Can't post about current events

>can't post about current events
>can't post about history anymore
>can't post anime OPs
why Sup Forums got so mutilated?

At least you can make threads

But there are posts about history everywhere.

i really want to talk about the attempted coup but i refuse to have to go to fucking Sup Forums to do it

moderation is retarded

We /generals/ now

>At least you can make threads
Actually not anymore. I would post a thread I got a warning for (the thread got deleted), it was just a pure Sup Forums European bantz, but didn't take the screenshot. New jannies are horrible.
This. Most of Sup Forums DON'T WANT TO go to Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is dominated by retarded, ignorant Americans. 95% of posters there share the same views(right winged, nationalistic, anti immigration etc). Here the discussion is much more civil and diverse(in a good way).

You could get rid of them by filling the board with other content to push them off the page.

It happens on [s4s] all the time.

good luck trying to push /brit/ off the board

serves you right, dumb frogposter

We should be allowed to talk about international events. It's related to the board and we have far better discussions here than pol

As it has been proven many times on other boards: generals cannot be removed by anything but hardline moderation. The users are too autistic to actually recognize or care when the rest of the board wants them gone.

Generals and eternals have pushed Sup Forums to a new low. It's Reddit tier

>The users are too autistic to actually recognize or care when the rest of the board wants them gone.
80% of people on Sup Forums post in generals so the board clearly doesn't want them gone.

i don't understand this
Sup Forums isn't politics board, it's politically incorrect shitposting board
current international events should be discussed here

Sup Forums always had generals you stupid reddit fag

I've never posted in a general and I've been on Sup Forums for a decade. It's nearly always yuros that make shitty generals. /cum/ is relatively new.

b'cuz janny likes to fug us right in da pussy

>can't post about history anymore

Moot said over and over again that he will not make a /his/ board.

Then this faggot hiro comes along and decides to make boards all willy nilly and dilute the boards.

>It's nearly always yuros that make shitty generals.
Yes that's the euros because yuros have their own languages.

Like Poles here, they want to have a place to discuss in their native language. Are they supposed to look for other Poles on random threads and hope to start some conversation? That doesn't make any sense. You don't like generals because they are almost pointless to you as you are an American. /cum/ is so artificial construct I still can't get used to it (but well we have a fucking balt + ausnz here)

At least we still have good architecture threads sometimes and then
Other than this, this board is pretty much country circlejerking and the very same bait shitposting

>What are Poles supposed to do
If they only want to speak to other Poles in Polish then they should go to a Polish forum or the Polish equivalent to Sup Forums. Maybe even Reddit.

International does not mean "everyone fuck off to their respective language threads except for the be American get shot and Argentina is white threads."

>You don't like generals because they are useless
I don't like them for the reasons I just stated above. It doesn't matter to me if it's useful or not. Generals are basically trying to turn Sup Forums into reddit with its very own equivalent to subreddits. If that's what you want, use reddit or 8ch instead.

Can't post kpop webms either.

It sure as fuck didn't have 20 of them

That's a good thing. Kpop fans (and I say this as someone who has been listening since 2001) on Sup Forums are damn near universally underage shitposters.

Why don't you fuck off on your own board to talk in your native language? Don't you have normal coders to make you a board with flags? You look like a bunch of autists sitting in your own general mumbling in your meme language. Retarded.


Agreed. Discussing current events that aren't politically incorrect should take place here. History also belongs here. I don't know what we are permitted to do here anymore. I love this board and I'd like to see it have more rights

Fuck the hotpockets. Aussies are absolutely based for purging generals with Easter.

>If they only want to speak to other Poles in Polish then they should go to a Polish forum or the Polish equivalent to Sup Forums. Maybe even Reddit.
>stupid americuck at it again
Butthurt you don't understand any non-English posts? Maybe you should have learnt some languages...
>Generals are basically trying to turn Sup Forums into reddit with its very own equivalent to subreddits.
There were generals on Sup Forums since it's beginning though. If you don't like them you can go on Sup Forums.

Oh you can even if they say you can't, nobody gives a shit about Sup Forums, we only get mods around here when the polish CP poster comes around.

>Why don't you fuck off on your own board to talk in your native language?
because I'm allowed to post here in my native language, so it's basically like my native board

now, you apparently don't like international boards so fuck of to whatever board russians have

>tripfag opinions

Not an argument kiddo. Here's your saged reply.
>Generals since the beginning
Sure. For a long time it was only the Latino/Spanish thread and autistic Brit thread. Every once in awhile you'd get a language thread and it would be fine.

The issue is the 20+ eternal generals that have basically become subreddits probably because the posters came here in 2014 at the earliest.

Fuck off to /r/eddit or 8gag if you want a designated polish board. This isn't the place for it.

Made a thread on qa about it feel free to dump opinions there too since it's more likely to be seen

>Agreed. Discussing current events that aren't politically incorrect should take place here.
It's all Sup Forums jewish conspiracy, allowing international events discussion on Sup Forums would make Sup Forums eventually surpass and marginalize Sup Forums

>we only get mods around here when the polish CP poster comes around.
and when someone posts kpop

can't ask about international culture either

You have 1 job.
Finish cyberpunk.

>There were generals on Sup Forums since it's beginning though
How new are you?

It's getting out of control recently they literally started to remove slightly memey but still threads actually about Sup Forumsernational cultures

moderation is fucking disgusting

I'm here to chat with foreigners, for chatting with Russians I have Russian boards.

are you implying that svergie and ex-yu weren't there since almost beginning of Sup Forums?

this board is specifically for discussion in non-English languages, everywhere else non-English posts are getting deleted

fuck off to Sup Forums if you "want to chat with foreigners"

too bad retards like you don't decide what this board is about and this board always allowed for non english natives to discuss in their languages and will keep on it

A Polish language thread is fine.
A thread where only Poles in Poland are allowed is not.
Same with any other example for any other country.

Again, if you want to talk to only Poles in Poland in Polish then fuck off to polechan.

>A thread where only Poles in Poland are allowed is not.
are you fucking retarded ?

They didn't pop up so often. There were only couple of generals, now it's all about generals.
>in non-English languages
Not posting in English among stranger which don't speak your language is actually rude. Didn't your mummy teach you some manners?

Sage isn't a downvote, you stupid nigger

>There were only couple of generals, now it's all about generals.
No it's not.
>Not posting in English among stranger which don't speak your language is actually rude.
So where do I speak Polish if not in /polska/?
>Didn't your mummy teach you some manners?
>mongol rapebaby talking about """manners"""

>Poland thread
>Usually only Poles posting because no one else knows Polish
Seems like exactly what I said. That thread isn't the worst, though. /ex yu/ is by far the most cancerous subreddit on this board.

Poles are actually okay with the occasional passer by in their threads. It's the Turks and Serbocroats that get all pissy if anyone that's not their own posts in their little secret club.

I'm not against generals, but they should be tolerant of foreigners just like /brit/, MENA or /v4/ are.

That's actually pretty likely
The mods and FBI already have to deal with Sup Forums
They don't want to waste more resources on Sup Forums


>>Usually only Poles posting because no one else knows Polish
then learn Polish if you want to discuss there

holy christ are you really some fucking ignorant monolingual kid that is butthurt because SOME FUCKING YUROPOORS dare to speak in a language that you can't understand on an AMERICAN SITE ?


>Still can't argue for the existence of generals for countries instead of languages
>Still can't argue against the redditification of this website
Not an argument.

>Can't shitpost anymore

Generals are full of attnetionwhores and tripfags.
>tfw qt stops posting on general
see? my heart is broken now, I stand for deleting generals at all.

languages are the main purpose of this board

if you don't want to learn them why'd you ever come on Sup Forums

He does it for free

Good! Final step is to get rid of your stupid Facebook frog.

>>>Sup Forumsrules/1
This is the international board. Not the language board.

Remember when you guys complained so hard that we had no moderation? Now we do, hope your're happy with choices

This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.
Posting in languages other than English is allowed—and encouraged!
All politics and current events belong on Sup Forums.

>arguing or speaking with a tripfag

You would find a way to hate /balt/+/ausnz/ you dumb faggot

? what

>This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language.

Discussion "of" language.

This board was pretty shit since the beginning but it went downhill when Sup Forums got flags and any interesting topic is relegated to there. We had regular >sweden >yes and similar threads.

Swedish culture is funny though



I hate how moderation went from 0 to 100%. Just delete the spam and int is perfect

>Sup Forums always had generals

whos you're waifu?