But I need the 2nd Amendment to protect me from government tyrann...oh wait

But I need the 2nd Amendment to protect me from government tyrann...oh wait.

Take this shit to /k/ if you want (you)s.

Most guntards don't actually believe this, they just use it as an excuse as to why the 2nd amendment is necessary. They really just want shitty toys.


bombing everyone isn't effective you liberal stain

>calling someone a liberal when they literally want to restrict freedom

>he doesn't think the military will side with the citizen
Typical liberal retard

>Because bombing an entire strip of city will stop people from overthrowing the government


Also, killing 10,000 /k/ommando's waving their nuggets around with aircraft costs several billions of dollars.

Not entirely worth it.

I fucking hate guns so much. I've actually considered moving to Canada because all of the right wing retards here.

>implying a couple of obese redneck Rethuglicans in Alabama can overthrow the government
The real mystery is why Obama hasn't done any drone strikes on their trailer parks or the Southern Baptist Convention's HQ. I mean, wouldn't you want to bomb an SS headquarters in 1944?

I've always imagine what if the carpet bomber drop a bomb and the bomb hit each other in the mid air.

Actually if you didn't know, the 2nd Amendment derived from English common law, specifically the Statute of Westminster (1285) which required all male citizens between the ages of 15 and 60 to keep a weapon of some kind at the ready. There were a few restrictions for example swords were not allowed within the boundaries of London unless you were a knight, also weaponry could not be taken into Parliament or a church.

They often have a impact fuse/delay. Once dropped it turns on, and if it stops moving, it goes boom.

A lot of progressive leftists in the US say they're liberal but in reality prefer less freedom for everyone in exchange for "safety"

It's pretty sickening, but both parties are twisted form what they should be.

>obese redneck Republisillys seriously think they'll overthrow the American military and government with their shitty guns

You quite literally cannot fabricate this situation

If you don't like guns GET OUT.
>how to confuse libetards and cuckservatives
My stance: I believe gay couples should be able to use their semi-automatic rifles to protect their homes and marijuana crops.

this desu

Or I could use my semi-automatic to gun your ass down.

why don't you just say left-wing and right-wing like everyone else

Good luck senpai, you've probably never even shot a gun

>the government is going to bomb all their important hubs
>so they can retain power

do you realize how stupid this sounds

In America, both political parties are basically the same. There's honestly no difference between democrats or republicans, it's all a scam to make us keep two shitty parties and our terrible voting system instead of embracing real democracy.

>implying the 2nd commandment can be defeated by logic

>implying bombers
They have to do house to house to de-arm people you fuckhead


Sad part is it's tru. "independent" voters make up the majority of the population, but with our current voting system it's literally impossible for anybody besides the DNC or GOP to win.