Has American cancer like Black lives matter and Feminism infested your country?

Has American cancer like Black lives matter and Feminism infested your country?


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In Melbourne yes, we had a black lives matter rally there I think despite having a nigger population of

Toronto has it too. Fuggin commie American professors brought it too UoT.

saw on my facebook feed that the one single black girl i know has moved to Malmö/nigger capital of sweden and is going to attend a dindu lives matter protest there. She was pretty cute and i didnt think she was completly brainwashed, she is spamming about refugees and shit now, sad

Pretty much every country has its own San Fransisco/Detroit but I figure most people don't want to be associated with it. Most feminists circlejerk in Amsterdam while most of the dindus are concentrated in Rotterdam.

>black lives matter

The chemotherapy is keeping it from getting any worse

We have like a hundred niggers and feminists.

Thanks gods no

Feminism was more your thing to be honest

Black Lives Matter protests in countries that aren't America are the definition of liberal retardation because its protesing against a problem thats in fucking America, not Sweden or the UK or the city of lelborne or Canada

>Feminism was more your thing to be honest

No it wasn't, It came here from your crazies and hippies in the 60's and the radicals are all yours too

BLM is soros funded. With more and more people hating them here it's no surprise he wants it to spread into other countries.

>Feminism was more your thing to be honest

That`s such a meme and I don't know why you guys regurgitate it. A huge part of the reason Canada is so le socially ""progressive"" to this embarrassing level is cause we got so many of your fucking SJW idiots up here over the latter half of the last century. It's our problem now, but don't act like WE spread it to YOU.

What's the chemo for feminism?

Crazier feminists in other countries (norway and sweden in our case)

we dont have nearly no blacks in germany.... our prob are the fuckin muslim refugees


We didn't spread it to them, but pretending like Canada isn't more Socially Left than America is dumb.

minorities here are silent and would get exterminated if they tried some shit like ameriniggers and their matter of life.
Still, there used to be a law that only Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats can be presidents (one for each nation), but some jew and a gypsy decided they want to sue bosnia for not letting them have a chance of being presidents. It was the jews idea and the gyppo tagged along for 5% of the money the jew got when he won the case.
And thats about it.

Feminists dont get to drive in and suck dick in expensive cars the redneck diaspora rents when they come home for holidays, and everyone is poor and would murder for a job, so feminism is non existent here. And the liberals and numales, hipsters and other degenerate western shit gets reeducated about what faggotry is allowed and what isnt.
Beards have to be earned and have to look manly, or islamic or serbshit royalist if you are into that kind of shit and tight green pants on men are ridiculed publicly until some edgy hoodlum sack of shit attacks you or robs you.
This Varta flag cunt, if it is actually a cunt, doesnt have much else going for it, but im grateful that the western cultural marxism isnt plaguing it.

I openly acknowledged that in the post m8

Abos do actually face a lot of shit, but they also cause a lot shit.

t. man who has helped in indigenous communities.

Ur right, I'm the one who's dumb.

feminism in the 60's is a completely different beast to it now

I realize, but those 2nd wavers got crazier and more bitter and started to become teachers and are indoctrinating the youth today. That's why Lena dunham and her ilk want to move to Canada. Fortunately we don't get as much exposure as the united states so all of their radicals get heard and not our own because ours are worse.



Nope, only feminism but that's worldwide.

Feminism has always been here

There was a black lives matter protest in London and there was some black woman going on about how she is never taking her children to America because they'll get shot

I live in Serbia and here, nothing American can get to us

Feminism was a post French Revolution thing that has been prevalent in most Western cunts.

Not really from what I know (I'm not the outdoors type though LMAO) but I do remember a year or so ago there was a black teen shot by the police. That caused some butthurt.
No, because Dutch women already dominate every aspect of Dutch society.

>black teen shot by the police.
>That caused some butthurt

Last time there was a black person shot by some police, there was a lot of butthurt

like, quite a bit

they keep interrupting gay pride parades for whatever fucking reason so people are starting to slowly hate them

to be fair, not all of the people were butthurt, it was just people looking for an excuse to burn down historic buildings

and to steal bags of rice

In some meaning. Not like it's happening in the west. But we have the matriarchal society and a woman usually values more than a man.

blm not really. feminism among youbg girls from big cities is very popular

Anita came from Canada you leaf.

Meme aside, aren't you swarmed by refugee?

Canadians seem to forget that the feminism shit started big time over there with that dental school incidence where some male students made a facebook page about some chick's appearance. they had huge fucking protests to expel the students over facebook comments about women's looks.

it started with you Leafs.



Nope, we got Feather apes and spics have to deal with though. The Indians always cry about some made up genocide.

Canadian tolerance has penetrated deep into my country.

Pic related: new police cars for a Texas city

if dubs Texas will join Russia next year


Honestly not surprised

just one rally in lelbourne.

FUCKING YES. I hate how this is prevalent all over the country, not just in our liberal cities. Women are very entitled and "liberated" , and are spoiled by Big Daddy Government

Do bugers understand that time is linear? These are recent examples. This shit came from you and got big here. Canada is irrelevant, it's all you. You're the external cancer, in 20 years you'll blame us for BLM too.

No, because we are intelligent

Wrong Leaf, you guys are cancer with feminism. Iadmit our cancer of BLM but you guys are pussy whipped bitches.

Churchhill laughed at Americans being controlled by their wives. This is all you.

Ironic considering Churchill paid lip service to a female monarch.

Canada is America lite anyways.

not yet no, might have something to do with the fact we don't execute our black people.
Though rarely we have can have problems like the Rhodes Must Fall campaign, and with colonialism etc.