Americans, is this correct?

Americans, is this correct?

What fucking criteria does this use?


Not really

>Nebraska is the best state to live


The UN Official Bestness Rating Index

t. honorary American

if you like living the boonies of course


not really

best places are mid-atlantic states, then new england, then west coast, then southern states, and lastly mid-west.

Americans, do you really have a unique opinion about each state?

yeah post loli on Sup Forums and you'll see people crying about it

>Population Density (The lower the worse)
>Highest Unemployment Rates
>Adjusted Median Income (Median income adjusted for the cost of living)
>High Housing Vacancy Rate
>Education (Low expenditures per student and high Student Teacher Ratio)
>Long Commute Times
>High Crime
>The Worst Weather

But there are 50 of them. You probably can't tell where each one of them is located.

There's no way that isn't subjective so this entire thread is irrelevant

t. #39

It has the worst states down 100% (except Maine)

Why is New England so low? They have some of the highest wages and best living standards in the whole country.

Arizona is objectively the best place to live in the country.


Dark is bad light is good
That chart says New England is good

Yes, most of those are subjective

>High crime

Are you one of those "I get mugged once a year, that just makes me streetsmart yo" types

Maine is the only low one, and that's because Maine is a desolate wasteland of lobsters and old people


Maine is one of the lowest crime rate states in the country (and the world) and is rated as one of the worst states on that map. So clearly crime rates do not have a big influence for this map.

>Some people like being mugged less. All power to them, but I live differently. I like the freedom to be mugged when I feel like it. I respect their opinion, but I would never consider living like that.

>do you really have a unique opinion about each state?
More like opinions for regions. SoCal is a hellhole, Midwest is boring, Upper Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states are great if you like nature, etc


i live in nebraska and it's pretty nice here

strong white middle class: the state

>Europoors will never know what it's like to go to a college handegg game
Are their lives even worth living?

I thought new hampshire was one of the best?

>Europoors will never know what it's like to slurp fake cheese out of an air can and look for people to shoot in the back of your alley for free pokemons

I used to live in WA, it was great.

they're quite the experience. although im more of a baseball guy myself.

we have our strengths and weaknesses

It's a meme study anyway

NH is not densely populated and we have very cold winters so it gets rated much lower because of that.

>Flyovers all the best

The south is accurate though. Otherwise, central Atlantic/New England is probably the best, Maine should not be #19.

I'll concede that Lincoln is actually a really nice city, Omaha looked cool too, but outside of those I'd hate to live in Nebraska.

This Some states maintain their own singular reputations (CA or at least SoCal, Alaska, Texas) but for the most part the larger regions are fairly homogeneous in state character.

what the fuck are you on bruh

Why are Nevada and Arizona considered to be bad? They seem pretty based from an outside perspective, expect for the Mexicans, but Trump is going to solve that problem anyway.


>Why is New Mexico 2 considered so bad, outside of the mexicans?

Arizona is basically conservative retarded Mexicans who think they're rich white republicans: the state

As an overall average by state it's alright

>>Population Density (The lower the worse)
it got it wrong in the first one

Very much so. The states really are a form of micro state. Here in New England they're are radical differences in legislation and culture between states, even within a small total area

The "best" states are incredibly sparsely populated

Real rank:
The best: Maryland
Patrician tier: the north atlantic coast, new england, pacific NW, random parts of california, Minnesota.
Shit: some parts of california, the south, florida, and Arizona
Who cares tier: the rest


Kill yourself coastie


North Atlantics and Pacific Northwests are objectively the best states to live in.

Most of the darker states are full of spics and/or niggers, so yes.

The pale ones have low population density and are almost all white.

If NC is so shitty, why are so many people from NY and Ohio coming here?

Why is Montana not one of the bests?