anime hunter edition
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there's poop under my fingernails boys
Dear white people
wash your fucking hands
i havent cut my fingernails since 4th class lol
MADTHAAD. Absolutely retarded. Also 1 am.
Yes I am white
>client tries to add you on codefendantbook
>All posters are american
>Not a single canadian on sight
i hunt anime for a living
literally nobody says turkey is white
You never know, he could be 100% 8% berber
>ripening papaya in my kitchen
>smells like feet
i didnt ask for this
We may be here at any given time, we may not. That's for us to know and you to worry about.
>not white
Not a roach btw
I wish white people qere literally white and black people were literally black (well, some of then are already)
That'd be cool
so you are janny?
what are you, my mommy?
thatd be retarded and autistic
>be a man
>get taxed if you reproduce with a woman
>be a woman
>get paid money for having a child
why is society so fucking sexist
>When Thad comes back a giga nigga
im also the jannyme hunter
are we just gonna let the white man continue to keep us down my brothas?
It's a fun thought if you switch everything around. White population would be exploding in Europe and the aging black population would be freaking out about it.
Then you have to remember that whites would murder each other at ridiculous rates and drop out of school at even higher rates
Would Thad be a good cellie
He could get the latest seasons of your favorite chinktoons smuggled in on SD card
got in an argument with black lives matter protestors and they quite literally and aggresively chased me off. feels pretty beta but it was just me and about 20 of them all shouting at once
this is accurate
Not meme-ing you, but outside police brutality if you got a good GPA, went to college on scholarships for being poor/black, majored in something of value with a strong job market, you could pull yourself up
I know I'm oversimplifying things though
Gonna have a tug on the old wiener.
Reminder that liberal essentially means libertarian in most of the world
AHAHA, you are playing with a penis? Are you gay? ahahaha
I felt pretty beta too. Was in class and a black guy started asking the professor questions like "WHY ARE PEOPLE OF LESSER MELANIN MORE AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS PEOPLE OF GREATER MELANIN?"
Genuinely irritated me and I rag on myself for not standing up and screaming at the cunt. Oh well, the class is over.
I DID however send the professor an anonymous email about it. I cringe when I think about it. I went full on Sup Forums and started citing things like the Arab slave trade attacking whites or some shit. I asked for her to tone him down otherwise I would probably snap at him (like some SJW asking for a safe space). God it was so cringey.
reminder that most of the world is un-livable
I always thought "spook" would be a cool nickname (like ghost, specter, phantom, etc), but of course it gets mixed up in this racial shit and now I can't use it
Go to the provost on him and say you felt that he was being racist on you.
School is school, and this shit has nothing to do with school. But, I am sure the professor will mark your shit up out of spite.
You can literally have "spook" as a nickname if you join the CIA, fgt
Wrong spook, nigger
i made another gif
a little too old to be on the internet, clint?
thats a rude gif please dont post that in this thread
Does my gf want me to fug her? She's elected to sleep in my bed and keeps kissing me. Dunno if I should go for it. S-still a virgin desu
She wants someone else to fuck her and for you to watch
>sleeping in your be
wish I could travel through /cum/
>He's in jail until 2020
It was in a psych class (I'm in biochem so most of my classes are stem, lesson learned, non-stem is full of BLM).
Never found the dudes identity. One lecture after that the professor gave a lecture with strong anti-gun statements mixed in, so it became clear to me I had no friends in this, and I probably just looked like the KKK to the professor in my anonymous email.
Again, I wish I had stood up. I did end up standing up for my friend (white woman) who got in an argument with like a dozen black women. that was pretty funny.
Ben Shapiro actually visited my campus... had people scribble chalk all over the damn place to mark his arrival
when did the world become such a big fucking meme
everything is so fucking ridiculous it's ACTUALLY stranger than fiction
>you will never be a kid in the 50's hanging out in a treehouse going on adventures with your friends
Didn't he get arrested for cp? Seriously, in this society you might as well just have your life ended by the state. From what I've heard it's impossible for them to ever get a job or live normally in society ever again
the answer is always the internet
winter pls come back soon
yeah cheese pizza
he was a retard and a pedo but i still feel bad for him, he didnt really do shit to anyone
Tom Clancy died, wrestled the controls away from God, and is now writing the story
Me all the way on the right
Literally rewatching it right now
Same with my non stem classes. Just suck it up and ignore it. Dont give attention seekers what they want. You have to watch it nowadays since everything is tracked and brought back for future employment.
Around the same time everyone started living ironically out of spite.
>drunk kurisu
i didnt ask for this feeking
shucks you're makin me miss home
>that "plowed" road at the start
typical. Got stuck far too many times on back roads when it snowed
Is soup nazi the best seinfeld episode?
You are too young to legally drink.
thread theme is here
lmao nerd get a life breh
Its objectively the bottle deposit episode
Yeah it sucks.... but I cannot wait to see how crazy shit gets on campus this november with these politics. Bernie sanders visited and there was a line 2 miles long, but we're also nestled in the middle of a rural region so we have lots of conservatives too. gonna be wild
Not the best but it's very enjoyable. All in all season 9 and 8 episodes are the best
>Didn't he get arrested for cp
You should read the criminal complaint if you have the chance; it's hilarious.
I like the ass man one better.
I had a fight with my gf and I want your guys opinions if I overreacted
>Gf always calls me from her work on break
>Her male coworkers are always saying shit in the background to mess with her, cause she told them I'm easily made jealous
>Usually she ignores it
>2 or 3 times, they've said something and she starts giggling so much that she isn't paying attention to what I'm saying
>I feel like a cuck, sitting there while my gf takes a minute to calm down from laughing at other dudes joking/messing with her
>We talked about it tonight, I said I feel disrespected
>She says "you know I don't mean it in a bad way" and I say "If I had did that with you on the phone, would it be okay?" and she avoids the question
Now shes ignoring me. I don't think I was overly aggressive, i just said basically that I think its rude and I feel disrespected, I said I'd like for her to speak with me the way that she'd like me to speak with her. Am I wrong for being upset about this
>get a 12-pack of pop
>Get charged $1.20 for tin cans
>people who buy a 40-pack of bottled water pay nothing and throw out all the bottles
Thanks conservatives.
post a link lad
That's a deposit. You could always save your cans and get the money back.
I've YouTube'd clips of the show, and I've never found one that I thought was funny. At least not nearly as funny as the laugh track was making it out to be.
bone yolk
KYS, my man
No you are not wrong.
I do. The point is bottled water comes in plastic bottles and comes with no such deposit, resulting in a lot of extra trash.
Yeah, the merv griffin episode is pretty damn hilarious.
*hexes you* have fun with your impending terminal disease sperg
My best friend is telling me to join team Mystic but I want to join the one Zaptos is on.
Can someone explain what the team thing is all about? I don't want to join a team and get fucked. My friend is back at college and says the entire fucking campus is controlled by mystic. Can I change teams?
Is this pokemon go shit?
can't change teams
teams only matter for controlling gyms (at the moment). if everyone is the same team then it's lame because they'll never be able to fight opposing gyms
just follow your heart
That's weird. There's a deposit on water here.
yeah I think it's kind of dumb but my friend really wants me to join
watching the sopranos again
only thing in this league is bb and the first couple of seasons of got
You are lucky then. Most places don't have a deposit on water bottles. I'm guessing you live in Oregon or some shit.
>google british cow
>its all pictures of bulls
fucking hate google tbqh
What about Oz or the first season of True Detective?
Friends playing this game told me Mystic is a bunch of fags, your friend is a fag!
I joined instinct because everyone in my town is red. Now I can pretty much attack any gym.
h-hi big strong americans and spanish bastardos and FUCKING LEAFERS hehe
never saw oz but your right. the first season of true detective is as good as anything
>Last Mexican post was half an hour
>Every post since then has been American
It's not fun when it's just /u/s
that's funny cause she actually is gay lmoa
It's nice for meeting people. My brother's been playing for a week and already picked up two girls' numbers. My phone is too old, sadly.
Nah, California. It's kinda shitty though because it adds a couple bucks onto a big case of water.