What is US culture?

What is US culture?

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A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need
A little bit of Tina is what I see
A little bit of Sandra in the sun
A little bit of Mary all night long
A little bit of Jessica here I am
A little bit of you makes me your man


Burgers, extreme violence, dudeweedlmao, and nigger music

It's culture perfected tbqfwu bongbro

Repubican Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Free Market Capitalism, Liberalism

Getting shot



Stupid picture. USA culture is from LA/NYC - few people look like the pic.

getting cucked

This desu.

Our culture is pure consumerism.

And also this

Everyone else from around the world immigrating here. Even the ones who say they hate us, because their country is a shithole.

Shut the hell up, Donny.

>American culture is abstract political ideas



Making other cunts so mad they obsessively post about us on a Mongolian throat singing forum

I like cheezburger.

>"a way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time"
It fits desu

It's the uk with less prudish people and larger variety of places and weather. Also we're on top right now so there isn't a "how do we compare to x mentality."

We were one of the first nations to be created with Enlightenment ideals in mind. It's part of our culture

This is what the pro-mass immigration cucks always use.

I wish they'd die.

what's wrong with them


English culture with a more frontier mindset. We take things we like from immigrant's cultures but we're still most similar to the English


Haha nice one :)


No, he's right. We're very similar. Canadians, Australians, Brits, and Americans are all very similar.

how so?

>No Zealand

Having a nice BBQ while shooting guns at targets in your own piece of land with family and friends

Common language. Also, you can't notice it too? When I was in London it didn't feel any different from America.

It is different, but our core values are very similar

That's not true, Aussies, NZ and Brits are totally different from you, yanks.

All speak English
All have common law
All have protestant work ethic
All have similar work cultures in general.

Sorry, I always forget about New Zealand.



Please enlighten me on English speaking cultures, Russian.

not really

>USA culture is from LA/NYC
LA and NYC have literally no culture at all

Same with the rest of the country

T. Non-country

the south has a culture of frying literally everything and sticking their hand into watery holes until a fish bites them

Oh and "mudding" and "blowing coal"

Who fucking cares? Why do people always concern themselves so much with muh kulchur?

Fucking kill yourself m8

I can second this, Northerners disgust me.

eating mexican food

base ball is one of the best US culture

>being ashamed of what you are

Capitalism, The National Anthem, Coca-Cola, and BBQ Ribs while watching football.

Japan with it's great input again.

Eat Mexican food and be assblasted

>being a disingenuous meme loving fuck
Only our scum do that

Maybe I get impression because posters from different countries have different attitude and characters. But what I noticed:
Australians are funny and never hate slavs or russians.
NZ just makes irrelevant comments and is very strange in general.
Canadians are all beta cucks obsessed with French, their Quebec and the queen.
Brits are just snobby, more cultural and don't give a fuck about anything.
Americans are huge entitled cancer mixed with digsuting uneducated shitskins yelling literaly at everyone, behaving like they're still the best and most powerful cunt in the world.

Why are Nips so bad at baseball

delete these posts NOW

And they say our words are too complicated.

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

Everything I said was true, if you can't handle what you are that's on you bub.

>behaving like they're still the best and most powerful country in the world
>implying that we aren't
Who else would be?


They left out shit posting on an American image board.

OP I'll bite and give you a proper answer.

>Art deco
>Minimalism and modern art
>Jazz, country, rap, rock (with the British), latin fusion (salsa etc)
>Comic books and superheros
>Whatever you call 50's diner shit
>Gothic revival
>Classical revival
>The Rodeo
>Disney, and pretty much western animation in general
>Cajun / Creole

A lot of American culture isn't really thought of as a culture because it's so modern, but given the country's only been around for 240 years they've produced a lot.

We're all very similar, but yes I'd say Aussies and kiwi's are more similar to us than the others.

It would be, the only thing English about London is the name and the landmarks that is literally it.

WTF I HATE France now

>behaving like they're still the best and most powerful cunt in the world.
Nope, just better than you

>be pom
>be gay
>have a small penis
>suck at sports

>Americans are huge entitled cancer mixed with digsuting uneducated shitskins yelling literaly at everyone, behaving like they're still the best and most powerful cunt in the world.
god damn right we are

Thank you for your post Chile

You are a true friend

Yeah, I wish I got to move around more when I was there. It was at the end of my tour around Europe. I was only there for like 3 days. But it was by far my favorite because everyone spoke English.

If the US and the UK were on two ends of a sliding scale, Canada would be in the middle but closer to the US, and New Zealand would be in the middle closer to the right.

Australia is probably less British than NZ but then again I don't really know what the fuck Australia is. Strange hungry jacks eating wankers.

australia and new zealand are literally the exact same country you memer

Stop posting shit, Pinochet.


I'd say Aussies and Kiwis are more relatable to the modern UK simply because they were settled much later than the U.S. and Canada were, and so have had less time to truly diverge into distinct identies. Still, they're all very similar and only time will tell what they develop into.

Honestly you're just Welsh but sound like depressed Aussies.

you're just welsh except you suck at rugby

Other way around mate, Welsh are English but shag sheep and moan more. You are Welsh but just have a worse Aussie accents.


Compare how Americans act/live/speak compared to British people.

Notice the differences?

There you go.

US culture is being racist

It's a known fact.


>literally every shitskin country on Earth is a shithole
>White people are evil because they don't want their countries to end up like that

Dunno but I want to eat a hamburger now.

Why don't you just cook one then


How? I just have baguette.

Make a long patty

You laugh but it's becoming real.
>long patty
What that shit?

He's baiting. Muslims don't eat cows.

>>long patty
>What that shit?
I don't know

>Muslims don't eat cows.
I can't tell if you're joking or not

This would be an alright joke although over used, but Muslims eat beef, it's pork they don't eat. Better luck next time chum.

>long patty
Well, I googled it, I can put a steak into my bread I guess. Can be tasty. With some spices, tomatoes and sauce.

This guy gets it.

Obviously he was kidding.
I hope.

>long patty
No, it's not an actual food item

I just meant that you could make an extra long hamburger patty for your baguette
That would be a fuck huge burger though

>Obviously he was kidding.
You can never tell with American posters

I never heard that joke before. Do you sandniggers hear it a lot?