Listen up, I have a message for the americans (USA and Canada) who have french ancestries

Listen up, I have a message for the americans (USA and Canada) who have french ancestries.
Anglo-germans defile our country, this land belongs to the french.
I want to know if France attack North America, you will support us and fight for us.
I have a message for the CIA, FBI and such. The real french will take back USA and Canada and we will destroy you, bunch od bastards.

My ancestry is Alsatian not French

I live in a French city, first to traitor

you sold us for pennies on the dollar so how about no

I would, but only if the rightful heir to the House of Bourbon is sitting on the French throne

>He thinks the Anglo canucks won't crush a pathetic frog uprising
Just watch me :^)

>implying the average Anglo can even walk anymore without needing an insuline shot every 5 minutes

>be french
>colonise america
>get colonies confiscated by superior anglo master race

>threatening to attack US soil
>mentioning American intelligence and law enforcement agencies
>threats of destruction
>proposing the creation of sleeper cells
>message is clearly an attempt of intimidation and can be classified as international terrorism

OP, you're in real trouble here.

hrvati su genocidan narod

Just a dumb post all around.


Depends on how much you pay me.
I would probably have to learn french after all, and that just doesn't seem like an appealing process.

>Implying you guys ever settled and developed that land.

James Wolfe the national hero of Canada and the bane of all French speakers will resurrect and send you all to Hell.


Yeah, no. Our state was colonized by the french, We have french named towns and our state is french named. But everyone I know is either German, Hispanic, Italian, or polish ancestry.

t. Arab

You should have put St. Louis on your map OP. I sort of want to go to Quebec because I've heard it's just similar enough to the rest of Anglo America for it to be be extremely disconcerting to hear everyone talking in French, like an alternate reality or something.

Why do you think zat ?


limited to louisiana and *maybe* maine


Shut up, shithead.

Glory to the french

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