How would the world change, Sup Forums?

How would the world change, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:ónicoños'98'_War

More people would speak portuguese.

Those countries would probably uma merda.

had we started out as the bigger country we would have absolutely smashed Spain into oblivion and make it ours

Still be*


>Spain started the bigger country
Yes, because Spain came out of nowhere, and not from a very small county called Castilla.


Which always was bigger & powerful than Portugal, yet, incapable of bending the portuguese's will to exist sovereignly.

>Which always was bigger & powerful than Portugal
What? Castilla was basically the same size as Portugal up until the formal unification of León and the 1200+ conquests.

el peruANO hermANO

except that the ruler of galicia, leon and castille were brothers in most instances, and they fought eachother for supremacy shortly after their old man dying. They were literaly the same entity, the concept of nation-state only came several centuries after

>They were literaly the same entity
No, they were not.

There's no point in arguing with spaniards,they're literally at the same level of turks and north africans when it comes to personality

Déjalo que se monte sus peliculas, si los portugueses aquí están todos tontos perdidos.

Why are portuguese obsessed with their ""empire""???



>Bahia would be Argentina
Fits well

they were, otherwise you'd have to consider 90% of the higher titles in europe as separate entities.
I'm talking about things like aquitaine, toulouse and the other one (I don't remember the name) instead of having ocitania. Or Mercia, northumbia, essex and wessex for england

Fuck off chink Cuba

No, they were not, that's the reason there were wars and revolts in Galicia.
Castilla was a small county that became independent and was just as big a Portugal.

>this shit again


>ordem e progresso


>spanish empire
taking a shit on america over a strait doesn't make it a sucessful empire.
The portuguese empire ended in 1999,the spanish one ended in 1898.
Tell me what has the spanish empire achieved that we didn't?The objetive of the age of discovery was to find a path/discover India and destroy the ottoman monopoly on trade.The portuguese were sucessful on that.
There's literally nothing spetacular about the spanish empire.all their colonies are the same fucking thing,there's no difference between argentina and mexico...

>the spanish one ended in 1898.
You mean 1975, with the independence of RASD.

So how exactly did Aztec civilization end up in the middle of the fucking amazon?

>mfw, without a madman like Cortez the Portuguese never conquer Mesoamerica

>overseas territory...

we'd enslave them and rape them,which one is better?

the revolts in galicia were for more power to the local powerfull families, and certainly not because they wanted a diferent castilian/asturian king. The Castro family come to mind

galicia, leon, castille and aragon (portugal as well for that mater) were names in the paper, the point was to divide the land amongst the children. When people stoped doing that, those names were bound to disapear since their purpose was no more.

Did you know there was a kingdom of algarves? that thing never existed in reality, but in the paper it was right there in the southernmost portugal (and later in north africa). The only reason it was never independent was because the sucession laws didn't allow for the country to break apart after the king died. Same happened in castille and then spain

>doesn't count because I SAY SO
So, the Sahara is not an overseas territory? I'm guessing Guinea isn't either.

who cares desu,you got them in the scramble for africa,you got cucked ...

The revolts of Galicia were both a fight for nobility power and for the future of Galicia; they had -and have- a clearly different culture and language.
I stand in my point: Castilla started as a country that was basically the same size as Portugal.
And León had their own language too, they just could not stop the Castilian blood from outliving them.

Forgot the image.
>in the scramble for Africa
Are you fucking serious, Alberto? The RASD had been Spanish for a LONG time and the Guinea colonization started in the 1700s with it ending formally in the 1900s.
Stop spreading bullshit.

No you wouldn't you retards, learn 2 history, you faced off against naked people in the jungle and yet had to build your civilization higging the coasts...

the spanish empire ended in 1898,the kingdom of spain lost its colonies in 1975,get it now?
the portuguese empire ended in 1974,officially...


The Kingdom of Spain is literally the Spanish Empire, we just stopped using "empire" after 1898 because of the Desastre del 98.
The last territory lost was in 1975, plain and simple.
Just because we called it differently doesn't change the fact that it ended in 1975 and, what's more, if you count Canarias, then it hasn't even ended.

the language and culture belongs to the people
the countries belong to the nobles

I never intended to say that castilians weren't diferent from galicians or asturians, but it didn't mater in the end.
99% of the galicians in those times hadn't seen a foreigner for most of their lives (asside the king/prince and his entourage). The asturians and castilians may have since they colonised southwards.

They were the sword, not the swordsman. That's why so many cultures in europe are now dead, they were assimilated as their land was conquered and their new overlords exerted influence over them (or even colonised the region).
Spain is a bit of an exception because (like I said before) they were blessed by imbeciles at the head of the country and very few reformists to "fix" things up.

Fuck off, we're full.

Jesus christ,are you trying to bait me or something?are you literally that fucking shitskin to act like a fucking irrational brat?


Are YOU the one that is retarded? Just because it changed its name it happens to not be the Spanish Empire?
Let me teach you something about Spanish history, the Kingdom of Spain started in 1715, yes, you read that right, 1715, with the Borbones.
By your logic the Spanish Empire ended in that year because it not longer was called "·the Spanish Empire". You people in other countries, for some reason, STILL call it Spanish Empire even thought it was legally "The Kindgom of Spain" and we had a different flag; are you going to say that the Spanish Empire ended in 1715?ónico
None of what you said has anything to do with the fact that Castilla was a country around the same size as Portugal.

stay safe

Knowing how portuguese are, give them more land and they'll make terrible things

my point was that even though there were diferent people, the rulers were the same (literaly brothers, likely inbred)
If the concept of nation-state had apeared in the 1000's there would be no castile, leon or whatever. Because of that we should not judge the circumstances from our modern point of view but from the historic reality: nobility made up irregular patches of land and tried as much as they could to legitimize said patches as something.
In 1460-ish you almost had a portuguese monarch in castille, but that wouldn't mean anything at all, because castille would still be castille, the sucessor of the asturian kingdom and an independent country.
likewise, after the union of crowns, castille and aragon were separate entities but catalonia and valencia or old castille and leon were not. And after you had portugal, the same aplies.

The existance of the foros and such is just a testament to the lack of capability from the spanish rulers and nothing else. Even if that's a good thing in our day and age.

don't be like that, land should go both ways

I'm not going into the rabbit hole that is Crown politics, but my original post was to call out the Portuguese who said that Spain started the bigger country.

>Why are portuguese obsessed with their ""empire""???
you're just jealous you're a retarded baby from the spanish empire who got BTFO.

Can you not into Portugal??

t. Brazilian

>Desastre del 98
pretty funny name for "BTFO by Americans"

>Knowing how portuguese are, give them more land and they'll make terrible things
I agree with most of what the other guy said, but this is absolutely true.

Every single great thing we did, every great battle or war we won, we did it from below, not from above.

He meant that Spain or Castille always attacked Portugal as a bigger country. Which is true.

The biggest change would've been that the Anglos wouldn't have tried to take the Americas because we were allies, and instead would probably try and take Brazil and Africa (since they would've been Spanish). So the US would like be speaking Brazillian Portuguese and/or Quebequian French, depending on the longitude.

>He meant that Spain or Castille always attacked Portugal as a bigger country. Which is true.
Not always, the early attacks on Portugal -Aljubarrota, for example- were from a small Castilla.
Do you know what "desastre" means? Also, you sound awfully proud of defeating a country that couldn't even keep its own country from starving.

>Do you know what "desastre" means? Also, you sound awfully proud of defeating a country that couldn't even keep its own country from starving.
well yea, the hispanic filth you created is spilling over into my anglo utopia so I'm damn proud Spain got BTFO by 'Merica

>Desastre del 98
>muh hunger
fuck off,we had a fucking earthquake that killed 1/9 of the population and still maintained our colonies so don't bring excuses

>well yea, the hispanic filth you created is spilling over into my anglo utopia
That's your fault, not ours; should have thought about building a wall at Washington City, and not taken anything from Mexico.
>I'm damn proud Spain got BTFO by 'Merica
That's an awfully idiotic connection to make. And I would argue that BTFOing a country that has already lost everything is not really that much of a proper BTFO.

>muh earthquake
Try having to fight France and a whole world of colonies and then call back.
Oh, right, you lost Brazil, so you know exactly what I mean yet for some reason made that post.
So much talking about how the failed invasion of Portugal in the late 1700 was a disaster to Spain but now you are intentionally forgetting that that very crisis in the army had not passed.


>the early attacks on Portugal -Aljubarrota, for example- were from a small Castilla.
Still, with a much bigger army (like 3 or 4 times bigger).

Which brings my point of our strength being in our historically superior tactics, which only comes into play when we're underdogs.

>failed invasion
yeah it was your fault not ours,yeah right,all the credit goes to you...
The reason you guys lost all those territories was because you were a bunch of fucking incompetent shitskins...
We didn't lose Brazil,we gave it away.Our king gave independence to Brazil
And we actually fought and won agaisn't the french,be it with british help or not,we won.
spain fucking spread its buttcheeks for the french and the french still fucking massacred you and napoleon put his brother on the throne...
Congratulations Spain...

Portugal and spain weren't at war with eachother during the invasion of france,actually you even helped them invade...

They were kind of tricked into that. Napoleon promised different things.

And that 'victory' is very iffy, because they barely got control of Lisbon, and the rest of the country never really recognised it. They were mostly just roaming the town hanging French propaganda. Only lasted a year or two until the Brits helped us purge.

What a fucking disgrace you are...

History is relative, accordng to us Spain was a republic from 1931-1975, we hosted its government in exile, and only after Franco's death we did re-engage with Madrid in the understanding the peninsula was moving towards democracy. Free Spaniards will always have a friend in Mexico.

o mexicANO

>Still richer than Poortugal lmao

>Still, with a much bigger army (like 3 or 4 times bigger).
I never doubted that, and I keep saying that my point is that Castilla didn't suddenly appear a gigantic country out of nowhere. This really has nothing to do with armies.
Not only did you get utterly mad at a wrong invasion -I'm talking about the late 1700s one, you dumb fuck, not the Napoleonic war-, you dumb fucking Alberto, but you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
Spain managed to keep a fight against an entire continent for the better time of 2 decades after finally losing basically all of the colonies there.
It's incredible how easy you guys lose your shit, even when you don't even fucking know what you are talking about or what is being talked about.
The Desaster del 98 was the consequence of losing the invasion of Portugal under Borbonic Spain, which had our army fucking dead.
Said army had to fight a fucking war on their own soil against Napoleón.
But you are such a gigantic Anti-Spain that you are blind to those facts and expect Spain to be able to keep a whole fucking continent from seceding.
Refrain from replying, you dumb fucking Alberto.

What a fucking mad as duck poor shithead.
He cannot properly read that I meant the war of the late 1700s so he got über mad.
Make the world a favour, put a bullet on your head, your utterly derange retard.

>This really has nothing to do with armies.
I know, I was just agreeing with that dude that said Portugal would not have been able to handle numerical superiority.

são paulo is 2x richer than argentina...

>comparing countries to cities/regions

Dumb Moor is dumb

>Let me compare your country with Brazil because my manlet country is poor and irrelevant

aaaayyy joao da silva... what else? Falklands?

>Desaster del 98
that has nothing to do with portugal you fucking retard...there's literally no fucking mentions of that...


okay then.california is 4x richer than argentina,is it better now?ños
The invasion I'm talking about is the wars between Spain and Portugal, Jesus Christ.
>that has nothing to do with portugal you fucking retard...there's literally no fucking mentions of that...
Jesus Fuck, you are DUMB AS FUCK. I didn't say it was YOU directly who caused it, I said that Spain losing the invasion of your country during these wars was FATAL to Spain, how fucking hard is it to understand, you DUMB FUCKING SHIT?
When did I EVER said anything about us "having" or "deserving" to win? I said we LOST that fucking war, you retarded fuck, and that losing that war caused us to have an utterly incapable and WEAK army.
How HARD is that to understand, you absolute RETARD?
you people even made a macro of the claims of different Spanish officials saying that the lost Spanish invasion of Portugal was a total FUCK UP.
Jesus Christ, what a country of utterly retarded subhumans.

I'm the one with the macro, but not the one you're arguing against. I'm the other Portuguese dude.

I'll just leave it here for him to see.

Son...The war of the seven years was in 1756-1763.
The ''disaster of 98'' was in 1898...
that's 135 years.What the fuck have you been doing inbetween?'98'_War



>the irony
has your mother been stoned yet?

>What the fuck have you been doing inbetween?
Are you fucking serious? Are you STILL going on with this? Are you that illiterate that you cannot even go on wikipedia and look it up YOURSELF?
After the major defeat in the invasion, Spain decided that it was enough: no more war.
But Napoleon invaded Spain, in 1800, when Spain was in very deep economic trouble and had decided to stop the life of wars.
After a fucking decade to kick France out in which the country lost what it had left of the """army""" -which could not even be called that- the whole fucking continent of America straight up declared war on Spain, ALL of it.
After yet ANOTHER 15 years of fighting the colonies and losing because there was literally NOBODY to fight, Spain was going through it WORST time in history, the army was dead; the was NO money to pay for it. I'll translate that for you, since you don't actually understand jack shit: since there is NO money, there's no way of building new ships, so the ones you lose, are LOST FOREVER.
After barely managing to even stay alive and not starve to death, Spain faced yet ANOTHER separatist movement in Filipinas, and the USA made up the Maine to blame Spain and go to war.
If you bother reading what I have said all over this post, Spain DID NOT HAVE AN ARMY TO FIGHT. The Navy that tried to defend Filipinas and Cuba was old, broken and conducted by people who had lost many battles.
For such a series of events is why I say that the Desastre del 98 was a consequence of losing to Portugal.
I NEVER said Portugal did it, I said that losing to Portugal was why we faced the situation we faced.

and nigger if losing to us was the reason for your fall then we're responsible for the ''disaster of 98''.
And 135 is enough time to recover nigger

Serves you right for fucking up our Armadas, after D. Sebastião died, desu.

>tfw you will never smoke dank indonesian indo with 's qt asian mum

>call you out for doing dumb shit
>you do it again

Beyond help

>and nigger if losing to us was the reason for your fall then we're responsible for the ''disaster of 98''.
No, you dumb fucking shit. It's a consequence. Jesus Christ.
>And 135 is enough time to recover nigger
You really are utterly retarded. It's not 135 of peaceful time, it was a full century of continuous wars. Did you EVEN read what I posted?
I'm neither claiming we didn't deserve it or that we deserved it, I'm just saying that the origin of Spanish military decline was the defeat against Portugal. But your compatriot doesn't seem to be able to comprehend.

Black people.


I think he was claiming exactly that at first, but he got carried away. We also have retards here.

I'd hate this meme if his face wasn't so smug. It always makes me laugh. I'd like to see the original of that pic with the three soldiers, though, seems interesting. I don't imagine you have it, do you?

Go easy on him, he's Portuguese after all kek

Look up Age of Empires African Kingdoms. I don't have it saved but that's what it's from

>brown chink ngayen

Not the Alberto Barbosa one, the original he edited Alberto Barbosa on to.

Spanish people are so lucky, whenever they feel bad they can just look over the border and see a shittier version of them

They can't see that far from Gibraltar.

Portugal is still several times better than your "country" though.

When did I say that?
Still can see far enough to spot the Portuguese

Sorry Barbosa, but I just saved it, I don't have the original. I just know the original image is in here if you are interested

I had already found it through google-fu, but thanks anyway.

I mean you're like a 4'3 guy calling a 5'10 guy a manlet. Technically you're right but it's still funny as fuck not to mention hypocritical.

Post it please, my father

More of the world would have our beautiful sidewalks, assuming we wouldn't lose the US to the Brits because we were bros.

Oh, I've found it

Not particularly interesting, but I wanted to see the label.

We'll I've already written this post, so here yo go.