanks don't sort their rubbish
Fucking backward spastics, literally Africa-tier.
Yanks have to buy their bins?
>he proudly does unpaid labor for the garbage company just because his nanny state told him he was helping the environment
The German servile instinct is a truly pathetic thing to behold.
Garbage men come to dump the trash we've left in the 'main' trashcan into the garbage truck.
Recycling bins are put into 'Paper, Plastic, Metal, and Glass.'
Like how garbage men throw the garbage into one big truck, we separate the recyclable products so that the workers don't have to seperate them later.
It's not a matter of being too stupid to sort things, it's a matter of making the sorting easier.
Next to the laundry room near the back door.
Sadly, yes. And you have to pay for people to take your trash away.
Yeah, I'd really recommend it. There's nothing more satisfying than eating a delicious meal that you grew yourself. Even if you just put in some raised beds, you can grow potatoes, onions and all sorts of beans without issue. We have an allotment that would be laughably small to Americans (about 4×8 metres) but we grow more than we can eat
>Having to buy your own bins...
It's much more work for a garbage company to sort your mixed trash afterwards. It probably costs you more.
For example paper disposal is free here, because the garbage companies can rely that it's sorted, they earn their money through recycling.
I thought this was made for horror movies.
Garage men come on different days for different garbage.
You can also not do it. Turks often don't do it.
>He is American
I should have known that you are not white...
Unfortunately things like garbage disposals, dish washers and clothes dryers have long become a stapple for upper middle classes here and is starting to spread... Even working class people now all own at least a handfull of American infomercial gadgets...
Ah, you were talking in a buying through taxes sense.
>they actually sort their trash instead of stuffing it all in
Fucking cucks.
While you "take care of the environment", the Chinks are winning because they don't care.
They were free, but sadly, yes, even the recycling. They fall apart and the city makes you pay for more than one. It is a fuck joke how much no one cares about the environment.
what do you use for pest control. Do you go for an all natural approach like using something like beer or whatnot, or do you use pesticides.
I don't care if they have to work harder. That's their problem, not mine.
They're also dominating your country. Really makes you think...
>there is one turk in the politics and he is in the green party
>says the mullato who suck jewpenis
A German bringing a Jew into this debate?
Shame, user. Shame.
>I don't care if they have to work harder. That's their problem, not mine.
So you prefer paying them out rather than to save it and and nothing actually. It isn't even aditional work.
>jew cock in germany
>jew cock in USA
>sucked and died for
>mfw I could literally report you to the police and you would go to jail for posting this
This fucking guy I swear
Get off your ass and start recycling.
Good goy, Clean the cock after sucking.
This guy right here is why this country is so shit.
I won't pay them any extra. The price was the same before they started all this recycling shit.
I thought "Garbage Disposals" was just something they invented to give movies a easy way to maim someone in their home.
You're welcome and yes it is
People seem to be saying that a lot! Are they used in a lot of horror movies in other countries?
No, the sink doesn't stink. The food is macerated to the point it can be easily rinsed into the sewer/septic system
In my village we didn't have to pay trash disposal at all. The bio trash came into compost and was spread onto the fields as dung. The plastic trash went into the chemics factories and they made new plastic bottles. And the paper got recycled too and they made paper bags and news paper out of this. Also, you had new sub contractors which solely earned out of this garbage business.
It's good for the economy, good for nature and good for your wallet. Everybody wins!
Even my office has a garbage disposal in the microwave room's sink. It's really convenient because I like to pour coffee grounds down the drain and I can just flip the switch to unclog it.
So you're not paying anything either way and you still choose to do the work of others? Sad!
You have to pay for people to take away you're gabarge.
No one is gaining from it this way, except Garbage companies.
Compost would save more money and add to the environment.
It depends on the place. Some places have municipality services that haul garbage for free, some have increased taxes for this service, some require you to buy a bin they they will haul it, some rent bins and haul those, some sell bins and haul them, some sell bins and you pay a private company to haul it, some private companies gove bins when you buy their hauling services, and sometimes you have to buy the bins and haul it to the transfer station or landfill, or you buy the bin and special bags but those bags are free to dump at the local landfill.
America is a big fucking place with lots of different waste management systems.
Can't make this shit up.
He just said that he doesn't have to pay at all, dumbass.
We have a recycling system. It's just industrialized.
No, never. When they appear in american movies however, theres a 70% chance that it will hurt someone. The other 30% is when the moviemakers wants you to think its going to hurt someone but it doesnt.
Can you stick your fingers in there?
It would be extremely painful.
>We have a recycling system. It's just industrialized.
They're actually real!
They're normally only used in bigger cities. Cities usually try to save space, so they just grind up trash with the garbage disposal, and it sends it to the septic system underground, so it saves space above ground.
But it sucks when you sneak in late and you try to turn on the kitchen light and you accidentally turn on the garbage disposal and wake everyone up.
Industrialized in the sense that it's been handed over to factories and corporations.
You don't see many people using compost themselves, you see them buying, paying for, and using recycling bins.
I like how Americans arbitrarily capitalize words they deem important :3
And how they break up composite words into their constituent parts as though they weren't capable of comprehending what a portmanteau is and took the meaning of each part to be separate from the rest :3
You are southern Europe tier.
You are also southern Europe brown.
I'm sorry, I don't think we're understanding eachother.
I used it in the sense that it's not a think you do on your own to care about the earth, it's now used so that companies can get money. Helping the earth is a bonus.
What's the point you're trying to make?
We have the concept of a self-aware human being.
Like you are in control of your actions and counscious of yourself.
American seem to not fit in this. Americans are held as animals?
Isn't it easier an quicker to throw old food like this into the trash? It looks fucking disgusting.
I'm not sure if it's a matter of that.
The other guy was a total ass. He's a lazy piece of shit who cares about saving money.
I personally pay for recyling, and use compost. Because I personally think that you should take care of where you live. So recycling costs extra, but I believe it's worth it.
He explained in the video why he was doing that. If he threw it away then raccoons would tear up his trash.
>I personally pay for recyling, and use compost. Because I personally think that you should take care of where you live
Feel the Bern, amirite?
Fuck no.
>that feel when Bernie couldn't get a job until he was 40
>that feel when socialism has never worked
I recycle because I believe it's the right thing to do.
We had one, my mother called it an insinkerator. I'm not sure if that was just the brand or had become a genericised name for it.
I have never seen one in real life. But you can get them here as well if you want one in your kitchen.
What we have learned from this thread: Garbage disposals are used in horror movies.
After being shredded in the garbage disposal, food particles eventually end up at a sewage treatment plant, where it is combined along with human-digested food waste (shit), used to extract methane for energy, and also composted and used as fertilizer.
So garbage disposals are really quite friendly on the environment. They're really no different than human mouths, in a way.
That's a brand name.