Explain why your country is better than this:

explain why your country is better than this:


protip: you can't

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my country has been a superpower for about a century, and it'll probably still be one in 2030. Are 1 billion pajeets even worth anything?

Mongoloid ice shithole Estonia has less population than one indian village but still better than india 1 billion times

Population seems to have a correlation with shitholes then.
You know... overpopulation and all.

come home brown man

This comic sums it up pretty well.

Niggers chinks indians dont give shit about quality
Alas same happening here
But economic situation hitted mostly bydlo scum with 4-5 children and you know what most of them are heretics mix their oogaa booga shamanic bydlo traditions with islam
Its always bydlos who breed like rabbits/roaches

>implying boratstan isn't a mongoloid shithole

Look who is talking
And I guess you didnt even understand what I wrote

there is a japenese worker who sent to india and he eventually commit suicide there due to much stress

but does everyone poo in loo on streetz? if no then

not that surprising desu, what was his job description?

Probably he was one of that nips who built a subway

Japanese people tend to kill themselves quite often in Japan as well. I'd say it's more a problem with Japanese people than shitting streets.

lol all of our metro stations are imported from korea/japan, because pajeets can't build for shit
heard working there is pretty stressful


I heard he was engaging in like pic related.
He was early 20's and sent over there JUST because he was better at English than other candidates but was't that tolerable to handle all the mess that you know

never tried, want to sometime
why did he commit suicide tho, he should've just returned to japan

Yeah, Japan and S. Korea are the only that aren't third world in the most suicide-committing countries
Wonder why suicide is so common in these two

india probably has that high of a suicide rate bc of farmers taking loans and not being able to pay it off in time

it's always in the papers


Would that be the same reason for the neighboring South Asian countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka?
Also why does your country have high suicide rates? Suicide is a sin and you're majority Muslim

Suicide is not a sin, ye muzlem
Since there is reincarnation people hope that they will be rebirn in Iceland or Denmark so they commit suicide

sup senpai
probably... india is probably better than those two anyways, if you don't take over-population into account

if you go to the cities you can actually see a lot of africans that have immigrated there because it's better than nigeria or w/e, education-wise

Maybe it's a problem with national character more than social problem
We have chicken heart.Look how many Japan flags can't deal with banter

Smh desu at your trip.

do the majority of people in pakistan actually hate india? i haven't really seen any evidence that indians hate pakistanis, except for the usual bullshit like ALL PAKISTANIS = TERRORISTS, MUST KILL

T. Perso-Arabic truck connoisseur.

Reminder that India will remain a third-world-country forever

Vedic Aryan Brahamin with white skin, european countenance and a large loan for his unsuccessful farm.


Why don't they just use a construction vehicle to make a designated shitting hole instead?

nah i don't think so most of pakistanis just envy india. pakistanis consider india as something like their rival but its not even a contest

You fall in hole, stupid westerner die.
You shit on street, Indian die

What do you mean, it's strictly forbidden in Islam and as far as I know reincarnation doesn't exist in Islam either
Uzbekistan is ranked 86 while you're ranked 9, supposedly you guys have similar cultures and living conditions? Why is it so high in Kazakhstan?

Fuck off faggot, you lahori cuck faggot.

Lahore more like La Whore.

probably true unless the shitty government properly implements education. it's quite sad really, our public K-12 is shit, but our public universities are extremely prestigious
too poor to afford the construction vehicles senpai
not enough ₹₹₹

Our unis are quite shit sempai

t. someone that doesn't go to IIT Kanpur/Bombay/Kharagpur/Delhi/Madras

We have a designated shitting city, its called Melbourne

>South Asian Education System


I don't but when 50 state unis in us are better than Indian unis that require you to be in top 0.25%, it's quite a sad state of affairs.

finished my trip from the designated shitting street

IITs are quite good imo, most of the profs have degrees from meme unis like HYPSMC. plus you get to do research internships abroad most of the time, had someone go to CMU for a summer

I suppose, but that's what you get when you have a population of over 1 billion.

mb meant to reply to

Blame your superior perso-arabic ancestors, the mughals who preferred to spend fucktons on tombs instead of building proper schools and universities.

Please return tombs and also Kashmir.

I want a Taj Mahal in Lahore, we already have a knock-off Eiffel Tower

fuck you OP. are you a special snowflake?
every country has fucktons of poof people unable to meet ends meet. If you can't work hard and make a better life ,than fuck you. you lazy cuck.
I too was born in poverty but worked hard and made into NIT.
Do you think everyone is born with a silver spoon?