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I don't get it...
Are you the proxy shit?

>turkmany creating and posting in a /turan/ general

Siteyi acicak miyiz?

Kendim yapamam.
Arastirmistim ama pek bir sey cikmadi.

tahta nokta ch
belkigerceklestirir, torunun beyini olsa onlar yapardi, biri bulunmali
istersen alt yapisini daha cok genisletelim

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Buraya bile dogru durust yazan yok site acilsa veya tahtachde yeni tahta acilsa ne ise yaricak
Once burayi aktiflestirmek lazim

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Yok niye?
'Target group' burala bir olmali degil ki.

shit thread




The Shoku Nihongi is an imperially commissioned Japanese history text.

746年 渤海人及び鉄利人1100人出羽国に漂着
In A.D.746, Bohai people and Tetsuri people drifted and washed ashore on Dewa land in Japan.
It is said that it is possible for Tetsuri people to be Turk.