What if: Phonetic English writing

New system: Ðıs ız ða nu Inglıx älfabet. Hau du yu gaız laık ıt? Du yu θink ıt iz än ımpruvment over ða old sıstem? Wʌt verʒen wüd yu cuz? Waı or waı nat? Eni ceınjız?

Old System: This is the new English alphabet. How do you guys like it? Do you think it is an improvement over the old system? What version would you choose? Why or why not? Any changes?

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That was surprisingly easy to read but it's still stupid.

The schwa is the most commonly used English vowel desu.


I'd make some more changes but I like the idea a lot.
English and it's retarded non-phonetic ways should be purged.

>when a non-anglo subhuman thinks his opinion on your glorious language matters in any way

You sound like a fucking orc.

>having to hear a word's pronunciation before knowing how to pronounce it
Cuckold's language.

Nah, it just directly links real spoken English with the orthography. If you don't like it, well, then you have a problem with spoken English and want to hide that by using a unfitting non-phonetic orthography.

>having to learn another language because you are unironically not a native english speaker

>Monolingual and PROUD

>he said, in the only language I will EVER have to know for the rest of life

A 100% phonetic alphabet isn't a good idea since there are plenty of dialectal variations. Some form of generalisations are required. Overall, a good start. Bring back the eth and thorn.

>Still PROUD

of course I am user

This desu. English pronunciation is fucking retarded.


Do the English language has a "central authority" like the Real Academia Española (RAE) is to Spanish?


Well there's your problem. Oxford should step up to the job and start ordering more sensible rules.

>be non-anglo
>hate freedom

Nothing wrong with authority m8.

For instance some time ago based RAE btfo of feminist. In Spanish we have genders. When you refer to a group of only men you say for instance "Todos los estudiantes ..." (All the students), if the group is only females you would say "TodAs las estudiantes", and if the group is mixed you use the 1st case.

However, some dumb feminist took it upon themselves to start saying things like "Todos y TodAs los estudiantes" which sounds awful. RAE step up and declare this trend nonsense.

>Nothing wrong with authority m8.
what a cuck lmoa

Feels GOOD to be an actual language with proper regulation systems all across the globe.

Authority prevents SJW cucking

t. a cuck

Can you explain the Barcelona lisp to me?

Fucking horrible, OP.

You don't need exactly one letter for each phoneme, otherwise you end up with the retardation that you made here. eg. there's nothing wrong with 'ch,' 'sh,' or 'ou'.

Also, choosing letters to be a special snowflake. Like choosing 'ı' over normal 'i,' we're not bloody Turks.

You're allowed to have letters influence other letters too, as long as it follows a pattern, so 'improve' is fine.

>'ä' in älfabet vs. än
>'e' in verʒen
Finally, vowels can be quite different from area to area, so it would be extremely difficult to completely standardise these compared with consonants.

But if English were standardised, it would be better to just borrow a bunch of spelling rules from German, instead of this hodge-podge of bullshit and fuckwittery.