>visit Wahington
>nobody was washing tons
Visit Wahington
>Not dead yet
>Calf raises
>Not a farmer
>bench press
>Bench remained in the same location
>Chin ups
>Still a beta with no confidence
>visit Warsaw
>never saw a single fight
>Visit Japan
>Everyone is a manlet gook
>the presence of airborne bacteria is negligible compared to other places
>visit Queensland
>no monarchy
>Visiting Jamaica
>Not my jam
>visit czech republic
>get a bill
>visit Russia
>nobody was rushin'
>visit poland
>no strippers
> visit Tennessee
> didn't see any tennis
>Visit Iran
>When at no point in my past have I had a reputation for moving very quickly
visit france didnt have pants haha
>went to france
>found a place called "brittany"
>came back to england
>no place called "francey"
>visit Hungary
>most people were well fed and adequately nourished
>visit York
it Was All SHit Mate What the Fuck Dont DARE fuCKING romanticize This PIECE of SHIT plac Goddamn everything was sSHIT and OVErpriCED like FUCkk do the nIggS LOVE living in TINY ass Apartments lIke the FUckinG CuKXX they FUckign are AND Whats the deal witb theri RETArded accents BRonx more like Blkacks ith all the NIggs there QUEENS more liek oh wait its correct wtih all the FAGGS there HAHAH
>nobody was riding kangaroos
>visit Australia
>visited iraq
>never got to see a pair of tits
>visit Praha
>there's no dried grass stored over the winter to be used as animal fodder
This has been a Slovenian meme. Tnx 4 ur time.
>visit Belgium
>it's not even a country
>visited minnesota
>most carbonated soft drinks were actually normal sized
>Visit Scotland
>Didn't meet anyone named Scot
>Visit Canada
>Everyone was a manlet gook
> visit Uruguay
> not even a guay
>visit America
>everybody's free and named Mason
>they can't even point me to the local branch of their order
> went to Finland
> everybody breathes through lungs
>visit naples
>most women were wearing bras
>everybody's free
*plus tip
>visit Macau
>never owned a bovine in my life
> go to Manchester
> the women had bigger chests than the men
>visit Germany
>didn't get sick
best one
>visit chile
>no spicy sauce to use as dip
>visit Greece
>not a singular slippery surface
Th-thanks Spainon.
>visit Liverpool
>never saw a basin of human organs
>Visit the Democratic Republic of Congo
>It isn't a democracy
>visit belfast
>most bells were actually stationary
>In Michigan
>Visit Hell
>Oh wait, that's Detroit.
good thread :]
>visit Israel
>isn't actually real
> visit Cornwall
> all of the masonry is normal bricks
>visit middlesex
>it's not populated exclusively by hermaphrodites
>Visit pakistan
>Don't see any paks of people named stan
>there's an essex, sussex, wessex and middlesex
>there's no norsex
>visit togo
>already went
>they don't swing the norway
>Visit Norfolk
>Meet plenty of folks
>Visit Lisbon
>the female hetero-homo ratio is the same as everywhere else.
>Visit Rangoon
>There's no marathon race organized exclusively for hired
hired thugs**
>visit Malmö
>don't see iron ore or an island
>visit Greece
>people are in fact quite oily
>visit cheyenne
>she was actually pretty outgoing
>visit Chad
>he still won't commit
>visit togo
>entire cuisine is fast food
>visit Budapest
>nobody's staging pogroms against those of the dharmic persuasion
>visit Bucharest
>still have to make my own room reservations in advance
>Visit Quebec
>Beck never appeared despite the prompt
>visit Great Britain
>the country was actually mediocre
>visit Kenya
>there are no Australians daring me to do stuff
> Visit Ivory Coast
> the beaches were just sand and water
>visit netherlands
>is not actually in the nether
>visit Moldova
>the cheeses didn't quite meet my expectations
>visit switzerland
>everything is expensive
>Visit Liechtenstein
>no glowing stones anywhere
>visit Laos
>programming didn't get any easier to learn
>visit Turkey
>get shot for attempting coup
So disappointing.
>visit hamburg
>no burg in ham
>visit Mali with a Romance-speaking friend
>he crosses himself and refuses to board the airplane there
>visit Argentina on a sex tour
>they have banned homosexuality and the twinks have all been moved to Paraguay
>visit Monroe
>no Jamaicans on canoes
>visit Japan
>they actually call it the wok
>visit Bahrain
>the precipitation is so-so
>visit new zealand
>place looks old as fuck
>visit Nigeria
>visit lichtenstein
>only licked 10 stones
>visit Chad
>whole country bangs my gf
>visit Turkmenistan
>find no Turkmen Eminem fans
>visit USA
>the nation was in a rather divided state
>visit phillipines
>no one named phillip
>visit India
>nobody was all that into me
>visit Puerto Rico
>the port isn't rich at all
too soon
>visit Macedonia
>manage not to get pepper sprayed by the mafia
>visit norway
>not all ways towards north
>visit New Guinea
>didn't meet a tribe of undiscovered Italians
> visit niger
> full of niggers
>visit Poland
>they can't tell their Masque of the Red Death from their Murders in the Rue Morgue
wew lad
>visit djibouti
>couldn't find djibouti
>try to visit Jordan
>couldn't find the bugger
>visit Oman
>Oh man...
>visit Saudi Arabia
>they keep their wits about them when playing video games
>Jamaican education
>visit liberia
>isn't liberal